Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Carbuncle | 0.5 | NN | Small | Aberration |
Sagari | 0.5 | NE | Tiny | Aberration |
Gorbel | 0.5 | NN | Small | Aberration |
Hoyrall | 0.5 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Bogwiggle | 1 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Reefclaw | 1 | CN | Small | Aberration |
Tauslek | 1 | NN | small | Aberration |
Choker | 2 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Eye Sentinel | 2 | LE | Small | Aberration |
T’shann | 2 | NN | Small | Aberration |
Incutilis | 2 | LE | Tiny | Aberration |
Smokeshade | 2 | NE | Tiny | Aberration |
Belabra (Tangler) | 3 | ne | medium | Aberration |
Ettercap | 3 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Fleshwarp, Grothlut | 3 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Gambado | 3 | CN | Medium | Aberration |
Grick | 3 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Gutslug | 3 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Jelly, Marsh | 3 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Snallygaster | 3 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Sudoth | 3 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Urhag | 3 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Fungal Crawler | 3 | NN | Small | Aberration |
Xoraphond | 3 | NE | small | Aberration |
Dust Digger | 4 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Otyugh | 4 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Rufidier | 4 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Scavenger Worm | 4 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Bone Cobbler | 4 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Decapus | 4 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Mimic | 4 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Nightmare Ettercap | 4 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Shriezyx | 4 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Fetid Stray | 4 | NE | Small | Aberration |
Mawler | 4 | NE | Tiny | Aberration |
Hive Larva Swarm | 5 | NN | Fine | Aberration |
Blood Orchid | 5 | LE | Large | Aberration |
Carrion Moth | 5 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Cloaker | 5 | CN | Large | Aberration |
Blightspawn | 5 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Bogwid | 5 | CN | Medium | Aberration |
Crag Man | 5 | ce | medium | Aberration |
Cynosoma | 5 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Fogwarden | 5 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Gibbering Mouther | 5 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Hive Warrior | 5 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Skin Stitcher | 5 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Veinar | 5 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Luma | 5 | LE | small | Aberration |
Queborrin | 5 | NE | Tiny | Aberration |
Havero Tentacle | 6 | NE | Huge | Aberration |
Grimslake | 6 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Hell Moth | 6 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Star Vampire | 6 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Telgrodradt | 6 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Eye of the Deep | 6 | LE | Medium | Aberration |
Lunarma | 6 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Rorkoun | 6 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Rhu-Chalik | 6 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Will-o'-Wisp | 6 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Bonesucker | 7 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Capramace | 7 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Chuul | 7 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Drider | 7 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Tendrul | 7 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Aatheriexa | 7 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Fleshwarp, Halsora | 7 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Trapper | 8 | NN | Huge | Aberration |
Weaverworm | 8 | NE | Huge | Aberration |
Chelarac | 8 | ne | large | Aberration |
Chelicerae | 8 | ne | large | Aberration |
Destrachan | 8 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Hive Brute | 8 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Incutilis Lord | 8 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Neh-Thalggu | 8 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Thessalisk | 8 | NN | large | Aberration |
Cerebral Stalker | 8 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Encephalon Gorger | 8 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Iku-Turso | 8 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Whirlmaw | 8 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Horla | 8 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Intellect Devourer | 8 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Delver | 9 | NN | Huge | Aberration |
Draconid | 9 | NE | Huge | Aberration |
Spider, Sloth | 9 | NN | Huge | Aberration |
Fleshwarp, Irnakurse | 9 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Gohl | 9 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Well Lurker | 9 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Yangethe | 9 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Yrthak | 9 | LN | Large | Aberration |
Bee-Man | 9 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Szaboan | 10 | CE | Colossal | Aberration |
Chyzaedu | 10 | le | gargantuan | Aberration |
Trench Mist | 10 | NE | Gargantuan | Aberration |
Hive Queen | 10 | NE | Huge | Aberration |
Tentacled Horror | 10 | CE | Huge | Aberration |
Brume | 10 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Egregore | 10 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Fleshwarp, Ghonhatine | 10 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Gug | 10 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Hyaleth | 10 | NN | Large | Aberration |
Sigbin | 10 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Crimson Death | 10 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Leng Hound | 10 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Mannstirge | 10 | CN | Medium | Aberration |
Nilith | 10 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Siyokoy | 10 | NN | Medium | Aberration |
Egophage | 10 | CE | Small | Aberration |
Argorth | 11 | ce | huge | Aberration |
Thessalgorgon | 11 | nn | huge | Aberration |
Jubear | 11 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Moon-Beast | 11 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Plizeazoth | 12 | NE | huge | Aberration |
Evil Eye | 12 | LE | Large | Aberration |
Lorelei | 12 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Petrous | 12 | CE | large | Aberration |
Somalcygot | 12 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Syricta | 12 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Charybdis | 13 | cn | gargantuan | Aberration |
Corpse Orgy | 13 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Dwiergeth | 13 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Ghorazagh | 13 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Gibbering Abomination | 13 | CE | Large | Aberration |
Irlgaunt | 13 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Encephalon Gorger Psychic | 13 | CE | Medium | Aberration |
Flying Polyp | 14 | CE | Huge | Aberration |
Grikkitog | 14 | NE | Huge | Aberration |
Vemerak | 14 | CE | huge | Aberration |
Khardajeen | 14 | NE | Medium | Aberration |
Neothelid | 15 | CE | Gargantuan | Aberration |
Blightrat | 15 | ne | huge | Aberration |
Herald of Tsathogga | 15 | CE | Huge | Aberration |
Targotha | 15 | NN | Huge | Aberration |
Scylla | 16 | CE | Huge | Aberration |
Plankta | 17 | NE | Colossal | Aberration |
Abyssal Custodian | 18 | CE | Gargantuan | Aberration |
Thessalhydra | 18 | NN | Gargantuan | Aberration |
Kilblain | 18 | NE | Large | Aberration |
Quantum | 20 | NN | Huge | Aberration |
Cherum | 22 | NE | Colossal | Aberration |
Havero | 24 | NE | Colossal | Aberration |
Drakainia | 25 | NE | Huge | Aberration |
Gibbering Orb | 27 | CE | Huge | Aberration |
D’ziriak | 30 | CE | Colossal | Aberration |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Bat | 0.125 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Lemming | 0.125 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Toad | 0.125 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Fish, Quipper | 0.125 | NN | Fine | Animal |
Hedgehog | 0.125 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Kakapo | 0.125 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Puffin | 0.125 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Chicken | 0.15 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Hare, Arctic | 0.15 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Jerboa | 0.15 | NN | diminutive | Animal |
Parrot | 0.15 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Ptarmigan | 0.15 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Raven | 0.15 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Tern, Arctic | 0.15 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Lizard | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Lizard, Horned | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Mole | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Platypus | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Rabbit | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Sloth | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Turtle | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Squirrel | 0.2 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Tarsier | 0.2 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Tauhoti | 0.2 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Porcupine | 0.24 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Armadillo | 0.25 | nn | Tiny | Animal |
Cat, Common | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Cat, Margay | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Dodo | 0.25 | NN | Small | Animal |
Donkey Rat | 0.25 | NN | Small | Animal |
Fish, Pufferfish | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Fox | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Herd Animal, Deer | 0.25 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Herd Animal, Sheep | 0.25 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Keulia | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Koala | 0.25 | NN | Small | Animal |
Lich Newt | 0.25 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Meerkat | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Otter | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Peafowl | 0.25 | NN | Small | Animal |
Primate, Monkey | 0.25 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Rat | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Skunk | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Snark | 0.25 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Trilobite | 0.25 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Tuatara | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Lamprey | 0.33 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Rock Tuatara | 0.33 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Salamander, Fire | 0.33 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Skua | 0.33 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Blackwisp Egret | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Bulldog | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Caiman, Dwarf | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Cetacean, Dolphin, Popoto | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Dog, Common | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Hawk | 0.33 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Herd Animal, Goat | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Owl | 0.33 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Penguin | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Swan, Trumpeter | 0.33 | NN | Small | Animal |
Thrush | 0.33 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Pig | 0.3333 | NN | Small | Animal |
Seal | 0.3333 | NN | Small | Animal |
Wallaby | 0.3333 | NN | Small | Animal |
Apollo | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Badger | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Badgerhound | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Barracuda, Small | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Blond Mastiff | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Bull Mastiff | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Cetacean, Dolphin (Common) | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Copsewight | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Dinosaur, Compsognathus | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Eagle | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Emu | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Frog, Poisonous | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Herd Animal, Antelope | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Herd Animal, Llama | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Hydrus | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Jackal | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Jackal, Switchback | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Marsupial, Kangaroo | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Marsupial, Thylacine | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Panda, Red | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Primate, Baboon | 0.5 | NN | small | Animal |
Primate, Mandrill | 0.5 | NN | small | Animal |
Raccoon | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Ray, Stingray | 0.5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Skittergoat | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Snake, Cobra (Spitting) | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Snake, Viper | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Squid, Vampire | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Vulture | 0.5 | NN | Small | Animal |
Weasel | 0.5 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Bacallia | 1 | nn | Medium | Animal |
Bull Mastiff, Giant Fiendish | 1 | NN | Large | Animal |
Deer, Ringhorn | 1 | nn | Medium | Animal |
Dinosaur, Troodon | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Dog, Corgi, Dire (3pp) | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Dog, Goblin | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Dog, Riding | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Faerie Mount | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Fish, Archerfish (Giant) | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Fish, Caribe (Giant) | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Fish, Dragonfish | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Fish, Gar | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Fish, Hagfish (Slimy) | 1 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Fish, Piranha (Mature) | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Fish, Stumble Fish | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Fish, Tiger | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Frog, Giant | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Frog, Killer (3pp) | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Grasshopper Mouse, Dire | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Herd Animal, Camel | 1 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Elk | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Herd Animal, Ram | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Herd Animal, Stag | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Horse | 1 | NN | Large | Animal |
Hyena | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Land Lamprey | 1 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Octopus | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Onwu Azu | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Ostrich | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Porcupine, Dire | 1 | NN | small | Animal |
Primate, Ape (Orangutan) | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Primate, Chimpanzee | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Primate, Giant Marmoset | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Raven, Giant | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Ray, Manta | 1 | NN | Large | Animal |
Reindeer | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Sea Crawler | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Snake, Sea | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Snake, Venomous | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Squid | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Tortoise, Giant | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Tullimonstrum | 1 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Whisper Vulture | 1 | NN | Small | Animal |
Wolf | 1 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Alligator | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Axe Beak | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Barracuda, Swamp | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Bat Swarm, Underworld | 2 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Boar | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Cheetah (Cat, Great) | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Crocodile | 2 | NN | large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Plesiosaurus | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Velociraptor | 2 | NN | Small | Animal |
Dogmole | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Eel, Electric | 2 | NN | Small | Animal |
Emperor Bird | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Falcon, Giant | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Fish, Swordfish | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Fish, Tiger Barb (Giant) | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Fox, Fading | 2 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Frog, Poisonous Swarm | 2 | NN | Diminutive | Animal |
Gallerok | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Aurochs | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Elk (Giant) | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Elk (River) | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Ram, Barbed | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Leopard (Cat, Great) | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Lynx (Cat, Great) | 2 | NN | Small | Animal |
Megafauna, Moa | 2 | NN | large | Animal |
Mome Rath | 2 | NN | medium | Animal |
Panda | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Porcupine, Giant | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Primate, Ape (Gorilla) | 2 | NN | large | Animal |
Primate, Monkey Swarm | 2 | NN | tiny | Animal |
Shark | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Shocker Lizard | 2 | NN | Small | Animal |
Snake, Asp | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Snake, Constrictor | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Snake, Swarm | 2 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Wolf, Dire | 2 | NN | Large | Animal |
Wolverine | 2 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Barracuda, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Bear, Black | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Cetacean, Narwhale | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Crocodilian, Marine Crocodile | 3 | NN | large | Animal |
Digmaul | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Dinosaur, Deinonychus | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Dinosaur, Dimetrodon | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Enchanter Heron | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Fish, Piranha Swarm | 3 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Frog, Goliath | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Hamster, Giant | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Giraffe | 3 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Herd Animal, Moose | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Jaguar (Cat, Great) | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Leopard, Snow (Cat, Great) | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Lion (Cat, Great) | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Lion, Mountain (Cat, Great) | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Lizard, Narav | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Murder of Crows | 3 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Primate, Ape (Dire) | 3 | NN | large | Animal |
Raven Swarm | 3 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Snake, Cobra (King) | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Stag, Emperor | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Vvor | 3 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Walrus | 3 | NN | Large | Animal |
Bear, Brown (Grizzly) | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus | 4 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Eel, Electric (Dire) | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Fish, Giant Stargazer | 4 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Fish, Pike, Giant | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Frog, Giant Dire (3PP) | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Bison | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Elk (Megaloceros) | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Herd Animal, Scythe Horn | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Hippopotamus | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Rhinoceros | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Shissah | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Snake, Swarm (Venomous) | 4 | NN | Tiny | Animal |
Tiger (Cat, Great) | 4 | NN | Large | Animal |
Tuatara, Giant | 4 | NN | large | Animal |
Badger, Deep | 5 | nn | Large | Animal |
Barracuda, Dire | 5 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Barracuda, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Bear, Polar | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Cetacean, Orca (Killer Whale) | 5 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Crocodilian, Saltwater Crocodile | 5 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Ceratosaurus | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Kentrosaurus | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Megaraptor | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Nothosaur | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Styracosaurus | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Eel, Giant Moray | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Eel, Gulper | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Fish, Bladefish | 5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Fish, Giant Blowfish | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Frog Father | 5 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Megafauna, Archelon | 5 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Megafauna, Embolotherium | 5 | NN | large | Animal |
Megafauna, Kaprosuchus | 5 | NN | huge | Animal |
Megafauna, Megatherium | 5 | NN | huge | Animal |
Smilodon (Saber-Toothed Tiger) (3pp) | 5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Smilodon, Homotherium | 5 | NN | Medium | Animal |
Snake, Cobra (Emperor) | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Snake, Constrictor (Anaconda) | 5 | NN | Large | Animal |
Clowder of Cats | 6 | nn | tiny | Animal |
Devil Monkey | 6 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Amargasaurus | 6 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus | 6 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Iguanodon | 6 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Fish, Dunkleosteus | 6 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Fish, Electric Catfish (Giant) | 6 | NN | Large | Animal |
Lion, Cave (Cat, Great) | 6 | NN | Large | Animal |
Megafauna, Chalicotherium | 6 | NN | large | Animal |
Megafauna, Glyptodon | 6 | NN | large | Animal |
Oliphant | 6 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Titanboar | 6 | NN | Large | Animal |
Ujaheim | 6 | NN | Large | Animal |
Arsinoitherium, Floodslain | 7 | NN | Large | Animal |
Bear, Dire | 7 | NN | Large | Animal |
Dinosaur, Allosaurus | 7 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus | 7 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Quetzalcoatlus | 7 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus | 7 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Elephant | 7 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Herd Animal, Grangeri | 7 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Megafauna, Arsinoitherium | 7 | NN | large | Animal |
Megafauna, Deinotherium | 7 | NN | huge | Animal |
Megafauna, Megalania | 7 | NN | huge | Animal |
Megafauna, Uintatherium | 7 | NN | large | Animal |
Smilodon, Dire | 7 | NN | Large | Animal |
War Bull | 7 | NN | huge | Animal |
Cetacean, Crimson Whale | 8 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Crocodilian, Deinosuchus | 8 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Dinosaur, Triceratops | 8 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Tylosaurus | 8 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Lion, Mythical (Cat, Great) | 8 | NN | Large | Animal |
Megafauna, Baluchitherium | 8 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Megafauna, Brontotherium | 8 | NN | huge | Animal |
Primate, Ape, Megaprimatus | 8 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Steam Bear | 8 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Tortoise, Immense | 8 | NN | Colossal | Animal |
Troop, Feral Hog | 8 | NN | medium | Animal |
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus | 9 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Megafauna, Zeuglodon | 9 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Roc | 9 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Squid, Giant | 9 | NN | Huge | Animal |
Cetacean, Whale (Common) | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Dinosaur, Kronosaurus | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Dinosaur, Therizinosaurus | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Skildpadder | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Snake, Constrictor (Giant Anaconda) | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Cameroceras | 11 | nn | huge | Animal |
Dinosaur, Brontosaurus | 11 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Dinosaur, Spinosaurus | 11 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Cetacean, Blue Whale | 12 | NN | Colossal | Animal |
Dinosaur, Diplodocus | 12 | NN | Colossal | Animal |
Megafauna, Basilosaurus | 12 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Dinosaur, Giganotosaurus | 13 | NN | Colossal | Animal |
Megafauna, Elasmotherium | 13 | NN | large | Animal |
Megafauna, Titanoboa | 13 | NN | Colossal | Animal |
Warcat | 13 | NN | huge | Animal |
Double-Headed Snake | 15 | NN | Gargantuan | Animal |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Clockwork Excavator | 0.1667 | NN | Tiny | Construct |
Human Scholar Brain Cylinder | 0.25 | LN | Tiny | Construct |
Poppet, Tiny | 0.33 | NN | tiny | Construct |
Ioun Wyrd | 0.3333 | NN | Tiny | Construct |
Animated Object (Tiny) | 0.5 | NN | tiny | Construct |
Clockwork Songbird | 0.5 | nn | Tiny | Construct |
Clockwork Spy | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Construct |
Poppet, Small | 0.5 | NN | small | Construct |
Robot, Arachnid | 0.5 | NN | Small | Construct |
Homunculus | 1 | NN | Tiny | Construct |
Rune Guardian | 1 | NN | Tiny | Construct |
Animated Object (Small) | 2 | NN | Small | Construct |
Clockwork Familiar | 2 | NN | Tiny | Construct |
Clockwork Overseer | 2 | NN | Small | Construct |
Clockwork Servant | 2 | nn | Medium | Construct |
Gearsman, Recycled | 2 | NN | Small | Construct |
Robot, Mannequin | 2 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Robot, Mechanical Viper | 2 | NN | Small | Construct |
Robot, Repair | 2 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Waxwork Human | 2 | NN | medium | Construct |
Animated Object (Medium) | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Caryatid Column | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Clockwork Goblin | 3 | nn | Small | Construct |
Clockwork, Angel | 3 | NE | Small | Construct |
Combusted | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Wax | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Guardian Doll | 3 | NE | Tiny | Construct |
Necrophidius | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Robot, Scrapyard | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Robot, Security Mannequin | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Sentinel, Bronze | 3 | NN | Small | Construct |
Tattoo Guardian | 3 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Carrion | 4 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Junk | 4 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Libreum | 4 | CN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Mask | 4 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Living Wall | 4 | NN | Large | Construct |
Robot, Gearsman | 4 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Robot, Machine Soldier | 4 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Scarecrow | 4 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Sentinel, Marble | 4 | NN | Small | Construct |
Animated Object (Large) | 5 | NN | Large | Construct |
Clockwork Hound | 5 | nn | Small | Construct |
Cutlass Spider (B6) | 5 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Ice | 5 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Guardian, Graven | 5 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Skinstitch | 5 | NN | Large | Construct |
Skinwraith | 5 | NN | Large | Construct |
Blood Golem | 6 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Clockwork Soldier | 6 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Clockwork, Steed | 6 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Blood | 6 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Totem | 6 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Treasure | 6 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Wood | 6 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Guardian, Golden | 6 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Terra-cotta Soldier | 6 | NN | medium | Construct |
Ushabti | 6 | LN | Medium | Construct |
Aballonian | 7 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Animated Object (Huge) | 7 | NN | huge | Construct |
Clockwork Gunslinger | 7 | nn | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Book | 7 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Flesh | 7 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Mosaic Tile | 7 | NN | Large | Construct |
Robot, Terraformer | 7 | NN | Large | Construct |
Ship Sentinel | 7 | NN | Large | Construct |
Tupilaq | 7 | NN | Small | Construct |
Amalgamite Swarm | 8 | NN | tiny | Construct |
Argent Warden | 8 | lg | medium | Construct |
Cephalophore | 8 | NN | Large | Construct |
Clockwork Guardian | 8 | nn | Medium | Construct |
Clockwork Soldier, Enlightened | 8 | ne | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Bone | 8 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Glass | 8 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Marrowstone | 8 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Pumpkin | 8 | NN | Large | Construct |
Guardian, Gargoyle | 8 | NN | Large | Construct |
Robot, Torturer | 8 | NN | Small | Construct |
Urannag | 8 | CE | Huge | Construct |
Animated Object (Gargantuan) | 9 | NN | Gargantuan | Construct |
Clockwork, Mage | 9 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Alchemical | 9 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Coral | 9 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Sand | 9 | NN | Large | Construct |
Skull Ripper | 9 | CN | Large | Construct |
Aluum | 10 | NN | Large | Construct |
Automaton, Champion | 10 | ln | large | Construct |
Clockwork Mage, Wrathplated | 10 | nn | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Clay | 10 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Lead | 10 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Mushroom | 10 | NN | Large | Construct |
Tiberolith | 10 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Tophet | 10 | NN | Large | Construct |
Animated Object (Colossal) | 11 | NN | Colossal | Construct |
Clockwork Priest | 11 | nn | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Caryatid | 11 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Crystal | 11 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Robot | 11 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Stone | 11 | NN | Large | Construct |
Juggernaut | 11 | NN | Gargantuan | Construct |
Robot, Myrmidon | 11 | NN | Large | Construct |
Taotieh | 11 | NN | Large | Construct |
Clockwork Leviathan | 12 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Clockwork | 12 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Fossil | 12 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Obsidian | 12 | NN | Large | Construct |
Clockwork Assassin | 13 | nn | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Iron | 13 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Iron Archer | 13 | NN | Large | Construct |
Kikituk | 13 | NE | Huge | Construct |
Akaruzug | 14 | LE | Large | Construct |
Clockwork Nautiloid | 14 | nn | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Brass | 14 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Inubrix | 14 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Cannon | 15 | NN | Large | Construct |
Golem, Gold | 15 | NN | Large | Construct |
Grand Defender | 15 | LG | Huge | Construct |
Herald of Law | 15 | LN | Gargantuan | Construct |
Clockwork Dragon | 16 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Dragonhide | 16 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Mithral | 16 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Robot, Annihilator | 16 | NN | Gargantuan | Construct |
Clockwork Fiend | 17 | nn | Medium | Construct |
Golem, Behemoth | 17 | NN | Colossal | Construct |
Golem, Ioun | 17 | NN | Large | Construct |
Robot, Gladiator | 17 | NN | Medium | Construct |
Clockwork Dragon, Steam-Powered | 18 | nn | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Noqual | 18 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Viridium | 18 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Clockwork Goliath | 19 | NN | Gargantuan | Construct |
Golem, Adamantine | 19 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Adamantine, Hell Engine | 20 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Paizo | 20 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Golem, Quantium | 20 | NN | Gargantuan | Construct |
Golem, Quintessence | 20 | NN | Huge | Construct |
Clockwork Reliquary | 21 | cn | Large | Construct |
Golem, Magebane | 21 | NN | Large | Construct |
Devastator | 22 | CE | Gargantuan | Construct |
Charnel God | 23 | ce | large | Construct |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Crystal Dragon, Wyrmling | 2 | CG | Tiny | Dragon |
Drake, Shadow | 2 | CE | Tiny | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Wyrmling | 3 | LN | Tiny | Dragon |
Drake, Fire | 3 | NN | Small | Dragon |
Drake, Ice | 3 | CE | Small | Dragon |
Drake, River | 3 | NE | Medium | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Wyrmling | 3 | LE | Tiny | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Very Young | 4 | CG | Small | Dragon |
Drake, Forest | 4 | LE | Large | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Wyrmling | 4 | CN | Tiny | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Wyrmling | 4 | CG | Small | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Very Young | 5 | LN | Small | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Wyrmling | 5 | CN | CN | Dragon |
Drake, Flame | 5 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Mist | 5 | NE | Large | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Wyrmling | 5 | LG | Small | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Very young | 5 | LE | Small | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Young | 6 | CG | Medium | Dragon |
Drake, Jungle | 6 | NE | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Sea | 6 | NE | Large | Dragon |
False Spider, Pedipalp | 6 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Wyrmling | 6 | CE | Small | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Very Young | 6 | CN | Small | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Very young | 6 | CG | Medium | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Wyrmling | 6 | CE | Small | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Young | 7 | LN | Medium | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Very Young | 7 | CN | Medium | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Juvenile | 7 | CG | Medium | Dragon |
Drake, Frost | 7 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Spire | 7 | LE | Large | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Very Young | 7 | LG | Medium | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Wyrmling | 7 | NN | Small | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Young | 7 | LE | Medium | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Juvenile | 8 | LN | Medium | Dragon |
Drake, Coral | 8 | NE | Medium | Dragon |
Drake, Desert | 8 | NE | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Elemental | 8 | CN | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Salt | 8 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Very Young | 8 | CE | Medium | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Young | 8 | CN | Medium | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Young | 8 | CG | Large | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Very Young | 8 | CE | Medium | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Juvenile | 8 | LE | Medium | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Young | 9 | CN | Large | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Young Adult | 9 | CG | Large | Dragon |
Dragonkin | 9 | LN | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Lava | 9 | NE | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Rift | 9 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Lunar Dragon, Young | 9 | CN | Large | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Juvenile | 9 | CN | Medium | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Juvenile | 9 | CG | Large | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Young | 9 | LG | Large | Dragon |
Solar Dragon, Young | 9 | LN | Large | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Very Young | 9 | NN | Medium | Dragon |
Void Dragon, Young | 9 | NE | Large | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Young Adult | 10 | LN | Large | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Juvenile | 10 | CN | Large | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Adult | 10 | CG | Large | Dragon |
Drake, Ether | 10 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Young | 10 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Juvenile | 10 | LG | Large | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Young | 10 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Young adult | 10 | LE | Large | Dragon |
Vortex Dragon, Young | 10 | LN | Large | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Adult | 11 | LN | Large | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Mature Adult | 11 | CG | Large | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Juvenile | 11 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Young Adult | 11 | CN | Large | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Young adult | 11 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Young | 11 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Time Dragon, Young | 11 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Juvenile | 11 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Adult | 11 | LE | Large | Dragon |
Apocalypse Dragon, Young | 12 | NE | Large | Dragon |
Bliss Dragon, Young | 12 | NG | Large | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Mature Adult | 12 | LN | Large | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Young Adult | 12 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Crypt Dragon, Young | 12 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Edict Dragon, Young | 12 | LN | Large | Dragon |
Havoc Dragon, Young | 12 | CG | Large | Dragon |
Infernal Dragon, Young | 12 | LE | Large | Dragon |
Lunar Dragon, Adult | 12 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Adult | 12 | CN | Large | Dragon |
Paradise Dragon, Young | 12 | LG | Large | Dragon |
Rift Dragon, Young | 12 | CE | Large | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Adult | 12 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Young Adult | 12 | LG | Huge | Dragon |
Solar Dragon, Adult | 12 | LN | Huge | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Juvenile | 12 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Mature adult | 12 | LE | Large | Dragon |
Void Dragon, Adult | 12 | NE | Huge | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Adult | 13 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Old | 13 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Young Adult | 13 | CE | Huge | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Mature Adult | 13 | CN | Large | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Mature adult | 13 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Adult | 13 | LG | Huge | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Young Adult | 13 | CE | Huge | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Old | 14 | LN | Huge | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Mature Adult | 14 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Very Old | 14 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Adult | 14 | CE | Huge | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Mature Adult | 14 | LG | Huge | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Young Adult | 14 | NN | Huge | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Adult | 14 | CE | Huge | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Old | 14 | LE | Huge | Dragon |
Vortex Dragon, Adult | 14 | LN | Huge | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Very Old | 15 | LN | Huge | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Ancient | 15 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Drake, Star | 15 | NN | Large | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Mature Adult | 15 | CE | Huge | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Old | 15 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Old | 15 | CG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Adult | 15 | NN | Huge | Dragon |
Time Dragon, Adult | 15 | NN | Huge | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Mature Adult | 15 | CE | Huge | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Very old | 15 | LE | Huge | Dragon |
Apocalypse Dragon, Adult | 16 | NE | Huge | Dragon |
Bliss Dragon, Adult | 16 | NG | Huge | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Ancient | 16 | LN | Huge | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Old | 16 | CN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Crypt Dragon, Adult | 16 | NN | Huge | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Wyrm | 16 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Edict Dragon, Adult | 16 | LN | Huge | Dragon |
Havoc Dragon, Adult | 16 | CG | Huge | Dragon |
Infernal Dragon, Adult | 16 | LE | Huge | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Very Old | 16 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Paradise Dragon, Adult | 16 | LG | Huge | Dragon |
Rift Dragon, Adult | 16 | CE | Huge | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Very old | 16 | CG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Old | 16 | LG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Mature Adult | 16 | NN | Huge | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Ancient | 16 | LE | Huge | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Wyrm | 17 | LN | Huge | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Very Old | 17 | CN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Old | 17 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Ancient | 17 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Ancient | 17 | CG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Very Old | 17 | LG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Old | 17 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Wyrm | 17 | LE | Huge | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Ancient | 18 | CN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Crystal Dragon, Great Wyrm | 18 | CG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Very Old | 18 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Lunar Dragon, Ancient | 18 | CN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Wyrm | 18 | CN | Huge | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Wyrm | 18 | CG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Ancient | 18 | LG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Solar Dragon, Ancient | 18 | LN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Old | 18 | NN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Very Old | 18 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Void Dragon, Ancient | 18 | NE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Brine Dragon, Great Wyrm | 19 | LN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Wyrm | 19 | CN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Ancient | 19 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Wyrm | 19 | LG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Very Old | 19 | NN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Ancient | 19 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Underworld Dragon, Great wyrm | 19 | LE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Vortex Dragon, Ancient | 19 | LN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Wyrm | 20 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Magma Dragon, Great Wyrm | 20 | CN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sea Dragon, Great wyrm | 20 | CG | Colossal | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Ancient | 20 | NN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Time Dragon, Ancient | 20 | NN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Wyrm | 20 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Apocalypse Dragon, Ancient | 21 | NE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Bliss Dragon, Ancient | 21 | NG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Cloud Dragon, Great Wyrm | 21 | CN | Colossal | Dragon |
Crypt Dragon, Ancient | 21 | NN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Edict Dragon, Ancient | 21 | LN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Havoc Dragon, Ancient | 21 | CG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Infernal Dragon, Ancient | 21 | LE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Paradise Dragon, Ancient | 21 | LG | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Rift Dragon, Ancient | 21 | CE | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Sky Dragon, Great Wyrm | 21 | LG | Colossal | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Wyrm | 21 | NN | Gargantuan | Dragon |
Forest Dragon, Great Wyrm | 22 | CE | Colossal | Dragon |
Umbral Dragon, Great Wyrm | 22 | CE | Colossal | Dragon |
Sovereign Dragon, Great Wyrm | 23 | NN | Colossal | Dragon |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Killmoulis | 0.1667 | CN | Diminutive | Fey |
Tooth Fairy | 0.25 | CE | Diminutive | Fey |
Alpluachra | 0.5 | cn | diminutive | Fey |
Biloko | 0.5 | ne | small | Fey |
Feyling | 0.5 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Gremlin | 0.5 | CE | Small | Fey |
Mite | 0.5 | LE | Small | Fey |
Atomie | 1 | CN | Diminutive | Fey |
Brownie | 1 | NN | Tiny | Fey |
Bulabar | 1 | ln | Tiny | Fey |
Chaneque | 1 | ne | small | Fey |
Faun | 1 | CG | Medium | Fey |
Nixie | 1 | NN | Small | Fey |
Buckawn | 2 | NN | Small | Fey |
Forgotten One | 2 | NN | Diminutive | Fey |
Forlarren | 2 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Fyr | 2 | NN | Small | Fey |
Kapre | 2 | NN | Medium | Fey |
Leprechaun | 2 | CN | Small | Fey |
Ovinnik | 2 | CN | Tiny | Fey |
Redkind | 2 | NE | Small | Fey |
Skin Stealer | 2 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Anhana | 3 | cg | Small | Fey |
Baccae | 3 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Calpina | 3 | CN | Small | Fey |
Domovoi | 3 | CG | Tiny | Fey |
Dryad | 3 | CG | Medium | Fey |
Hellfire Ignis | 3 | NE | Smal | Fey |
Nochlean | 3 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Oakman | 3 | CN | Small | Fey |
Phooka | 3 | CN | Small | Fey |
Quickling | 3 | CE | small | Fey |
Twigjack | 3 | CE | Tiny | Fey |
Biddlywink | 4 | cn | diminutive | Fey |
Dvorovoi | 4 | CG | Small | Fey |
Ekekeh | 4 | NG | Large | Fey |
Fossegrim | 4 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Gerbie | 4 | CG | Small | Fey |
Hidebehind | 4 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Kelpie | 4 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Morgodea | 4 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Satyr | 4 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Thin Man | 4 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Asrai | 5 | CN | Tiny | Fey |
Death Butterfly Swarm | 5 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Fear Eater | 5 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Grimstalker | 5 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Kikimora | 5 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Lampad | 5 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Lurker in Light | 5 | NE | Small | Fey |
Ohancanu | 5 | CE | Large | Fey |
Polevik | 5 | NE | Small | Fey |
Thanatos Fey | 5 | CE | tiny | Fey |
Arctic Druid | 6 | nn | medium | Fey |
Bagiennik | 6 | cn | Small | Fey |
Blighted Fey | 6 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Blodeuwedd | 6 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Darkling | 6 | ce | Large | Fey |
Debased Asrai | 6 | ce | Tiny | Fey |
Grassling | 6 | CN | Small | Fey |
Harvest Haunt | 6 | CN | Tiny | Fey |
Lamp Blighter | 6 | CE | small | Fey |
Redcap | 6 | NE | Small | Fey |
Remacera | 6 | CN | Large | Fey |
Karek | 7 | NN | Small | Fey |
Oceanid | 7 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Sangoi | 7 | NE | Small | Fey |
Boggle | 8 | cn | Small | Fey |
Colossus | 8 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Encantado | 8 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Escorite | 8 | CE | Large | Fey |
Gray Nisp | 8 | CN | Large | Fey |
Shadow Collector | 8 | CN | Small | Fey |
Svartalfar | 8 | LE | Medium | Fey |
Ijiraq | 9 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Leanan Sidhe | 9 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Nuckelavee | 9 | NE | Large | Fey |
Tombstone Fairy | 9 | NE | Small | Fey |
Alp | 10 | cn | Medium | Fey |
Nereid | 10 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Woodwose | 10 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Larabay | 11 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Rabisu | 11 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Banelight | 12 | ne | Medium | Fey |
Rusalka | 12 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Grimm | 13 | NE | Large | Fey |
Kamaitachi | 13 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Ankou | 14 | LE | Large | Fey |
Wrackworm | 15 | CE | Huge | Fey |
Hamadryad | 15 | CG | Medium | Fey |
Muse | 16 | CG | Medium | Fey |
Vilderavn | 16 | NE | Medium | Fey |
Tunche | 17 | CN | Huge | Fey |
Erlking | 18 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Norn | 18 | LN | Large | Fey |
Seilenos | 19 | CE | Medium | Fey |
Whisperer | 20 | NE | Large | Fey |
Glaistig | 21 | CN | Medium | Fey |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Duergar | 0.3333 | LE | Medium | Humanoid |
Grippli | 0.3333 | NN | Small | Humanoid |
Syrinx | 0.3333 | LE | Medium | Humanoid |
Bahgra | 0.5 | nn | Medium | Humanoid |
Funglet | 0.5 | LG | Large | Humanoid |
Locathah | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Humanoid |
Nagaji | 0.5 | LN | Medium | Humanoid |
Dark Dancer | 1 | CN | Small | Humanoid |
Lizardfolk | 1 | NN | Medium | Humanoid |
Munavri | 1 | CG | Medium | Humanoid |
Skulk | 1 | CE | Medium | Humanoid |
Troglodyte | 1 | CE | Medium | Humanoid |
Trollkin | 1 | NN | Medium | Humanoid |
Boggard | 2 | CE | Medium | Humanoid |
Bugbear | 2 | CE | Medium | Humanoid |
Charau-Ka | 2 | ce | small | Humanoid |
Dark Creeper | 2 | CN | Small | Humanoid |
Dark Empath | 2 | cn | Small | Humanoid |
Deep One | 2 | ce | Medium | Humanoid |
Mortic, Angheuvore | 2 | NE | Medium | Humanoid |
Ogrekin (Half-Ogre) | 2 | CE | Medium | Humanoid |
Sasquatch | 2 | NN | Medium | Humanoid |
Dark Slayer | 3 | CE | Small | Humanoid |
Derro | 3 | CE | Small | Humanoid |
Lava Child | 3 | NN | Medium | Humanoid |
Spriggan | 3 | CE | Small | Humanoid |
Dark Stalker | 4 | CN | Medium | Humanoid |
Firbolg | 4 | NN | Large | Humanoid |
Mortic, Jitterbone | 4 | CN | Small | Humanoid |
Udaeus | 4 | NN | Medium | Humanoid |
Wikkawak | 4 | CE | Medium | Humanoid |
Dallo | 5 | NE | Large | Humanoid |
Grove Guardian | 6 | CN | Small | Humanoid |
Gurgist | 6 | NN | Medium | Humanoid |
Karn-Tor | 6 | NE | Large | Humanoid |
Mortic, Lifeleecher | 8 | CE | Medium | Humanoid |
Mortic, Etioling | 10 | CN | Small | Humanoid |
Grandfather of Flowers | 11 | NE | Medium | Humanoid |
Jotunnboar | 15 | CE | Huge | Humanoid |
Gigas, Abyss | 16 | CE | Gargantuan | Humanoid |
Sawdust Slough | 18 | CE | Huge | Humanoid |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Barrow Rat | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Muckdweller | 0.25 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Floating Eye | 0.33 | NN | Diminutive | Magical Beast |
Wizard's Shackle | 0.3333 | NN | Diminutive | Magical Beast |
Brain Rat | 0.5 | nn | tiny | Magical Beast |
Mantari | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Ramidreju | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Sea Urchin, Black Spot | 0.5 | NN | tiny | Magical Beast |
Skiurid | 0.5 | NE | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Skvader | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Stirge | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Vulchling | 0.5 | CE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Almiraj | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Baric | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Blood Hawk | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Clawbat | 1 | nn | Small | Magical Beast |
Coral Capuchin | 1 | nn | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Darkmantle | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Doppelrat | 1 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Echeneis | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Gem Crab | 1 | NN | Diminutive | Magical Beast |
Goldpebble | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Gryph | 1 | NE | Small | Magical Beast |
Krenshar | 1 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Nightcaller | 1 | NE | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Ostovite | 1 | CE | tiny | Magical Beast |
Rakklethorn Toad | 1 | NN | small | Magical Beast |
Sea Urchin, Hunter | 1 | NN | medium | Magical Beast |
Skitter Rat | 1 | CN | Small | Magical Beast |
Tavi (Mongoose Folk) | 1 | NN | small | Magical Beast |
Vapor Rat, Dire | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Witchcrow | 1 | CE | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Witherstench | 1 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Wolpertinger | 1 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Zoog | 1 | CE | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Blindheim | 2 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Blink Dog | 2 | LG | Medium | Magical Beast |
Boreal Wolf | 2 | nn | Medium | Magical Beast |
Cave Moray | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Cinder Wolf | 2 | nn | Medium | Magical Beast |
Clubnek | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Death Dog | 2 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Eel Hound | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Ethereal Rat | 2 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Hippogriff | 2 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Hoar Fox | 2 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Marble Snake | 2 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Muckdweller, Giant | 2 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Phase Flea | 2 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Pseudosphinx | 2 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Psyche Serpent | 2 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Ratling | 2 | CE | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Ronus | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Screaming Devilkin | 2 | LE | Small | Magical Beast |
Sea Urchin, Ravenous Swarm | 2 | NE | tiny | Magical Beast |
Shotalashu | 2 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Sin Seeker | 2 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Slurk | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Soul Nibbler | 2 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Spider Collective | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Thorn Dog | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Water Leaper | 2 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Water Wraith | 2 | CN | Large | Magical Beast |
Worg | 2 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Xiao | 2 | CN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Ankheg | 3 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Babbler | 3 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Bat, Mobat | 3 | nn | Large | Magical Beast |
Bonesnapper | 3 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Burstigeit | 3 | nn | Large | Magical Beast |
Chickcharney | 3 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Chupacabra | 3 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Cockatrice | 3 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Eblis | 3 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Elusa Hound | 3 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Gelid Beetle. Lesser | 3 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Hippocampus | 3 | CG | Large | Magical Beast |
Koarkcitura | 3 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Landwalker Shark | 3 | NN | large | Magical Beast |
Pard | 3 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Pegasus | 3 | CG | Large | Magical Beast |
Retch Hound | 3 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Shasalqu | 3 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Sloth Viper | 3 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Stench Kow | 3 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Tangtal (Dupli-Cat) | 3 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Trollhound | 3 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Unicorn | 3 | CG | Large | Magical Beast |
Ahlinni | 4 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Amphisbaena | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Aranea | 4 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Bat, Doombat | 4 | ne | Large | Magical Beast |
Boalisk | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Bunyip | 4 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Caterwaul | 4 | ce | Medium | Magical Beast |
Cavern Lizard | 4 | nn | Large | Magical Beast |
Chemosit | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Chikfari | 4 | nn | Large | Magical Beast |
Devilfish | 4 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Elawah | 4 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Ercinee | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Griffon | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Hydra | 4 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Kaicharek | 4 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Kamadan | 4 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Karkadann | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Ocean Lion | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Owlbear | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Peryton | 4 | CE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Psychofant | 4 | NN | small | Magical Beast |
Reigon | 4 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Rock Reptile | 4 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Sand Stalker | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Sea Cat | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Sea Urchin, Spear | 4 | NN | large | Magical Beast |
Sha | 4 | LE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Stymphalian Bird (Bronze Beak) | 4 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Thorn Dog, Royal | 4 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Vapor Wasp | 4 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Voonith | 4 | CN | Small | Magical Beast |
Wolf-Spider | 4 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Alebrije | 5 | NN | large | Magical Beast |
Basilisk | 5 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Church Grim | 5 | LG | Small | Magical Beast |
Corpse Rook | 5 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Devil Dog | 5 | CE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Divine Guardian Hydra | 5 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Gorilla Bear | 5 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Grodair | 5 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Hondra | 5 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Leucrotta | 5 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Manticore | 5 | LE | Large | Magical Beast |
Mirror Serpent | 5 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Missing Lynx | 5 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Onyx Deer | 5 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Phase Spider | 5 | NN | large | Magical Beast |
Rat King | 5 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Sea Urchin, Great Diadem | 5 | NN | medium | Magical Beast |
Siren | 5 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx | 5 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Spider Eater | 5 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Tazelwurm | 5 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Thunder Beast | 5 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Tigrilla | 5 | NN | large | Magical Beast |
Tizheruk | 5 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Uraeus | 5 | LG | medium | Magical Beast |
Winter Wolf | 5 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Ahuizotl | 6 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Basilisk, Coldsnap | 6 | nn | Medium | Magical Beast |
Carrion Claw | 6 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Damnation Book | 6 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Danthienne | 6 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Death Worm | 6 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Genie-touched Horse | 6 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Girallon | 6 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Hodag | 6 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Nazalor | 6 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Nekomata | 6 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Renzer | 6 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Skrik Nettle | 6 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Taniwha | 6 | CG | Large | Magical Beast |
Temporal Crawler | 6 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Turtle-Shark | 6 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Ulthar Champion | 6 | CN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Wand Wasp | 6 | NN | small | Magical Beast |
Abyssal Wolf | 7 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Addanc | 7 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Amphisbaena Basilisk | 7 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Black Shuck | 7 | cn | Large | Magical Beast |
Bulette | 7 | nn | huge | Magical Beast |
Cerynitis | 7 | nn | Large | Magical Beast |
Chimera | 7 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Dweomercat | 7 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Kirin | 7 | LG | Large | Magical Beast |
Mngwa | 7 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Necro-pede | 7 | CN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Ngoga | 7 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Oil Shark | 7 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Remorhaz | 7 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Serpopard | 7 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Shedu | 7 | LG | Large | Magical Beast |
Sphinx, Criosphinx | 7 | NG | Large | Magical Beast |
Stegaloviper | 7 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Tunnel Worm | 7 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Yaoguai | 7 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Baku | 8 | nn | Medium | Magical Beast |
Behir | 8 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Fastachee | 8 | LE | Huge | Magical Beast |
Fire Lizard | 8 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Gloom Crawler | 8 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Gnasher Lizard | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Gorgimera | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Gorgon | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Gray Render | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Hivemind Swarm | 8 | NN | Tiny | Magical Beast |
Lammasu | 8 | LG | Large | Magical Beast |
Owlephant | 8 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Razor Angler | 8 | CN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Riptide Horror | 8 | LE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Sand Kraken | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Shalkeshka | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Shantak | 8 | CE | Huge | Magical Beast |
Sphinx, Gynosphinx | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Stymphalidies | 8 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Su | 8 | CE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Suzalisk | 8 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Ahool | 9 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Ankhrav | 9 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Aurumvorax | 9 | NN | Small | Magical Beast |
Bukavac | 9 | ne | Large | Magical Beast |
Galvo | 9 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Gelid Beetle, Greater | 9 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Mantidrake | 9 | LE | Large | Magical Beast |
Pepfralcon | 9 | NN | Medium | Magical Beast |
Raggoth | 9 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Scorpion, Demonic Deadfall | 9 | CE | Huge | Magical Beast |
Sea Urchin, Glass | 9 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Sphinx, Androsphinx | 9 | CG | Large | Magical Beast |
Squealer | 9 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Star Monarch | 9 | CG | Huge | Magical Beast |
Thundershrike | 9 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Vahana | 9 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Abaia | 10 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Frost Mite Swarm | 10 | NE | Fine | Magical Beast |
Gargiya | 10 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Mobogo | 10 | EC | huge | Magical Beast |
Montaphant | 10 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Muhuru | 10 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Myrmecoleon | 10 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Nue | 10 | NE | Large | Magical Beast |
Peuchen | 10 | NE | Medium | Magical Beast |
Roc, Magma | 10 | CN | Large | Magical Beast |
Rukh | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Sepia Snake | 10 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Snowking | 10 | NE | Huge | Magical Beast |
Ursikka | 10 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Veldenar | 10 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Vorvorak | 10 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Water Orm | 10 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Corpsespinner | 11 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Genghryl | 11 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Gigas Clam | 11 | CN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Gnoph-Keh | 11 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Lukwata | 11 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Mapinguari | 11 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Nightbringer Ape | 11 | CE | Large | Magical Beast |
Plague Swarm, Rat | 11 | LE | tiny | Magical Beast |
Razor Boar | 11 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Sea Spider | 11 | NE | Huge | Magical Beast |
Seps | 11 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Sleipnir | 11 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Tetrolimulus | 11 | NE | large | Magical Beast |
Thunderbird | 11 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Tlalusk | 11 | NN | huge | Magical Beast |
Amarok | 12 | ln | huge | Magical Beast |
Catoblepas | 12 | nn | Large | Magical Beast |
Ebon Spider | 12 | LE | Large | Magical Beast |
Frost Worm | 12 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Purple Worm | 12 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Sea Serpent | 12 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Voordine | 12 | CN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Akhlut | 13 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Aurspeily | 13 | ln | medium | Magical Beast |
Beetle Swarm, Hive Mind | 13 | NN | Diminutive | Magical Beast |
Furcifer | 13 | CN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Ketesthius | 13 | LE | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Red Reaver | 13 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Seaweed Siren | 13 | CN | Large | Magical Beast |
Skrimsl | 13 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Atuikakura | 14 | nn | gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Bhole Hatchling | 14 | cn | Huge | Magical Beast |
Goezspall | 14 | NN | Large | Magical Beast |
Leng Spider | 14 | CE | Huge | Magical Beast |
Vydrarch | 14 | CE | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Xanthos | 14 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Addu | 15 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Faceless Whale | 15 | NN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Isonade | 15 | CE | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Jubjub Bird | 15 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Lasiodon | 15 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Mutah | 15 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Phoenix | 15 | NG | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Plague Swarm, Locust | 15 | NE | fine | Magical Beast |
Ugash-Iram | 15 | NE | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Blood Lion | 16 | nn | Large | Magical Beast |
Fire Whale | 16 | NN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Grogrisant | 16 | NN | Huge | Magical Beast |
Grootslang | 16 | CE | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Oma | 16 | NN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Bandersnatch | 17 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Bhole | 17 | CN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Lusca | 17 | CE | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Ophiotaurus | 17 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Plague Swarm, Bat | 17 | NE | Diminutive | Magical Beast |
Thrasfyr | 17 | CE | Huge | Magical Beast |
Deep Singer Whale | 18 | NG | gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Hadhayosh | 18 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Kraken | 18 | NE | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Simurgh | 18 | NG | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Slorath | 18 | CE | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Leviathan | 19 | NN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Sea Serpent, Deep | 19 | NN | Gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Cipactli | 21 | cn | gargantuan | Magical Beast |
Julunggali | 21 | NN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Ouroboros | 21 | NN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Stygian Leviathan | 21 | NE | Colossal | Magical Beast |
The End-Singer | 22 | CE | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Cerberus Worm | 23 | NE | Huge | Magical Beast |
The Monarch Worm | 23 | CE | Colossal | Magical Beast |
The Firebleeder | 24 | CE | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Kaiju, Yarthoon | 25 | CN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Tarrasque | 25 | NN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Kaiju, Bezravnis | 26 | CN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Kaiju, Agyra | 27 | CN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Kaiju, Mogaru | 28 | CN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Kaiju, Varklops | 30 | CN | Colossal | Magical Beast |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Alseid | 0.5 | cn | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Formian Worker | 0.5 | LN | Small | Monstrous Humanoid |
Deep One | 1 | ce | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Grioth | 1 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Mongrelman | 1 | LN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Banderlog | 2 | NN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Bog Strider | 2 | NN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Kappa | 2 | CN | Small | Monstrous Humanoid |
Morlock | 2 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Taer | 2 | NN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Trox | 2 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Tsathar | 2 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Wendigo, Ravenous | 2 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Yothga | 2 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Adaro | 3 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Ceratioidi | 3 | NN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Construct, Commando | 3 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Doppelganger | 3 | NN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Formian Warrior | 3 | LN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Kech | 3 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Khaei | 3 | NN | Small | Monstrous Humanoid |
Gargoyle | 4 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Flue (3pp) | 4 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Sea | 4 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Harpy | 4 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Minotaur | 4 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Serpentfolk | 4 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Tanuki | 4 | CN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Thriae Soldier | 4 | LN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Yeti | 4 | NN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Bog Beast | 5 | NN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Cecaelia | 5 | CN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Churr | 5 | NE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Fen Witch | 5 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Graeae | 5 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Ash | 5 | LE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Green | 5 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Sand (3pp) | 5 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Ichthyocentaur | 5 | NN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Murajau | 5 | NG | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Scorpionfolk | 5 | LE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Selkie | 5 | CN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Vodyanoi | 5 | CN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Garmunchi | 6 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Annis | 6 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Ivoyro | 6 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Karkinoi | 6 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Kaulvrex | 6 | NN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Lamia | 6 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Maftet | 6 | NN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Mothman | 6 | CN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Thriae Dancer | 6 | LN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Void Grim | 6 | LN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Witchwyrd | 6 | LN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Arach | 7 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Charda | 7 | cn | small | Monstrous Humanoid |
Formian Taskmaster | 7 | LN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Boreal Annis | 7 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Moon | 7 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Storm | 7 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Winter | 7 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Laurapathis | 7 | LE | large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Medusa | 7 | LE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Stygira | 7 | LE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Blood | 8 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Maenad | 8 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Soucouyant | 8 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Nependis | 9 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Tikbalang | 9 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Fen Mauler | 10 | NE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Formian Myrmarch | 10 | LN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Manimal Triceratops | 10 | CN | huge | Monstrous Humanoid |
Saurian | 10 | CN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Mute | 11 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Svathurim | 11 | CE | Huge | Monstrous Humanoid |
Thriae Seer | 11 | LN | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Ghole | 12 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Jorogumo | 12 | NE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Vouivre | 12 | CE | large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Grave Sage | 13 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Pit (3pp) | 13 | LE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Deep One, Elder | 14 | ce | gargantuan | Monstrous Humanoid |
Thriae Constructor | 14 | NN | Gargantuan | Monstrous Humanoid |
Hag, Cyst Trinity (3pp) | 15 | CE | Huge | Monstrous Humanoid |
Stormghost | 15 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Formian Queen | 17 | LN | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Deathsnatcher | 18 | ce | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Thriae Queen | 18 | LN | Huge | Monstrous Humanoid |
Grendel | 19 | CE | Large | Monstrous Humanoid |
Euryale | 20 | CE | Medium | Monstrous Humanoid |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Sanguine Ooze Swarm | 0.33 | NN | Tiny | Ooze |
Animate Hair | 0.5 | ne | tiny | Ooze |
Phlegmatic Ooze Swarm | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Ooze |
Skincrawler | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Ooze |
Amoeba Swarm | 1 | NN | Fine | Ooze |
Amoeba, Giant | 1 | NN | Small | Ooze |
Boilborn | 1 | NN | Tiny | Ooze |
Melancholic Ooze Swarm | 1 | NN | Tiny | Ooze |
Ooze, Amber | 1 | NN | Diminutive | Ooze |
Ooze, Sewer | 1 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Zvucni | 1 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Amoeba, Alchemic | 2 | NN | small | Ooze |
Apallie | 2 | NN | small | Ooze |
Choleric Ooze Swarm | 2 | NN | Tiny | Ooze |
Diger | 2 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Gelatinous Orb | 2 | NN | Tiny | Ooze |
Jelly, Tar | 2 | NN | Small | Ooze |
Jelly, Whip | 2 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Mold, Slime | 2 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Garden | 2 | NN | Small | Ooze |
Ooze, Sapphire | 2 | CG | Medium | Ooze |
Slithering Pit | 2 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Warpglass Ooze | 2 | NN | medium | Ooze |
Gelatinous Cube | 3 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Hungry Flesh | 3 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Jelly, Stun | 3 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Mudbog | 3 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Emerald | 3 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Ooze, Hag Eye | 3 | NN | small | Ooze |
Cursed King | 4 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Freezing Flow | 4 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Gray | 4 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Ooze, Mercury | 4 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Slithering Tracker | 4 | NN | Small | Ooze |
Blood Queen | 5 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Doppeldrek | 5 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Ectoplasm (Ghost Ooze) | 5 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Etheric Jelly | 5 | NN | Small | Ooze |
Globster | 5 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Jelly, Ochre | 5 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Pudding, Blood | 5 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Hungry Fog | 6 | NN | Huge | Ooze |
Livestone | 6 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Ebon | 6 | NE | huge | Ooze |
Ooze, Emotion | 6 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Ooze, Glacial | 6 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Metallic | 6 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Verdurous | 6 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Pudding, White | 6 | NN | huge | Ooze |
Roiling Oil | 6 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Sea Scourge | 6 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Tear of Burning Flame | 6 | CN | small | Ooze |
Cerebric Cyst | 7 | ne | tint | Ooze |
Jelly, Mustard | 7 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Adaptive | 7 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Brain | 7 | NE | tiny | Ooze |
Ooze, Magma | 7 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Pudding, Black | 7 | NN | huge | Ooze |
Pudding, Brown | 7 | NN | huge | Ooze |
Pudding, Dun | 7 | NN | huge | Ooze |
Ooze, Deathtrap | 8 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Vampiric | 8 | CE | Large | Ooze |
Shard Slag | 8 | NN | Huge | Ooze |
Glimmerhollow | 9 | NN | Huge | Ooze |
Ooze, Coven | 9 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Mimic | 9 | CN | Medium | Ooze |
Pudding, Behemoth | 9 | NN | Gargantuan | Ooze |
Pudding, Stone | 9 | NN | huge | Ooze |
Toxic Eradicator | 9 | NE | Large | Ooze |
Tyrant Jelly | 9 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Comozant Wyrd | 10 | CN | Huge | Ooze |
Mold, Slime | 10 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Ooze, Capacitor | 11 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Ooze, Carnivorous Crystal | 11 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Ooze, Putrid | 11 | NN | huge | Ooze |
Gravesludge | 12 | NE | Medium | Ooze |
Vespergaunt | 12 | NE | Medium | Ooze |
Bog Scum | 13 | nn | huge | Ooze |
Carnivorous Blob | 13 | NN | Colossal | Ooze |
Radiant Essence | 13 | LG | large | Ooze |
Mezlan | 14 | NN | Medium | Ooze |
Ooze, Gunpowder | 14 | NN | Large | Ooze |
Riftcreeper | 15 | CE | Gargantuan | Ooze |
Ooze, Plasma | 16 | NN | Gargantuan | Ooze |
Immortal Ichor | 17 | NE | Medium | Ooze |
Ooze, Choke | 17 | NN | Colossal | Ooze |
Living Lake | 22 | NN | Colossal | Ooze |
Kaiju, Vorgozen | 29 | CN | Colossal | Ooze |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Gishvit | 0.5 | LN | Tiny | Outsider |
Ifrit | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sylph | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Zhyen | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Outsider |
Aether Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Air Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Devil, Lemure | 1 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Earth Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Etiainen | 1 | CN | Medium | Outsider |
Fire Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Ice Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Lightning Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Magma Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Mud Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Water Elemental, Small | 1 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Archon, Harbinger | 2 | LG | tiny | Outsider |
Archon, Lantern | 2 | LG | Small | Outsider |
Azer | 2 | LN | Medium | Outsider |
Castellan | 2 | NG | Small | Outsider |
Caypup | 2 | CG | Small | Outsider |
Danse Macabre | 2 | CE | Tiny | Outsider |
Demon, Cambion | 2 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Dretch | 2 | CE | Small | Outsider |
Demon, Quasit | 2 | CE | Tiny | Outsider |
Devil, Imp | 2 | LE | Tiny | Outsider |
Kami, Shikigami | 2 | LN | Tiny | Outsider |
Mudman | 2 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Oni, Spirit Oni | 2 | NE | Tiny | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Nosoi | 2 | NN | Tiny | Outsider |
Sahkil, Esipil | 2 | NE | Tiny | Outsider |
Sandling | 2 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Soulsliver | 2 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Thoqqua | 2 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Triton | 2 | NG | Medium | Outsider |
Tsukumogami, Koto-Furunishi | 2 | NG | tiny | Outsider |
Vargouille | 2 | NE | Small | Outsider |
Wysp, Aether | 2 | NN | Tiny | Outsider |
Wysp, Air | 2 | NN | Tiny | Outsider |
Wysp, Earth | 2 | NN | Tiny | Outsider |
Wysp, Fire | 2 | NN | Tiny | Outsider |
Wysp, Water | 2 | NN | Tiny | Outsider |
Aether Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Air Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Archon, Spyglass | 3 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Cryptguard | 3 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Crysmal | 3 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Demon, Abrikandilu | 3 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Vermlek | 3 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Gaav (Lesser Host Devil) | 3 | LE | Small | Outsider |
Devil, Zebub (Accuser Devil) | 3 | LE | Small | Outsider |
Earth Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Fire Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Gorgoni | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Hell Hound | 3 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Howler | 3 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Ice Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Kami, Fukujin | 3 | LN | Tiny | Outsider |
Lamhigyn | 3 | CE | Small | Outsider |
Lightning Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Magma Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Magmin | 3 | CN | Small | Outsider |
Mephit | 3 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Mud Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Esobok | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sandman | 3 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Shulsaga | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Urdefhan | 3 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Water Elemental, Medium | 3 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Yeth Hound | 3 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Ahkhat | 4 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Archon, Hound | 4 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Archon, Stag | 4 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Ataxian | 4 | CG | Tiny | Outsider |
Barghest | 4 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Burleev | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Chalkost | 4 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Cooshee | 4 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Demon, Hala | 4 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Kringkuk | 4 | CE | Small | Outsider |
Demon, Schir | 4 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Swaithe | 4 | CE | Small | Outsider |
Devil, Hesperian (Accomplice Devil) | 4 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Dlurgraven | 4 | NE | Large | Outsider |
Frog, Giant Dire Abyssal | 4 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Genie, Janni | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Gloomwing | 4 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Guardian Spirit | 4 | LE | Tiny | Outsider |
Half-Celestial Unicorn | 4 | CG | Large | Outsider |
Karumzek | 4 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Khargra | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Lythic | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Oni, Kuwa | 4 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Orsheval | 4 | LN | Medium | Outsider |
Phantom Stalker | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Ahmuuth | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Viduus | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sahkil, Nucol | 4 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Sarcovalt | 4 | NE | Tiny | Outsider |
Shae | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Tsukumogami, Kasa-Obake | 4 | NN | small | Outsider |
Tumblespark | 4 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Xocothian | 4 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Ypotryll | 4 | NG | Tiny | Outsider |
Zentragt | 4 | CN | Large | Outsider |
Achaierai | 5 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Aether Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Agrawgh | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Air Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Archon, Codex | 5 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Cayhound | 5 | cg | Medium | Outsider |
Daemons | 5 | LE | Small | Outsider |
Demon, Brimorak | 5 | CE | Small | Outsider |
Devil, Barbazu (Bearded Devil) | 5 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Mnemor (Memory Devil) | 5 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Dryad, Half-Fiend | 5 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Earth Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Fire Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Genie, Djinni | 5 | CG | Large | Outsider |
Hypnalis | 5 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Ice Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Kami, Kodama | 5 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Lightning Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Magma Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Magnesium Spirit | 5 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Mercane | 5 | LN | Large | Outsider |
Mud Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Nightmare | 5 | NE | Large | Outsider |
Niln | 5 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Oni, Ja Noi | 5 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Oni, Yamabushi Tengu | 5 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Catrina | 5 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Rast | 5 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Shadow Mastiff | 5 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Suffragan | 5 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Tojanida | 5 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Tsukumogami, Boroboroton | 5 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Umbral Shepherd | 5 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Vescavor Swarm | 5 | CE | Diminutive | Outsider |
Water Elemental, Large | 5 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Apocalypse Locust | 6 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Belker | 6 | NE | Large | Outsider |
Caterprism | 6 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Cerberi | 6 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Cervine Protector | 6 | lg | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Babau | 6 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Faerhle | 6 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Incubus | 6 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Yaenit | 6 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Magaav (Greater Host Devil) | 6 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Flame-Spawned Troll | 6 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Half-Fiend Minotaur | 6 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Kyton | 6 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Memory Child | 6 | NN | Small | Outsider |
Midnight Peddler | 6 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Mudlord | 6 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Oni, Kigyo | 6 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Owb | 6 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Morbai | 6 | NN | small | Outsider |
Sahkil, Wihsaak | 6 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Xorn | 6 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Xulgath | 6 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Aether Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Air Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Archon, Legion | 7 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Burning Dervish | 7 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Caulborn | 7 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Chaos Beast | 7 | cn | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Shadow | 7 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Succubus | 7 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Despicable Snowman | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Levaloch (Warmonger) | 7 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Patraavex (Sire Devil) | 7 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Salikotal (Vengeance Devil) | 7 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Earth Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Fire Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Genie, Shaitan | 7 | LN | Large | Outsider |
Hellcat | 7 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Hound of Tindalos | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Ice Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Invisible Stalker | 7 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Kami, Dosojin | 7 | NG | Medium | Outsider |
Lightning Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Magma Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Magmoid | 7 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Mud Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Oni, Nogitsune | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Vanth | 7 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sahkil, Ichkoh | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Sceaduinar | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Soul Eater | 7 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Swarm, Heat | 7 | NN | Diminutive | Outsider |
Veela, Air | 7 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Veela, Earth | 7 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Veela, Fire | 7 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Veela, Water | 7 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Water Elemental, Huge | 7 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Animate Dream | 8 | ne | Medium | Outsider |
Contemplative | 8 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Nabasu | 8 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil Steed | 8 | NE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Erinyes (The Furies) | 8 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Sarglagon (Drowning Devil) | 8 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Dimensional Shambler | 8 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Genie, Abasheen (3pp) | 8 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Genie, Efreeti | 8 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Implacable Stalker | 8 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Mihstu | 8 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Nephilim | 8 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Oni, Najikai | 8 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Oni, Ogre Mage | 8 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Psychemental | 8 | NN | small | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Ember Weaver | 8 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sishkanset | 8 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Stone Maiden | 8 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Tenebrous Worm | 8 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Warped One | 8 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Weird, Blood | 8 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Weird, Lava | 8 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Weird, Lightning | 8 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Aether Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Air Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Archon, Preceptor | 9 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Bisha Ga Tsuku | 9 | ne | medium | Outsider |
Demon, Kithangian | 9 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Vrock | 9 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Osyluth (Bone Devil) | 9 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Dream Spectre | 9 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Earth Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Eidolon, Rimefire | 9 | CG | Medium | Outsider |
Feargaunt | 9 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Fire Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Garuda | 9 | CG | Medium | Outsider |
Genie, Marid | 9 | CN | Large | Outsider |
Hag, Night | 9 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Ice Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Jyoti | 9 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Lightning Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Magma Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Moon Dog | 9 | NG | Medium | Outsider |
Mud Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Nephlei | 9 | CN | Large | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Shoki | 9 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sahkil, Pakalchi | 9 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Sceazir | 9 | NE | Large | Outsider |
Vescavor Queen | 9 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Water Elemental, Greater | 9 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Archon, Shield | 10 | LG | Large | Outsider |
Bebilith | 10 | CE | Huge | Outsider |
Couatl | 10 | LG | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Derakni | 10 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Kalavakus (Horned Demon) | 10 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Brutalis | 10 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Cabal (Uniila) | 10 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Phistophilus (Contract Devil) | 10 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Garipan | 10 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Genie, Hawanar (3pp) | 10 | LN | Large | Outsider |
Kami, Zuishin | 10 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Malik (Noble Efreet) | 10 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Kere | 10 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sahkil, Zohanil | 10 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Scanderig (Forgefiend) | 10 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Xocouatl | 10 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Aerial Servant | 11 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Aether Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Air Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Demon, Gibrileth | 11 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Hezrou | 11 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Shachath | 11 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Executioner | 11 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Hamatula (Barbed Devil) | 11 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Earth Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Efreeti Janissary (Advanced Efreeti) | 11 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Fire Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Hag, Dreamthief | 11 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Ice Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Impundulu | 11 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Lightning Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Magma Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Mud Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Oni, Atamahuta | 11 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Ozimat | 11 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Water Elemental, Elder | 11 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Aoandon | 12 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Archon, Exscinder | 12 | LG | Huge | Outsider |
Baregara | 12 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Conch Tree | 12 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Crystallis | 12 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Cytillipede | 12 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Coloxus | 12 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Omox | 12 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demonic Knight | 12 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Ayngavhaul (Heresy Devil) | 12 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Living Doldrums | 12 | NE | Gargantuan | Outsider |
Pallid Angel | 12 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Scarlet Walker | 12 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Demon, Glabrezu | 13 | CE | Huge | Outsider |
Demon, Oolioddroo | 13 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Ashmede (Judgement Devil) | 13 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Gelugon (Ice Devil) | 13 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Empusa | 13 | CN | Medium | Outsider |
Mire Brute | 13 | NE | Huge | Outsider |
Oni, Earth Yai | 13 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Morrigna | 13 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Archon, Trumpet | 14 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Nalfeshnee | 14 | CE | Huge | Outsider |
Demon, Painajai | 14 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Gylou (Handmaiden Devil) | 14 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Kakuen-Taka | 14 | CE | Huge | Outsider |
Kami, Suijin | 14 | NN | Large | Outsider |
Oni, Ice Yai | 14 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Peri | 14 | NG | Medium | Outsider |
Wakandagi | 14 | NG | large | Outsider |
Wild Hunt | 14 | LE | Small | Outsider |
Wisagatcak | 14 | LE | Small | Outsider |
Arcanotheign | 15 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Axial Monitor | 15 | ln | large | Outsider |
Black Jinni | 15 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Black Magga | 15 | CE | Gargantuan | Outsider |
Cuero | 15 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Demon, Ghalzarokh | 15 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Seraptis | 15 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Emperor of Scales | 15 | CE | Huge | Outsider |
First Blade | 15 | CN | Large | Outsider |
Hand of the Inheritor | 15 | LG | Large | Outsider |
Herald of Armageddon | 15 | CN | Large | Outsider |
Herald of Dreams | 15 | CG | Huge | Outsider |
Herald of Freedom | 15 | CG | Large | Outsider |
Herald of Freedom and Justice | 15 | CG | Medium | Outsider |
Herald of Hell | 15 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Herald of Passion | 15 | CN | Large | Outsider |
Herald of Runes | 15 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Herald of the Demon Queen | 15 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Herald of the Pirate Queen | 15 | CN | Colossal | Outsider |
Kami, Toshigami | 15 | NG | Medium | Outsider |
Manitou | 15 | NG | Huge | Outsider |
Mother of Oblivion | 15 | CE | Gargantuan | Outsider |
Oni, Fire Yai | 15 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Personification of Fury | 15 | NN | Huge | Outsider |
Proscriber | 15 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Memitim | 15 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Spirit of Adoration | 15 | NG | Large | Outsider |
Steward of the Skein | 15 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sunlord | 15 | NG | Large | Outsider |
Tenebrous Purple Worm | 15 | NN | Gargantuan | Outsider |
The Grim White Stag | 15 | LG | Colossal | Outsider |
The Old Man | 15 | LN | Medium | Outsider |
The Prince in Chains | 15 | LE | Large | Outsider |
The Stabbing Beast | 15 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Shemhazian | 16 | CE | Gargantuan | Outsider |
Demon, Vilsteth | 16 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Bdellavritra (Belier) | 16 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Cornugon (Horned Devil) | 16 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Nightmare Artist | 16 | NE | Huge | Outsider |
Oni, Wind Yai | 16 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Onyx Scourge | 16 | CE | huge | Outsider |
Portunus | 16 | NN | huge | Outsider |
Sahkil, Qolok | 16 | NE | Large | Outsider |
Archon, Gate | 17 | LG | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Lilitu | 17 | CE | Medium | Outsider |
Demon, Marilith | 17 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Apostate (Deimavigga) | 17 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Devil, Deimavigga (Apostate Devil) | 17 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Kami, Kaminari | 17 | CN | Huge | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Olethros | 17 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Sahkil, Ximtal | 17 | NE | Large | Outsider |
Wendigo | 17 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Anemos | 18 | NN | Medium | Outsider |
Astral Leviathan | 18 | NN | Colossal | Outsider |
Demon, Vavakia | 18 | CE | Huge | Outsider |
Devil, Advodaza (Nemesis Devil) | 18 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Oni, Water Yai | 18 | CE | Huge | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Fulgati | 18 | NN | Colossal | Outsider |
Umbralobe | 18 | NE | Gargantuan | Outsider |
Archon, Star | 19 | LG | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Vrolikai | 19 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Puragaus (Immolation Devil) | 19 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Irii | 19 | LN | Medium | Outsider |
Zarxorin | 19 | NN | Colossal | Outsider |
Archon, Bastion | 20 | LG | Huge | Outsider |
Demon, Balor | 20 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Devil, Pit Fiend | 20 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Kami, Jinushigami | 20 | NN | Gargantuan | Outsider |
Oni, Void Yai | 20 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Psychopomp, Yamaraj | 20 | NN | huge | Outsider |
Sahkil, Kimenhul | 20 | NE | Huge | Outsider |
Slag Worm | 20 | NN | Gargantuan | Outsider |
Apkallu | 23 | ln | Large | Outsider |
Joyful Thing | 23 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Kaiju, Earthking | 24 | NG | Colossal | Outsider |
Amphiptere | 25 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Apocalypse Horse | 25 | ne | Large | Outsider |
Demon, Balor Lord | 25 | CE | Large | Outsider |
Archdevil, Barbatos | 26 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Archdevil, Dispater | 27 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Horseman, Trelmarixian | 27 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Archdevil, Belial | 28 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Horseman, Szuriel | 28 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Archdevil, Geryon | 29 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Archdevil, Mammon | 29 | LE | Medium | Outsider |
Archdevil, Moloch | 29 | LE | Huge | Outsider |
Horseman, Apollyon | 29 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Archdevil, Baalzebul | 30 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Archdevil, Mephistopheles | 30 | LE | Large | Outsider |
Horseman, Charon | 30 | NE | Medium | Outsider |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Dweomer Cap | 0.125 | NN | Tiny | Plant |
Flowering Lattice | 0.15 | NN | Diminutive | Plant |
Petrifern | 0.1667 | NN | Diminutive | Plant |
Creeper Ivy | 0.25 | nn | tiny | Plant |
Razor Fern | 0.25 | NN | tiny | Plant |
Ravenous Tumbleweed | 0.33 | NN | tiny | Plant |
Suture Vine | 0.33 | NN | Tiny | Plant |
Begedhi, Seedling | 0.5 | NE | Tiny | Plant |
Ghoran | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Leshy, Leaf | 0.5 | NN | Small | Plant |
Leshy, Poppy | 0.5 | NN | Small | Plant |
Vegepygmy | 0.5 | NN | Small | Plant |
Xtabay | 0.5 | NN | Small | Plant |
Bramblelash | 1 | nn | Medium | Plant |
Child of the Briar | 1 | ne | tiny | Plant |
Gluttongrass | 1 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Jack-o'-Lantern | 1 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Leaf Ray | 1 | NN | Small | Plant |
Leshy, Gourd | 1 | NN | Small | Plant |
Leshy, Sunflower | 1 | NN | Small | Plant |
Lizardfolk, Fungal | 1 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Mandragora | 1 | NE | Small | Plant |
Symbiont, Airsuit | 1 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Symbiont, Grappling Claw | 1 | NN | tiny | Plant |
Symbiont, Poison Gauntlet | 1 | NN | Small | Plant |
Archer Bush | 2 | NN | Small | Plant |
Begedhi, Parasite | 2 | NE | Small | Plant |
Blood Maize | 2 | nn | Medium | Plant |
Bloodbrush | 2 | NN | Small | Plant |
Kampfult | 2 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Leshy, Cactus | 2 | NN | Small | Plant |
Leshy, Fungus | 2 | NN | Small | Plant |
Mire Nettle | 2 | NN | Small | Plant |
Plantoid Servitor | 2 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Symbiont, Assassin Ring | 2 | NN | Diminutive | Plant |
Symbiont, Environmental Suit | 2 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Symbiont, Pod Cannon | 2 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Symbiont, Psychic Ward | 2 | NN | tiny | Plant |
Tri-Flower Frond | 2 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Tri-Tongue Horror | 2 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Tsaalgrend | 2 | NN | Small | Plant |
Weedwhip | 2 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Yellow Musk Creeper | 2 | NN | Large | Plant |
Assassin Vine | 3 | nn | Large | Plant |
Bonewrought Willow | 3 | nn | Large | Plant |
Fungus, Cerebric | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Fungus, Phantom | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Fungus, Sheet | 3 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Fungus, Violet | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Jupiter Bloodsucker | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Kawa Akago | 3 | NN | Small | Plant |
Leshy, Lichen | 3 | NN | Small | Plant |
Leshy, Seaweed | 3 | NN | Small | Plant |
Mold, Mindslaver | 3 | NE | Small | Plant |
Phlogiston | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Silver Bells | 3 | NN | Large | Plant |
Strangle Weed | 3 | NN | Large | Plant |
Symbiont, Deepsight Goggles | 3 | NN | Diminutive | Plant |
Symbiont, Energy Protection | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Symbiont, Living Armor | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Thorny | 3 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Vampire Rose | 3 | NN | Small | Plant |
Algoid | 4 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Basidirond | 4 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Blood Bush | 4 | nn | small | Plant |
Calathgar | 4 | NN | Small | Plant |
Cobra Flower | 4 | NN | Large | Plant |
Gallows Tree Zombie | 4 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Leshy, Flytrap | 4 | NN | Small | Plant |
Leshy, Snapdragon | 4 | NN | Small | Plant |
Living Topiary | 4 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Myceloid | 4 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Nirento | 4 | NN | Large | Plant |
Phycomid | 4 | NE | Small | Plant |
Plantoid | 4 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Sawleg Locust | 4 | NN | Large | Plant |
Shadow Fern | 4 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Symbiont, Lifesuit | 4 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Weird, Fungus | 4 | NN | Large | Plant |
Weird, Fungus | 4 | NN | Large | Plant |
Witherweed | 4 | NN | Large | Plant |
Ascomoid | 5 | NN | Large | Plant |
Blood Kaktos | 5 | nn | Large | Plant |
Forester's Bane | 5 | NN | Large | Plant |
Leshy, Lotus | 5 | NN | Small | Plant |
Plant-Imbued Ape | 5 | NG | large | Plant |
Saguaroi | 5 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Symbiont, Flight Pack | 5 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Bloodsuckle | 6 | NN | Large | Plant |
Flytrap, Dire | 6 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Giant Devil’s Tooth | 6 | NE | Huge | Plant |
Griefgall | 6 | NE | Tiny | Plant |
Mi-Go | 6 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Mold, Russet | 6 | NN | medium | Plant |
Moss Monster | 6 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Scythe Tree | 6 | CE | Huge | Plant |
Shambling Mound | 6 | NN | Large | Plant |
Tendriculos | 6 | NN | huge | Plant |
Tenebrous Blight | 6 | NN | huge | Plant |
Crypt Flower | 7 | nn | Large | Plant |
Hangman Tree | 7 | NE | Huge | Plant |
Ironrot Lichen | 7 | NN | Small | Plant |
Moldwretch | 7 | NN | Small | Plant |
Pixie Circle | 7 | NN | huge | Plant |
Psychepore | 7 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Roofgarden | 7 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Roseling | 7 | NG | Small | Plant |
Tintargurill | 7 | NN | huge | Plant |
Bog Creeper | 8 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Canopy Creeper | 8 | nn | huge | Plant |
Etheroot | 8 | NN | Large | Plant |
Fungal Nymph | 8 | CG | Medium | Plant |
Jesulan | 8 | CN | Large | Plant |
Kelp Devil | 8 | NE | Huge | Plant |
Moonflower | 8 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Quickwood | 8 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Swarm, Blood Algae | 8 | NN | Diminutive | Plant |
Treant | 8 | NG | Huge | Plant |
Bloodplate Burster | 9 | nn | huge | Plant |
Boruta | 9 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Cactus Cat | 9 | nn | Small | Plant |
Drakauthix | 9 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Fetid Spore Mound | 9 | NN | Large | Plant |
Fungus Queen | 9 | CE | Medium | Plant |
Sargassum Fiend | 9 | NN | Large | Plant |
Stranglereed | 9 | NN | Large | Plant |
Sump Steward | 9 | NN | Large | Plant |
Begedhi, Mother Plant | 10 | NE | Large | Plant |
Blood Bramble | 10 | nn | Large | Plant |
Blood Lily | 10 | nn | Large | Plant |
Carrion Creeper | 10 | nn | Large | Plant |
Drake, Splinter | 10 | NE | Large | Plant |
Flytrap, Giant | 10 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Gro'kosh | 10 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Ofalth | 10 | CE | Large | Plant |
Sleeping Willow | 10 | NE | Huge | Plant |
Biddlytree | 11 | cn | Large | Plant |
Fuldrex | 11 | NE | Small | Plant |
Gnarlwood | 11 | NE | Huge | Plant |
Jinmenju | 11 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Nulmind | 11 | NN | Small | Plant |
Sky Spore | 11 | NN | Gargantuan | Plant |
Witch Tree | 11 | CE | Huge | Plant |
Bonethorn | 12 | nn | Medium | Plant |
Sundew, Giant | 12 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Tobongo | 12 | NN | Gargantuan | Plant |
Alraune | 13 | ne | large | Plant |
Corpse Lotus | 13 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Gallows Tree | 13 | NN | Huge | Plant |
Heartrot Tree | 13 | NE | Huge | Plant |
Viper Vine | 13 | NN | Large | Plant |
Widow Creeper | 13 | NN | Large | Plant |
Bodythief | 14 | LE | Gargantuan | Plant |
Willow Dusk | 14 | CE | Huge | Plant |
Barometz | 15 | NN | Gargantuan | Plant |
Cauldron Bloom | 15 | nn | Colossal | Plant |
Dimension Walker | 15 | NE | Medium | Plant |
Zomok | 16 | NN | Gargantuan | Plant |
Irminsul | 17 | CN | Gargantuan | Plant |
Thorny Advanced Tyrannosaurus | 17 | NN | Colossal | Plant |
Mosslord | 18 | LE | Large | Plant |
Zygomind | 18 | NN | Colossal | Plant |
Sard | 19 | CE | Colossal | Plant |
Tarantula Tree | 19 | CN | Colossal | Plant |
Lotus Tree | 20 | NN | Gargantuan | Plant |
Green Man | 26 | NN | Medium | Plant |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Skeleton, Bloody | 0.25 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Undigested | 0.25 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Zombie, Void | 0.25 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Beheaded | 0.33 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Beheaded, Grabbing | 0.33 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Beheaded, Screaming | 0.33 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Skeleton | 0.33 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Acid | 0.33 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Exploding | 0.33 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Host Corpse | 0.33 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Medium (Archer) | 0.33 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Beheaded, Belching | 0.5 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Beheaded, Burning | 0.5 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Beheaded, Flaming | 0.5 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Crawling Hand | 0.5 | NE | Diminutive | Undead |
Dødelig | 0.5 | CN | Medium | Undead |
Ectoplasmic Human | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Undead |
Exoskeleton, Giant Cockroach | 0.5 | NE | Small | Undead |
False Spider, Solifugid | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Ghoublin | 0.5 | NE | Small | Undead |
Isitoq | 0.5 | NE | Diminutive | Undead |
Shadow-Rat | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Undead |
Skeleton, Burning | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Four-Armed Mudra | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Fast | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Kobold | 0.5 | NE | Small | Undead |
Zombie, Plague | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Unhallowed | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Yellow Musk | 0.5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Beheaded, Swarm | 1 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Candle Corpse | 1 | nn | Medium | Undead |
Carrionstorm | 1 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Dread Zombie Aasimar Warrior | 1 | NN | Medium | Undead |
Festrog | 1 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Ghoul | 1 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Gøgelid | 1 | CN | Medium | Undead |
Hellcrown | 1 | LE | Tiny | Undead |
Ningyo, Undead | 1 | NE | Small | Undead |
Phantom Armor, Hollow Helm | 1 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Pickled Punk | 1 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Riotblood | 1 | CE | tiny | Undead |
Skeleton, Mount | 1 | NE | Large | Undead |
Zombie, Brine | 1 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Emu | 1 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Beheaded, Giant | 2 | NE | Large | Undead |
Draugr | 2 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Fetch | 2 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Giant Beheaded, Grabbing | 2 | NE | Large | Undead |
Giant Beheaded, Screaming | 2 | NE | Large | Undead |
Gutted | 2 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Huecuva | 2 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Human Juju Zombie | 2 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Infantis | 2 | NE | Small | Undead |
Phantom Armor, Guardian | 2 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Plagued Steed | 2 | NE | large | Undead |
Poltergeist | 2 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Shredskin | 2 | NE | Small | Undead |
Skeletal Champion | 2 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Ogre | 2 | NE | Large | Undead |
Skeleton, Owlbear | 2 | NE | Large | Undead |
Ubashki Swarm | 2 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Walcofinde | 2 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie Handservant | 2 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Apocalypse | 2 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Crocodile | 2 | NE | large | Undead |
Allip | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Beheaded, Medusa | 3 | NE | Small | Undead |
Cannibal Child | 3 | ce | small | Undead |
Coffer Corpse | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Drekavac | 3 | NE | Small | Undead |
Edimmu | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Fellsig | 3 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Ghoul-Stirge | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Giant Beheaded, Belching | 3 | NE | Large | Undead |
Giant Beheaded, Burning | 3 | NE | Large | Undead |
Hanged Man | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Hoar Spirit | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Medusa Head, Grabbing | 3 | NE | Small | Undead |
Medusa Head, Screaming | 3 | NE | Small | Undead |
Necrocraft | 3 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Osteon | 3 | NN | Medium | Undead |
Shadow | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Megaraptor, Advanced | 3 | NE | Large | Undead |
Skeleton, Troll | 3 | NE | Large | Undead |
Skulleton | 3 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Trailgaunt | 3 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Vukodlak | 3 | NE | large | Undead |
Wight | 3 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Spellgorged | 3 | NN | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Spore | 3 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Attic Whisperer | 4 | NE | Small | Undead |
Bloody Bones | 4 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Donratty | 4 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Draug | 4 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Exoskeleton Giant Stag Beetle | 4 | NE | Large | Undead |
Exoskeleton, Giant Stag Beetle | 4 | NE | Large | Undead |
Flotsam Terror | 4 | NE | Small | Undead |
Fye | 4 | NN | Medium | Undead |
Grave Risen | 4 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Gravebound | 4 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Haunt | 4 | NN | Medium | Undead |
Ib Shade | 4 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Leechroot | 4 | NE | large | Undead |
Lovelorn | 4 | CE | tiny | Undead |
Medusa Head, Belching | 4 | NE | Small | Undead |
Medusa Head, Burning | 4 | NE | Small | Undead |
Medusa Head, Shrieking | 4 | NE | Small | Undead |
Phantom Armor, Giant | 4 | NE | large | Undead |
Work Wraith | 4 | NE | small | Undead |
Zuvembie | 4 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Aurosrath | 5 | ne | large | Undead |
Blast Shadow | 5 | ce | medium | Undead |
Cadaver Lord | 5 | ce | Medium | Undead |
Corpse Candle | 5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Crypt Thing | 5 | NN | Medium | Undead |
Fantionette | 5 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Fear Guard | 5 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Fire Phantom | 5 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Forge Spurned | 5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Gearghost | 5 | CE | Tiny | Undead |
Ghul | 5 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Melacage | 5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Mummy | 5 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Murder Crow | 5 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Skeletal Mage | 5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Black | 5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Smoke Haunt | 5 | CE | Small | Undead |
Swarm, Undigested | 5 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Unrisen | 5 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Wraith | 5 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Abhominal | 6 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Berbalang | 6 | ce | medium | Undead |
Bogeyman | 6 | CN | Medium | Undead |
Brykolakas | 6 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Darnoc | 6 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Deathweb | 6 | NN | Large | Undead |
Demiurge | 6 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Dread Wight Gargoyle | 6 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Exiled Shade | 6 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Gator Ghoul | 6 | NE | Large | Undead |
Grave Lynx | 6 | NE | Large | Undead |
Hupia | 6 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Icegaunt | 6 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Jinglejell | 6 | NE | Large | Undead |
Keeper of the Yellow Sign | 6 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Kurobozu | 6 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Lantern Goat | 6 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Murder-Born | 6 | CE | Tiny | Undead |
Petrified Maiden | 6 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Phantom Armor, Phantom Lancer | 6 | NE | large | Undead |
Ragewight | 6 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Revenant | 6 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Spartolos | 6 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Tidewretch | 6 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Tiyanak | 6 | CE | small | Undead |
Apparition | 7 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Centaur Raav | 7 | ne | Large | Undead |
Cinder Ghoul | 7 | CE | Large | Undead |
Cinderghost | 7 | ne | Medium | Undead |
Drocha Swarm | 7 | CE | Tiny | Undead |
Drowned Maiden | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Dryad, Gravestone | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Dullahan | 7 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Duppy | 7 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Funayurei | 7 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Gaki | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Ghost | 7 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Groaning Spirit | 7 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Manananggal | 7 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Minotaur, Bleeding Horror | 7 | CE | Large | Undead |
Paleoskeleton Triceratops | 7 | NN | huge | Undead |
Psychic Stalker | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Rajput Ambari | 7 | CE | Huge | Undead |
Riverswell Spirit | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Skeleton, Giant (Cloud) | 7 | NE | Huge | Undead |
Spectral Rock Troll | 7 | CE | Large | Undead |
Spectre | 7 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Totenmaske | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Troop, Barrier Breaker | 7 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Vilkacis | 7 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Autumn Death | 8 | ne | medium | Undead |
Bodak | 8 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Bonestorm | 8 | CE | Diminutive | Undead |
Daughter of the Dead | 8 | ne | Large | Undead |
Exoskeleton Titan Centipede | 8 | NE | Colossal | Undead |
Exoskeleton, Titan Centipede | 8 | NE | Colossal | Undead |
Fallen | 8 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Festering Spirit | 8 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Guecubu | 8 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Mohrg | 8 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Phantasm | 8 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Polong | 8 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Rawbones | 8 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Undead Warlord | 8 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Yuki-onna | 8 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Animus Shade | 9 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Baykok | 9 | ne | Medium | Undead |
Caller in Darkness | 9 | ce | Large | Undead |
Clawed Kadian | 9 | ce | Medium | Undead |
Geist | 9 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Herecite | 9 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Lich Shade | 9 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Mummified Gynosphinx | 9 | NE | Large | Undead |
Skeleton, Multiplying T-Rex | 9 | NE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Troop, Sodden Drauger | 9 | CE | medium | Undead |
Vampire | 9 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Volt Ghost | 9 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Witchfire | 9 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Axiomite Graveknight | 10 | le | medium | Undead |
Beheaded, Clacking Skull Swarm | 10 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Burning Child | 10 | CN | Small | Undead |
Crackling Skull Swarm | 10 | ne | tiny | Undead |
Devouring Mist | 10 | NE | Large | Undead |
Fext | 10 | LE | Medium | Undead |
Frostfallen Mammoth | 10 | NE | Huge | Undead |
Gholdako | 10 | NE | Large | Undead |
Glaciergeist | 10 | LE | Large | Undead |
Iron Wight | 10 | CE | Large | Undead |
Minor Reaper | 10 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Pale Stranger | 10 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Pyrogeist | 10 | CE | large | Undead |
Red Jester | 10 | CN | Medium | Undead |
Spite-Spitter | 10 | CE | Large | Undead |
Vrykolakas | 10 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Bhuta | 11 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Bone Collective | 11 | ce | Small | Undead |
Breathless One | 11 | ce | Medium | Undead |
Carrion Beast | 11 | ce | huge | Undead |
Crucifixion Spirit | 11 | ce | medium | Undead |
Devourer | 11 | NE | Large | Undead |
Gator Ghoul, Great | 11 | NE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Goemul | 11 | NG | Huge | Undead |
Harionago | 11 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Litanu | 11 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Llorona | 11 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Pharaonic Guardian | 11 | LE | large | Undead |
Deathless Sorcerer | 12 | ce | Medium | Undead |
Draghul | 12 | CE | Large | Undead |
Lich | 12 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Nachzehrer | 12 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Nightshade, Nightskitter | 12 | CE | Huge | Undead |
Phasma | 12 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Sayona | 12 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Shenzuzhou | 12 | NE | Large | Undead |
Yurei | 12 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Zombie, Voidstick | 12 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Banshee | 13 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Gashadokuro | 13 | NE | Huge | Undead |
Chronogeist | 14 | ce | Medium | Undead |
Death Coach | 14 | ne | Huge | Undead |
Demilich | 14 | NE | Tiny | Undead |
Nightshade, Nightwing | 14 | CE | Huge | Undead |
Zombie Horde | 14 | CE | Colossal | Undead |
Crone Queen | 15 | ne | medium | Undead |
Dybbuk | 15 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Mother’s Maw | 15 | NE | Large | Undead |
Nemhain | 15 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Sea Bonze | 15 | NE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Siabrae | 15 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Soul Reaper | 15 | NE | Large | Undead |
Voltleech | 15 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Death, Lesser | 16 | ne | Medium | Undead |
Dream Vestige | 16 | CE | Huge | Undead |
Ecorche | 16 | CE | Large | Undead |
Hollow Serpent | 16 | NE | Large | Undead |
Nightshade, Nightwalker | 16 | CE | Huge | Undead |
Warsworn | 16 | NE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Advanced Nightwing | 17 | CE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Baetriov | 17 | NE | Colossal | Undead |
Bakekujira | 17 | ne | Colossal | Undead |
Deathhand | 17 | ne | Huge | Undead |
Fluxwraith | 17 | NE | Medium | Undead |
Winterwight | 17 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Wyrmwraith | 17 | CE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Bone Ship | 18 | ce | colossal | Undead |
Nightshade, Nightcrawler | 18 | CE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Saxra | 18 | NE | Huge | Undead |
Atoth | 19 | ce | Large | Undead |
Charnel Colossus | 19 | ne | colossal | Undead |
Tzitzimitl | 19 | NE | Gargantuan | Undead |
Grim Reaper | 20 | NE | Large | Undead |
Mortuary Cyclone | 20 | NN | Huge | Undead |
Nightshade, Nightwave | 20 | CE | Colossal | Undead |
Risen Witch | 20 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Deific Guard | 21 | ne | Medium | Undead |
Hela | 30 | CE | Medium | Undead |
Name | CR | Alignment | Size | Type |
Butterfly/Moth | 0 | nn | Diminutive | Vermin |
Cockroach | 0.125 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
House Centipede | 0.125 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Isopod, Giant | 0.125 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Leopard Slug | 0.125 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Tardigrade, Giant | 0.15 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Spider, Drain (Diminutive) | 0.2 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Starfish, Spiny | 0.2 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Crab, King | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Greensting Scorpion | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Sewer Centipede | 0.25 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Shimmerwing Dragonfly | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Spider, Scarlet (Tiny) | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Spider, Skull (Tiny) | 0.25 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Water Strider, Nymph | 0.25 | NN | small | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Fire | 0.33 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Botfly, Giant | 0.33 | nn | tiny | Vermin |
Eurypterid, Ochre | 0.33 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Flash | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Mining | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Cave Cricket | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Crab, Coconut | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Fire Crab, Lesser | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Fire Crab, Small | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Flea, Giant | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Ghost Scorpion | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Giant Centipede | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Giant cockroach | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Spider, Albino Cave | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Spider, Dream (Small) | 0.5 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Spider, Giant Crab (Small) | 0.5 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Woghemoth | 0.5 | NN | small | Vermin |
Zhen Worm | 0.5 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Ant, Giant (Worker) | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Bee, Giant | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Beetle, Bellyborer | 1 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Blister | 1 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Cave Scorpion | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Cavelight Moss | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Conqueror Worm | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Eurypterid, Common | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Fly, Giant | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Giant hissing cockroach | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Hissing Centipede | 1 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Hunting Horror | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Sea Anemone, Coffin Anemone | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Spider Swarm | 1 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Spider, Giant (Medium) | 1 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Spore Rat | 1 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Tick, Giant | 1 | NN | small | Vermin |
Waspite | 1 | CE | Diminutive | Vermin |
Water Strider Swarm | 1 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Water Strider, Giant | 1 | NN | large | Vermin |
Ant, Giant (Soldier) | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Bombardier | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Beetle, Stalk | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Boneneedle, Lesser | 2 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Bumblebee, Giant | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Cave Fisher | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Cicada Swarm | 2 | nn | diminutive | Vermin |
Clam, Giant | 2 | nn | Large | Vermin |
Crab, Bone | 2 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Crab, Giant | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Crab, Monstrous | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Fire Crab, Medium | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Flea, Mammoth | 2 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Giant Ground Cricket | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Giant Whiptail Centipede | 2 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Ground Wasp, Giant | 2 | NN | Fine | Vermin |
Leech, Giant | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Locust Swarm | 2 | NN | Fine | Vermin |
Sea Anemone, Giant | 2 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Sea Worm, Giant Tube Worm | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Spider Swarm, Scarlet | 2 | NN | fine | Vermin |
Spider, Earthen | 2 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Thermite, Worker | 2 | NN | medium | Vermin |
Wasp, Ground Wasp Swarm | 2 | NN | Fine | Vermin |
Ant, Giant (Drone) | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Aquatic Insect, Belostomatid | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Assassin Bug, Giant | 3 | nn | small | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Boring | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Saw-Toothed | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Water | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Beetle, Scarab Swarm | 3 | NN | Fine | Vermin |
Belostomatid | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Bumblebee, Giant Worker | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Crayfish, Monstrous | 3 | nn | large | Vermin |
Fire Crab, Greater | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Giant Scorpion | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Horsefly, Giant | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Locust, Giant | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Mantis, Giant | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Mosquito Swarm | 3 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Pond Drinker | 3 | NN | tiny | Vermin |
Rot Grub, Giant | 3 | NN | Small | Vermin |
Solifugid | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Spider, Diamond (Medium) | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Spider, Giant Black Widow (Large) | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Spider, Giant Legwater | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Swarm, Scorpion | 3 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Termite, Giant | 3 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Velvet Ant Swarm | 3 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Venomroach | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Venomroach | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Wasp Swarm | 3 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Wasp, Giant | 3 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Ant, Giant (Knight) | 4 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Slicer | 4 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Stag | 4 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Boneneedle, Greater | 4 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Botfly Swarm | 4 | NN | Fine | Vermin |
Caterpillar, Blood | 4 | nn | Large | Vermin |
Chitikin | 4 | nn | Large | Vermin |
Crab Swarm | 4 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Crab, Rock | 4 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Dragonfly, Giant | 4 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Jellyfish, Crimson | 4 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Leech Swarm | 4 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Spider, Assassin (Giant) | 4 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Thermite, Soldier | 4 | NN | medium | Vermin |
Yellowjacket, Giant (3pp) | 4 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Ant Lion, Giant | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Ant Swarm, Army Ants | 5 | NN | Fine | Vermin |
Ant, Giant (Queen) | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Aquatic Insect, Hellgrammite | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Assassin Bug, Great | 5 | nn | medium | Vermin |
Bee, Giant Queen | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Beetle, Carrion | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Beetle, Chariot | 5 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Bumblebee, Giant Queen | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Crab, Giant Hermit | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Eurypterid, Bluetip | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Hellgrammite, Giant | 5 | NN | large | Vermin |
Hornet, Giant | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Lobster, Monstrous | 5 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Spider, Giant Skate (Huge) | 5 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Spider, Ogre (Huge) | 5 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Stegocentipede | 5 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Swarm, Rust Mite | 5 | NN | fine | Vermin |
Walking Stick, Giant | 5 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Ant, Giant (Megapon) | 6 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Death Watch | 6 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Beetle, Scarab Giant | 6 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Great Forest Centipede | 6 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Helix Moth, Larva | 6 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Invertebrate, Seastar | 6 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Jellyfish Swarm | 6 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Mosquito, Giant | 6 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Scarab Swarm, Golden | 6 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Scarab, Giant | 6 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Spider Swarm, Skate Spiders | 6 | NN | Tiny | Vermin |
Swarm, Termite | 6 | NN | fine | Vermin |
Thermite, Queen | 6 | NN | large | Vermin |
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros | 7 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Bore Worm Monarch | 7 | nn | Large | Vermin |
Crab, Shark-Eating | 7 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Giant Jellyfish | 7 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Rot Grub Swarm | 7 | NN | fine | Vermin |
Sea Worm, Hookfang | 7 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Spider, Advanced Elite Monstrous Funnel Web | 7 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Spider, Cold Mutated Ogre | 7 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Xenopterid | 7 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Beetle, Goliath Stag | 8 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Deadfall Scorpion | 8 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Hellwasp Swarm | 8 | LE | Diminutive | Vermin |
Locust, Plague Locust Swarm | 8 | NN | Diminutive | Vermin |
Sea Anemone, Great | 8 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Slug, Giant | 8 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Spider, Giant Tarantula (Gargantuan) | 8 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Starfish, Giant | 8 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Eurypterid, Spiny | 9 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Eurypterid, Spiny | 9 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Karz Slug | 9 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Sea Anemone, Siren’s Bed | 9 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Shrimp, Giant Mantis | 9 | NN | Medium | Vermin |
Tick Swarm | 9 | NN | Fine | Vermin |
Titan Centipede | 9 | NN | Colossal | Vermin |
Crab, Great Reef | 10 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Helix Moth, Mature | 10 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Invertebrate, Mindclaw | 10 | NN | Huge | Vermin |
Giant Emperor Scorpion | 11 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Mantis, Deadly | 11 | NN | Colossal | Vermin |
Spider, Goliath (Colossal) | 11 | NN | Colossal | Vermin |
Chain Worm | 12 | nn | large | Vermin |
Eurypterid, Spitting | 12 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Karz Slug Queen | 12 | NN | Large | Vermin |
Slug, Giant Sea | 12 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Crab, Shipwrecker | 13 | NN | Colossal | Vermin |
Sea Worm, King Ragworm | 13 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |
Invertebrate, Deep Tiger Anemone | 14 | NN | Colossal | Vermin |
Worm That Walks, Human (CR 14) | 14 | NE | Medium | Vermin |
Whip Spider, Titanic | 16 | NN | Colossal | Vermin |
Beetle, Requiem | 18 | NN | Gargantuan | Vermin |