Ereo Bone

Ereo Bone

The Ereo is a huge solitary omnivore. A Ereo looks like nothing else, posessing a flat-faced head covered in thick bone-armor plates, two legs lankey ending in broad paws, and . The creature's bones holds special properties. Ereo Bone's properties are entirly mundane and is uniquly useful in the process of bookbinding. Ereo Bone was first discovered by the trader Yä̂fér Cú̄ń 'Ella Loveadri' Vúchvé̄ Mboida̋ch Caw̋nvēs Dhuzono within the Frëtbë Fëldnōd Woodlands in time immemorial. Yä̂fér Cú̄ń 'Ella Loveadri' Vúchvé̄ Mboida̋ch Caw̋nvēs Dhuzono's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 6th century.