Liquid Aighppknor

Liquid Aighppknor

liquid Aighppknor is a thin magenta fluid with slate ribbons running through it which smells like pears and tastes somewhat like rum. . Liquid Aighppknor's properties are mostly magical in nature, but do make use of its natural makeup and is uniquly useful in the construction of armor. Liquid Aighppknor was first discovered by the traveler Jó̄̋ Maw̋ 'Girl Lovesio' Vúńó̄s Nīr Vú̄̌sh Mp̪f̄shv Yāstoīs within the Wíhzàgà Woodlands in time immemorial. Jó̄̋ Maw̋ 'Girl Lovesio' Vúńó̄s Nīr Vú̄̌sh Mp̪f̄shv Yāstoīs's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 7th century.