Eyom Digital Encylopedia



Mustering Yard, Crucible.
Coke Furnices, Crucible.

This is a temporary page intended to allow for navigation to the pages detailing the local regions contained within the Crucible. Please excuse the rough edges. The Eyom Digital Encyclopedia is a very large project.

Làyu̽ âchyi Grasslands
Meyû Bûchæ Forest
Rachi Kâhâ Woodlands
Ëzi-mifî Holt
Êqolê-ihê Êfê Brush
Meyû Chyàve Grasslands
Gûhyu̹ Hàke Forest
Kûrûha Gu̽mû Savannah
Lûna Qûchu̹ Fields
Ràs̺a Gîlà Woods
Kûya Laru̽ Steppe
Kshzàvdè Brush
Umkèd Forest
Sjēopuy̼ùw Woodlands