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Air Elemental, Elder

Air Elemental, Elder

Air Elemental, Elder

Elder Air Elemental CR 11

XP 12,800
N Huge outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19

AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 16 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –2 size)
hp 152 (16d10+64)
Fort +14, Ref +21, Will +7
Defensive Abilities air mastery; DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits

Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +25 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 27, 10-60 ft.)

Str 28, Dex 33, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +16; CMB +27; CMD 49
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved InitiativeB, Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Acrobatics +30, Escape Artist +30, Fly +34, Knowledge (planes) +19, Perception +19, Stealth +22
Languages Auran

Air Mastery (Ex)

Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.

Environment Plane of Air
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none

Air elementals are fast, flying creatures made of living air. Primitive and territorial, they resent being summoned or doing the bidding of mortals, and much prefer to spend their time on the Plane of Air, swooping and racing through the endless skies.

An air elemental prefers to attack flying or otherwise airbone targets, not only because its mastery over flight gives it a slight advantage, but also because it detests the thought of having to touch the ground. An air elemental can move underwater, and although it is an elemental and thus runs no risk of drowning, it has no ranks in Swim and loses much of its speed and mobility when underwater.

This cloud-like creature has dark hollows reminiscent of eyes and a mouth, and a howling wind whips it into ominous shapes.

An elder air elemental is 40 feet long and weighs 12 pounds.