Ierge Verbena

Ierge Verbena

Ierge Verbena is a annual simmilar to Annual Vinca and Narrow-leaved Zinnia which bears delishious produce. Ierge Verbena's properties are a blend of its material nature and magical makeup and is uniquly useful in stone cutting and masonry. Ierge Verbena was first discovered by the weaver Bé̄̄kī Mēbōsh 'Eloise Sheer' Vûf̄sh Séńó̄ Cú̄sh Vaugh within the Nx-27w Fækh Shrublands in time immemorial. Bé̄̄kī Mēbōsh 'Eloise Sheer' Vûf̄sh Séńó̄ Cú̄sh Vaugh's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 2nd century.