Ghq Oil

Ghq Oil

Ghq oil is a wattery dark red oil which smells like freshly cut grass and tastes like orc spit. . Ghq Oil's properties are mostly mundane but augmented with natural magic and is uniquly useful as a light source. Ghq Oil was first discovered by the ranger Haw̄ Gō̄s 'Waves Ophelia' Mbōy Jór Hä̂féó̄ vyim Rovuldrusg within the Schyrë-zögie̜ Heathland in time immemorial. Haw̄ Gō̄s 'Waves Ophelia' Mbōy Jór Hä̂féó̄ vyim Rovuldrusg's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 8th century.