Tturengough Milk

Tturengough Milk

Tturengough milk is a wattery slate milk with a green sheen which smells like a thousand hobos, with a thousand different diseases, took turn peeing in it for a thousand years. Then, just to spice things up, they ate nothing but plague rats for a year and filled the room containing the oil to the ceiling with vomit. Only for maggots to eat that vomit, die, and rot to dust. The dust attracted a colony of fruitbats who ate nothing but durians for another thousand years, leaving the rotting bits of fruit they dropped to fester on the floor. Then just before you sniffed the oil some poor janitor came in to clean the place and chose to light themselves on fire, adding the smell of burnt meat and human hair to the cocktail of tangible filth before you. That's from a ten minute walk upwind of the stuff. It tastes like candy.. Tturengough Milk's properties are entirly mundane and is uniquly useful for making dye. Tturengough Milk was first discovered by the rancher Paz Lilàbíh within the Ánánd-jipt Woods in time immemorial. Paz Lilàbíh's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 2nd century.