Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Misc. Index

Misc. Index

Index of Secondary Topics

Secondary Topics are all topics of discussion relating to Eyom which do not fall into the categories of: Peoples, Locations, Nations, and Cultures. You can find them in the index below.

The Aethary

A detailed account of Eyom's unique communications system, which is capable of conveying text, images, sound, illusions, scryings, and can even be visited through the Aetheric Projection spell.

The Afterlife

A short explenation of Eyom's so called "revolving door" of mortality.

The Beast Blood Curse

A detailed look into a blood curse placed on Eyom's humans in the very early of civilization.


A brief article defining and exploring Imperial terms relating to biology, such as humanoid and elvenoid.

Eyom's Calendar

Eyom has a standardized calendar, used by everyone regardless of nationality (local calendars do of course exist). This article summarizes how this calendar works and is used.

Eyomic Currencies

While containing some clerical errors relating to pricing, this article details Eyom's major currencies. Exchange rates and coin denominations are verified as correct. Other figures may be incorrect.

Eyomic Vehicles

A look into the many forms of vehicle available to the people of Eyom, many of which are staples of daily life to their owners.

The Genus Iniuriam Curse

A blood curse effecting humans within Eyom. The curse decouples primary and secondary sexual traits, effectively turning sex from a binary to a gradient, much like gender.

Irus, Lord of Malice

An article on the divine generaly blamed for all of Eyom's ills and suffering.

Legendary Monsters

Eyom is home to a small number of rare and exceptionally powerful monsters. While dangerous, some are helpful, others are harmful. Strangely, most people's lives are uneffected by these god-like creatures.

Eyomic Magic

A detailed account of Eyom's unique magical systems and how to interact with them.

Monster Danger Index

An explenation of the Imperial MDI system, and what a zone's MDI rating thus means for travelers and residents alike.

Mysteries of Eyom

Some of the trange events, entities, and items which have baffled adventurers and scholars alike.

The Planes

Information pertaining to the other planes of existence. Presented here for those in Eyom who may not know what happened to the rest of reality.

State Religions

Short overviews of Eyom's State Religions.

The Trans-Eyomic Railway

An article on Eyom's continent spanning railway network, and the frankly insane engines and trains they make use of.

Warning: Mobile City-Fortress Zelu Beqi

An article on an ancient Zoman super-construct which is active within a small area of Eyom. Presented so travelers who encounter it do not panic.

Gnoll War Rules of Engagement

An article on the stratigic and tatical rules created for the 6th Gnoll War by estemed lawyer Mack Mac Moff.