Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Gods of Eyom

Gods of Eyom

Gods of Eyom

Eyom is home to many divines. While those outside of the God Wall knew there were at least three divine powers on Zo, we did not expect the sheer number of divinities discovered within the God Wall. This document is an indexed list of all deities, containing paths to descriptions of each of them as well as their churches.

The index is arranged alphabeticaly, and contains the most basic infomration of each god. Their name, circle of power, ethical and moral stance (as per the Eyomic 9 realms system), their domains, the name of their divine realm, and what kinds of mortal servents they employ / create.

For the purposes of this document, the divine circles are abrieviated as follows:

  1. Hero-Deity HD
    1. Indiviuals of exceptional power which have the potential to shed their mortal shell and become divine.
    2. Almost never accend further, typicaly seen as the capstone of mortal power.
    3. The most powerful figures of modern myth. Known to all, but seen as larger than life figures. Not gods.
    4. Technicaly posessing a spark of true divinity, forged through the sheer revinment and strengthening of their souls.
  2. Quazi-Deity QD
    1. The lowest powered true gods.
    2. Effectivly the threashold of mortal and divine.
    3. Often figures of folklore not yet revered by many mortals.
  3. Demi-Deity DD
    1. The rank and file of divinities, often serving as the lutienants of other gods, equaly often members of a panthion with a single vital duity to serve within the panthion.
  4. Lesser Deity LD
    1. A powerful divine serving one large group of mortals.
    2. Patron gods of a nation, industry, ethnisity, etc.
  5. Intermediate Deity ID
    1. The Lords of divinities, powerful gods to whom other gods owe fielty or must respect due to their sheer power.
  6. Greater Deity GD
    1. Gods of gods, bordering on divine from the prespective of lesser divinities.
  7. Sidereal S
    1. Primordial archatypes which shape the world through their very being.
    2. Embodyments of elements of nature, places, peoples, etc.
    3. Above the hiarchy of divinities, yet also the bedrock of the hiarchy itself.

Name Divine Circle Alignment Domain(s) Realm Priest Type Clerics Paladins Other
The Legion of Champions HD LG Glory (heroism) The Hall of Champions Vigilanties Y Y Ninjas
Hospitalar DD NG Healing The Operating Theater Healers Y Y N/A
Thekel ID CG Liberation (Self-Realization), Luck (Fate), Nobility (Leadership), War The City of Omlar Witches N N Calad
Kodek DD LN Knowledge (Education), Law Nye Witches Y Y N/A
The Kami ID TN Sun (Light), Darkness (Night), Earth, Fire, Air, Water Divheim Oracles Y N Summoners
Tol S TN Animals, Charm (Lust and Love), Jungles, New Life, Plants, Weather Lin Forest Witches Y N Shaman, Rangers
Mountain Gods DD CN Earth, Fire, Air, Water Various Demi-Planes Shaman N N Rangers, Slayers
Basilisk LD LE Time, Destruction (Catastrophe), Law (Tyranny), Trickery (Greed) The Glade Witches Y N Inquisitors
Old Gorg ID NE War (Blood), Evil, Death (Murder) The New Pit N/A N N Antipaladin
"Suri" S CE Life, Luck (Curse), Trickery (Deception), Law (Tyranny), Chaos (Whimsy) The Sundered Vaults Cleric Y Y Alchemist
Illia S CN Life, Luck (Curse), Trickery (Deception), Law (Tyranny), Chaos (Whimsy) The Sundered Vaults Cleric Y N Wizard