Culture: Hobgoblin Culture

Hobgoblin Culture

Hobgoblin Culture is one of Eyom's major cultures. It's reach covers 130,248 square kilometers in western Eyom, and is comprised of aproximently 2,253,125 individuals in urban centers. Much like their sister culture (Goblin Culture), Hobgoblins are largly rural. Making their urban population not representative of their numbers or their culture's impact. Unlike their sister culture, Hobgoblins primarily live in settled locations, though perfer small forts, hamlets, and otehr such communities of a size unsuitable for placment on standard imperial maps. These locations are selected based on strategic merits over more conventional concerns such as convienance, habatibility, and agracultural viability. Concequently, millitary action against areas controlled by Hogboblin Culture is not advised.


Hobgoblins, while related to Goblins and sharing their sister species' orgins, lack the sex drive known to Goblin Kind. They are instead optimised for combat, forming the other side to the anceit Wood Elven attempt at a self-perpetuating army. Concequently, they see fighting as play, at least amongst each other and in times of peace. As their design is most resiliant in terms of how much punishment a Hobgoblin can endure before actual harm occures, partisipation in their sporting events is not advised.

A notable aspect of Hobgoblin scociety is the general lack of biological hobgoblins within their communities. Their general prefrence for active roles and especialy solgiering duities places the majority of the species's population out in the fields, ont he roads, and otherwise occupied near, but not quite in their settlments. This has resulted in a caste system where hobgoblins form the millitary and all logistics posisions, and other peoples who live within their lands take up traditionaly civilian occupations such as shouemakers, bakers, and tanners. These individuals are highly rexpected by the Hobgoblin millitary in a general reverasl of typical millitary disctatorships.


The majority of Hobgoblin Culture's art is essentially commissioned by academics and universities. Artistic endevors are exclusively funded through public trusts, while artists themselves are generaly treated as a means to an end. Hobgoblin Culture uses the majority of its art for educational purposes, primarily by illuminating texts for ease of understanding. Hobgoblin Culture also uses its art for: swaying public opinion towards specific goals, dissecting cultural norms, immortalizing key figures of history, general recreation as a hobby, and remembering the dead.

Hobgoblin Culture has two major laws relating to the creation of art:

  1. No work of art may directly criticize the government.
    1. Art may critique ideas, people, and plans.
    2. Institutions are to be respected, and treated seriously. Their actions, not so much.
  2. Art may not depict obceen acts.

Art is concidered to be taboo if it depicts violence against children, containg oxplatives or other obseen content, or sexualizes the subjects. Works which are either illegal or taboo are enshrined by those it resonates with, and dessicrated by those it provokes.

Durring this Cycle, the Hobgoblin Culture greatly favored the literary arts. They primarily focused on literary fiction, with their greatest works consisting of writing created with the express purpose of shaming and-or exposing precieved flaws within others. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the author Mpfé̄ Së̋ Nīkī́̄̄̄ Goī̄s, whose works are typically the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Hobgoblin Culture's artwork of the current era.

In the Visual Arts, they primarily focused on sculpting, with their greatest works consisting of sculptures which are created, then affixed to a flat surface of the same medium as the sculpted element to give the impression the sculpture is rising out of the flat section. Their art showed a particular emphasis on colors, forms, and intensity. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the sculpter Jóch Bë̌s Hä̋chī Mboida̋sh, whose works are typicaly the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Hobgoblin Culture's artwork of the current era.

In the Preforming Arts, they primarily focused on theater, with their greatest works consisting of plays consisting primarily of poems which have been expanded upon with distinct rolls and actors, usually to tell a story, but occasionally to recant events, or codify mythology and often with each poem being written to tell a specific part of the drama. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the thesbian Gāsh Jóō Mētḩlāy Yä̌sh, whose works are typicaly the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Hobgoblin Culture's artwork of the current era.

Pop Culture

Hobgoblin Culture's popular culture is dominated by theater and dance. These arts are made avalible to the public through the kindness of patrons.

Hobgoblin Culture is comprised of a mishmash of the arts of cultures they have wared with, more than things they ahve created themselves. They are masters of mixing and matching concepts from diffrent cultures and diffrent times to create artistic fusions. This behjavior is ancient, dating back to their first conquests. It is a fulminating couldron which bubbles and foams eturuanly over their raging fire. Nothign is ever out of fashion, or old hat. It simply is moved arround, coliding with new concepts. An eturnal revision of all artistic concepts.

Please wait for the inevetable diluge of article sin the Journal Anthropological for any true incites into Hobgoblin pop art.

High Culture

Hobgoblin Culture's high culture is comprised almost entirly of historic renactments of not only battles, but also how daily life was in a given piriod.

This concept is referd to as "living history" by the hobgoblins, and is part performance art, part anthropology. The performors do their best to prefectly replciate key battles, down to the most minute detail, performing them for audiences on a bi-monthly basis. FOr those who wish to partake without attending a schedualed event, there are entire false towns where everything is kept as it was durring a specific year. Guests can simply tour the town at their liesure, intracting with performancers/residents as they see fit. Concequently. Hobgoblins tend to be very well infomred abou ttheir hsitory.

There are also "pickup battlefields" where people can simply ashow up as they please, and be allowed to fight whoweaver else has arrived that day in historica methods of battle. This is more sport than art, but does bear mentioning given the passionate dedication of performers/combatants, judges, costumers, and spectators in reguards to keeping everything accurate. Instances of individuals being ejected from a bout due to uising a martial art one year too young are common.

Communication And The Spread Of Ideas

Hobgoblin Culture is rather fond of newsprint, and arcane point-to-point communcation tools. While primitive, they suit their cultural needs prefectly. INfomration is distributed in a top-down arrangment within their culture. People who need to know, will be told. Those who do not, wont.

This isn't an act of cencorship, ratehr it's a means of cutting down on arguments. Hobgoblins, for whatever reason, appear to enjoy arguing. Not debating. Arguing. Inorder for their culture to acomplish anything, there must be a general concencus on basic facts. If distupted, arguing occures, drowing everyting else untill a concencus has been achieved. COncequently, their governing bodies have those arguments for the majority of their people, and then pass down orders and instructions on what actiosn to take. The sanctity of orders and institutions are thus paramount, as they are what allow their civilization to exist in a functional state.

Hobgoblin culture does make use of libraries. These are filled with mostly outdated but usefull infomration, and often used for groups to find something to argue about. Hence, the general percetion of this being something Hobgoblins enjoy. They also value knolage highly, seeing infomration as a worthy war prise, or tribute, roughly equal to a sizable ammount of gold, but less so than a few barges of practicla resources such as water, fertiliser, and armor (which they wear as clothing).


The major Hobgoblin Culture holidays are:

  1. Vetren's Day
    1. Vetren's Day is a Hobgoblin holiday centered arround celebrating the lives of solgiers, fallen and breating. It is not a eventful holiday in the way most cultures would think of holidays. There are no fairs, parrades, or organised games. Instead, the local community of each settlment puts their town on its best footing. Everything is cleaned. Everything is freshly stocked. Everyone goes about their normal daily buisness, having a good time in the simple ways of every day life.
      The solgiers, meanswhile, walk. Wherever their whims take them. They eat and drink for free and simply take in the community as it is at its best. It is a way for those solgiers to see that which they fought for realised in as close to a prefect way as can be. Once the sun has set, the entire community will gather at local war memorials, and a simple remembernce cermony is held. Drinks are occasionaly provided, but this is not an official part of the holiday. In essence, it's a day of peace for Solgiers.
  2. Founding Day
    1. Founding Day is a holiday, in a sence. It is best described as a week of intence cleaning, polishing, and hiding-of-messes (diplomatic, logistical, and litteral) before Priestess of Tol come from Lin Forest to check on their cousions and make sure everything is okay and going well. This includes an Avatar of Tol, who will visit communities at random to ensure those members of her chosen people who perfer to live on their own are doing well, happy, and safe.
      It is, genuinly, much akin to a young adult having their mother come ot their home for a visit. With all scholastic honesty, the look, feel, and sence of relief everyone feels once the visit-but-realy-an-insepction is over make the entire event feel exactly like such simple familial struggles, only scaled to the size of a nation.
  3. Bread Week
    1. DUrring Bread Week, every hobgoblin will try to cook. At least once. The holiday involves a great deal of drinking, corousing, and ssporting events to help distract people from the horrors of Hobgoblin cooking. This statment has been made with all due respect, and on the advisment of their government. Please avoid hobgoblin cooking. Traditional Hobgoblin recipies are wonderful and delihtfull, if prepared by those who can cook.
  4. Slayer's Eve
    1. Slayer's Week is a celebration of the ancient Dragon Slayers who helped secure the souther bordors of Lin for Hobgoblin kind. It is attended not only by the Hobgoblins, but also by many dwarves, Goblins, many Sylvin, and even a few dragons (Who are greatful for the removal of "annoying neighbors".). The events are primarily renactment based, but plays and fairs are also common. Themed foods, drinks, and "nick-nacks" are sold in large numbers durring the week long festivities.
  5. Fight Night
    1. Its a night, randomly chosen a year in advance, where most everyone partisipates in a local-bracket tournament brawl. The winners of th eprevious year's brawls are pitted against other winners, and so on, with each year having a championship bout. Many fights are themed, and the festivities for the championship finalist fights get larger, more elaborate, and oddly romantic every year.
Gender and Gender Roles

Hobgoblin Culutre does not recognise gender. This isn't a neegative view of the concept, they simply do not seem to care. They recognise diffrnces in males and females, and diffrences in perfered pronouns, but this is the end of it. Simple scientific understanding of reality. The most accurate statment on the topic is they have no time for such things, as they are not relating to warfare. This is most certainly an element of their design.

Universal Fears

The top five most common fears found within Hobgoblin Culture's members are:

  1. Air Pollution
  2. Aberrations
  3. Changes to the Wellfare System
  4. Reptiles [snakes, lizards, etc]
  5. Insurance Fraud

Money and Wealth

In Hobgoblin Culture culture, wealth is seen as a distraction to avoid. The poor do not realise that there is anything they lack, while the wealthy grumble in discontent at having to manage finances. There are little to no opertunities for scocial mobility within Hobgoblin Culture culture, and most of the Hobgoblins express a prefrence for this to remain the case. Broadly speaking, education is mandatory, carrer options are avalible for any who are not biological hobgoblins, homes and family-related infrastructure avalible to everyone, healthcare is free as they are the leading supplier of alchemical health potions, and anyone with the appriopriate motovation can gain scocial or political power.

Food, Meals, and Mealtime

Hobgoblin Culture's members typicaly eat three meals, one at noon, one in the late afternoon, and one at night, which are eaten communialy, with hobgoblins eating with their designated platoon. This is simply due to the needs of their culture, given its millitaristic emphasis and lifestyle.

Some items typical of Hobgoblin Culture cuisine include: tomatoes, squash, corn [and its derivatives, such as hominy and grits] dishes, and deep-pit barbecuing. Many dishes include sugar, flour, milk, eggs, and livestock products, along with a number of vegetables [notably black-eyed peas, okra, rice, eggplant, sesame, sorghum, and melons], and various spices. Popular beverages include sweetened tea, cocktails, and fruit juices.

Hobgoblin Culture culture has several prominant religious festivals and folk festivals, which are cullinarily significent due to a part of the festivles being reserved for use in a right of passage for youths who have recently come of age, when they are given their first distilled alchoholic beverage.

Hobgoblin Culture appears to set the extent of improper dining behavior to simply be not finishing your plate. Polite tablemanners largly consist of having a story to tell that no one has heard before (or at least enjoy hearing again), to allow the majority to eat and listen to the storyteller (who then gets all the btis eveyrone else didn't want in addition totheir meal.).

There is a general superstishion amongst Hobgoblin Culture that if a hobgoblin ahs cooked a dish, it is cursed. Circumstancial evidence supports these claims, but curse dtecting magic is inconclusive.


Hobgoblin Culture's members typicaly prefer to work most of the time, so they do.

Popular adult pasttimes include:

  1. witchcraft
  2. martial arts
  3. endurance training
  4. blacksmithing
  5. riflery

Popular pasttimes for children include:

  1. witchcraft
  2. martial arts
  3. endurance training
  4. blacksmithing
  5. riflery
Charity and Wellfare

In Hobgoblin Culture culture acts of charity are generaly preformed as demontrations of soft power for reasons specific to the doner, or the government. Doners are typicaly seen as powerful and capable individuals by the rest of their culture. Donations are typicaly made to assist children, and other groups in need as they become identified. Intrestingly, some people attempt to manufacture groups in need form time to time simply to donate to them as a display of power. This pagentry is apparently seen as acceptable by Hobgoblin Culture, provided the donor does not keep the money.

As with all of Eyom's cultures, general wellfare is of excelent quality and reach. Food and shelter programs are ubiquitious, even if only to ensure all able-bodies members of scociety are healthy enough to be laborers. Programs to assist the poor with accuiring basic nessities such as clothing, tools for their porfession, etc are also quite common. These institutions are typicaly backed by Gnollish banks, though most nations have set up their own financial institutions to handle these programs affairs more effishently. Such acts are seen as a means of keeping scociety at large healthy and prosperious by limiting non-contributors to those who either cannot, or simply will not be productive mebers of scociety.

Health, Fitness, and Beauty Standards

Hobgoblin Culture has a simple, and easily located, minimum fitness standard for its members. To be seen as physiclay fit, an individual, reguardless of their sex and age, must be capable of the following:

50 push-ups within a minute, 60 sit-ups within a minute, and able to complete a two-mile run in 12 minutes or less

Hobgoblins fully equate fitness and beauty. There is also a general prefrence for darker skin pigmintations, based entirly arround the Goddess THekle, who'se physical capabilities are greatly admired by Hobgoblins.

Hobgoblin Culture holds roughly the same values for mental health as Goblin Culutre, but rather than deal with those who cannot preform the commonly agreed uppon minimum standards for daily life themselves, they wimly send them north for their sisters to tend to. Any who recover or improve are welcomed back with delight, those who are not are never forgotten, but are generaly seen as being better off where they are now. In many ways, this attiude is more akin to that of an emploier taking care of individuals unsuited to labor than a culture or civilization.

While this is simmilar to exhile, it is never seen this way by those it effects. From their perspective, they are being sent to a place with the time, resources, and experteese to help them in a way they need help.

An exception to this is individuals suffering from post traumatic stress. These individuals experiance the oppsite effect, with Goblins sending them to Hobgoblins, most of whom have personal experiance dealing with such problems. The resources for managing, caring for, and even eliminating the syumptoms involved with combat-indused mental disorders are topnotch, and freely given to any in need, including travelers. This boils down to the old Hobgoblin saying "No one likes waking up in the middle of the night to their buddy's uncontrollable screaming."


Hobgoblin Culture is based arround the Hobgoblins' biological need to be a good solgier. Any values they have relate to this concept, thus the entire scociety boils down to loyalty, honor, duity, perserverence, cunning, tenasity, and above all else, bravery. There is no room for other things in their eyes. Unless you're a civilian, in which case you can do whatever you like.


This section of this article cannot be compleated. Hobgoblins lack any concept or awareness of things one can be other than patriotic, reguardless of state which they reside in when interviewed. This viewpoint stops short of jingoism, but passes "avid sports manic". When attempting to explain other ways to view one's contry for the sake of getting the perspective fo Hobgoblin Culture, our explorers and scholars caused genuine emotional distress, and several were assulted for saying something so "unnatural". Hence, we will not be documenting this further (at this time).


Hobgoblins do not care who or what is next to them in their foxholes, so long as they are a solgier.


Some superstitions common to Hobgoblin Culture culture are:

  1. Eating goat meat will cause the growth of facial hair.
  2. Sleeping with your head facing north invites plague.
  3. Chewing gum at night animates zombies.
  4. Proposing a toast with water will curse everyone present.
  5. Getting a haircut on a Tuesday will cause bad luck.
Bad Manners and Insults

Some superstitions common to Hobgoblin Culture culture are:

  1. Gossiping.
  2. Using the Party Mode on a messenger stone in public so everyone has to hear your conversation.
  3. Forcing your way into a conversation.
  4. Sighing during a conversation.
  5. Belittling someone in front of others.

Some commonly used insults in Hobgoblin Culture culture are:

  1. mongoose
  2. piggy-wiggy
  3. dipfuck
  4. mistake
  5. dolt

Family Structures

Hobgoblin families are platoons, lead by a high ranking sargent (if lucky) or a lutienant (if unlucky). Fmaily is everything to Hobgoblins, a statment which has never been more litteral in the history of scholastic envevors. Hobgoblin generaitons are effectivly indistinguishable from one another, and serve along side one another untill their dying day.

Family isn't tracked by any traditional metrics. INstead, Hobgoblin Culture places individuals with their platoon based on need, avalibility, and the individual's skills. Once a part of their group, they are family. Full stop.

Love and Romance

Hobgoblin Culture culture holds the love between friends in the highest esteeme. Of the diffrent varrieties of friendly love, storge [Familiar Love, that of parents and child, or childhood friends] is seen as the most important and sacrad type of bond. The love found between significent others is seen as important, but nowhere near as much as storge. The love found between family members is seen as important, but nowhere near as much as storge.


Hobgoblins are effectivly defined as a culture by their utter lack of sexdrive, and pacients for other people's sex drives.