Liquid Ffgey

Liquid Ffgey

liquid Ffgey is a thick rose fluid which smells like honey and tastes like rusty metal. . Liquid Ffgey's properties are mostly magical in nature, but do make use of its natural makeup and is uniquly useful in creating perfumes. Liquid Ffgey was first discovered by the mage Rä̋ch Mbó̄kīnḱ 'Foxxy Ophelia' Mpf̄shīy Coīy Béō Shumarza within the Hārsi̊shāv Holt in time immemorial. Rä̋ch Mbó̄kīnḱ 'Foxxy Ophelia' Mpf̄shīy Coīy Béō Shumarza's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 6th century.