Kqullau Shrub

Kqullau Shrub

Kqullau Shrub is a shrub simmilar to Filbert Shrub and Holly Bushes, which is most poisionious. Kqullau Shrub's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in the creation of glass. Kqullau Shrub was first discovered by the alchemist Sé̄kidī Rākīr 'Robbi Zeni' Vúó̄shv Gär Réch Wudush within the Kûgû Obû Fields in time immemorial. Sé̄kidī Rākīr 'Robbi Zeni' Vúó̄shv Gär Réch Wudush's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 2nd century.