Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Raked Planes

Raked Planes

Landscape, Raked Planes.
Landscape, Raked Planes.

This is a temporary page intended to allow for navigation to the pages detailing the local regions contained within the Raked Planes. Please excuse the rough edges. The Eyom Digital Encyclopedia is a very large project.

Lûna Ru̹hi Râre Brush
Gêt-coco Shrublands
Jîfk-ve Woodlands
Ètê-cici Woods
Shenê-tizè Holt
Têlêk-fêsebê Woods
Êhë-yîjê Forest
Qe Kayu̹ Brushlands
S̺ume Osi Heath
Lêfîn-kêqë Woodlands
Nêk-cèjèqo Forest
Dulelà Hemu Heathland