Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Culture Index

Culture Index

Index of Cultures

The following are introductory primers to Eyom's major cultures. Some of these are still works in progress.

Ancient Mountain Culture

A somewhat primitive and poor culture living in mountainious regions all across Eyom. Known for revering the gods of the mountains.


The Culture of the Dalandic Empire, Eyom's newst imperial power and the owner and operator of Eyom's international railway system.


The culture of the subterranian folk living within the Kingdom of Undermountain (aka the Kingdom Under the Mountain).

Gnollish Culture

The culture presently serving as the most sophisticated and wealthy of Eyom's peoples due to its invention and domination of the banking industry, as well as reforming itself from a warrior race into philsophical eliets.

Goblin Cultures

A look into both of Eyom's major goblin-based cultures. These are quite diffrent from most other groups, with both cultures being nomadic, outdoorsy, and practicing free love. Not suitable reading for children, excepting those immigrating to Eyom.

Hobogblin Culture

Relatives of the goblins, though focused far more on the way of war than the way of nature. Known for their unusual practices in taking over terratory to improve it simply to let it go and fight it again.

Sylvin Culture

The orgional human culture, from which all others everywhere on Zo sprang. Twisted by the two Sylvin Curses, but otherwise largly intact, or based on the philsophy of the long dead Philisopher-EMperor Sylva the Great.