Nguetigeq Offal
The Nguetigeq is a giant solitary carnivore. A Nguetigeq looks like nothing else, posessing a sharp head covered in thick bone-armor plates, four legs powerful ending in broad paws, and a long reptilian-like. The creature's organs holds special properties. Nguetigeq Offal's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in stone cutting and masonry. Nguetigeq Offal was first discovered by the alchemist
Ha̋më̌ Gaw̄̄b 'Buble Bucket' Ya̋mpf̄̄ Mpf̄bó̄ Coī Wiegold within the
Qåb Våneh Heathland durring the early 15th century in spring of the year 1427.