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Archdevil, Mephistopheles

Archdevil, Mephistopheles

Archdevil, Mephistopheles

This red-skinned devil has three sets of curving horns atop his brow and three mismatched pairs of wings.

Mephistopheles CR 30

XP 9,830,400
LE Large outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +14; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect chaos, detect good, discern lies, see in darkness, true seeing; Perception +50
Aura frightful presence (120 ft., DC 41), shield of law (DC 32)

AC 48, touch 40, flat-footed 37 (+4 deflection, +10 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, +16 profane, –1 size)
hp 752 (35d10+560); regeneration 30 (deific or mythic)
Fort +31, Ref +33, Will +37; +8 vs. mind-affecting effects
Defensive Abilities ashen essence, freedom of movement, infernal resurrection, mind blank; DR 20/epic, good, and silver; Immune ability damage, ability drain, bleed, blindness, blood drain, charm, compulsion, critical hits, dazzled, deafness, death effects, energy drain, fire, petrification, poison, precision damage; Resist acid 30, cold 30; SR 41

Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee +5 axiomatic flaming unholy trident +55/+50/+45/+40 (2d6+29/19–20 plus 1d6 fire), gore +50 (2d8+8), 6 wings +48 (1d8+8/19–20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks infernal wings, profane gift
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 30th; concentration +44)

Constant—detect chaos, detect good, discern lies (DC 28), freedom of movement, mind blank, shield of law (DC 32), true seeing
At will—astral projection, deeper darkness, desecrateM, dictumM (DC 31), dominate personM (DC 29), greater dispel magic, greater scrying (DC 31), greater teleport, order’s wrathM (DC 28), secret page, unhallow
3/day—quickened dominate personM (DC 29), fire stormM (DC 32), globe of invulnerabilityM, mass charm monster (DC 32), misleadM (DC 30), summon devils
1/day—soul bind (DC 33), time stopM, wishM

M Mephistopheles can use this ability’s mythic version in his realm.

Str 42, Dex 30, Con 43, Int 35, Wis 34, Cha 39
Base Atk +35; CMB +52; CMD 93
Feats Combat Expertise, Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item, Critical Focus, Deceitful, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Forge Ring, Improved Critical (trident, wing), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (dominate person), Staggering Critical
Skills Bluff +56, Diplomacy +52, Disguise +56, Fly +54, Intimidate +52, Knowledge (arcana, history, local, nobility, religion) +47, Knowledge (planes) +50, Linguistics +50, Perception +50, Sense Motive +50, Sleight of Hand +45, Spellcraft +47, Stealth +44, Use Magic Device +49
Languages all (language mastery); telepathy 300 ft.
SQ flattering inquisitor

Ashen Essence (Ex)

Despite his appearance, Mephistopheles has a body formed of the ashes and brimstone of Hell rather than flesh and blood. He cannot be blinded, dazzled, or deafened, and he is immune to bleed damage, blood drain, critical hits, and precision-based damage. In addition, once per minute when he is hit by a melee or ranged attack, as an immediate action Mephistopheles can cause his body and all of his gear to collapse into ashes while he teleports to any point within 30 feet of his prior position and re-forms, taking no damage from the attack. Within his realm of Caina, he can trigger this power by expending one use of his mythic power and can teleport up to 300 feet, or up to 30 feet even when subject to effects that normally prevent teleportation.

Flattering Inquisitor (Su)

Mephistopheles is unsurpassed at inveigling himself into a creature’s good graces and ferreting out secrets. His discern lies spell-like ability automatically affects all creatures within 30 feet of him, and he does not need to concentrate to know whether a target is lying (although each time a creature tries to lie in this area it can attempt a Will save to negate the effect as normal). Anyone who attempts to lie when responding to a direct question posed by Mephistopheles must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or take 1d3 points of Wisdom drain and be unable to speak for 24 hours (Mephistopheles can end this enforced vow of silence at will as a free action). This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Infernal Wings (Su)

Mephistopheles has three pairs of wings, and while the damage caused by all six wings is identical, the additional effect caused by a strike from a wing depends on its nature. A hit from one of his burning wings deals 1d6 additional points of fire damage and the creature struck must succeed at a DC 43 Reflex save or catch fire. A hit from one of his draconic wings deals 2d6 points of bleed damage. A hit from one of his raven wings causes permanent blindness unless the creature struck succeeds at a DC 43 Fortitude save. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

Profane Gift (Su)

As a full-round action, Mephistopheles can grant a willing non-devil a +4 profane bonus to one ability score; this also allows him to communicate telepathically with and use his mind-affecting spell-like abilities on the creature at any distance (even across planar boundaries).

A creature can have only one such gift at a time. The profane gift can be removed with dispel evil or dispel law, or Mephistopheles can remove it as a free action, dealing 3d6 points of Charisma drain to the target (no save). In addition, a creature that accepts a wish from Mephistopheles immediately becomes lawful evil (Will DC 41 negates) and gains the benefits of good hope for 1 week, followed by the effects of crushing despair for 1d6 months (CL 30th). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Environment any (Hell)
Organization solitary (unique)
Treasure triple (+5 axiomatic flaming unholy trident, Visineir, other treasure)

Mephistopheles was formed by Asmodeus from the ashes and hellfire of the plane of Hell itself. He is an artist of flattery and guile, a master of the infernal contract, and a warden of the chained prison plane of Caina. He is tireless in his hunt for new souls, and constantly seeks to lure mortals into signing theirs away in all manner of complex bargains and contracts.

Mephistopheles appears as a muscular, 12-foot-tall, red-skinned humanoid.

Visineir (Major Artifact)

Slot none; CL 30th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura overwhelming all

This adamantine quill pen is the greatest weapon Mephistopheles has in the corruption of souls. As a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, he can use it to inscribe a magic circle against good (or chaos), place a mark of justice, or pen an infernal contract. These contracts can grant any number of boons, but typically do so in the form of a wish spell or the devilbound template.

Visineir can be wielded as a +1 adamantine keen wounding dagger, but Mephistopheles rarely does so, preferring his trident in battle. The quill can store a sample of blood from every creature it strikes, storing up to 33 blood samples at a time. The quill gains the bane special ability against any creature whose blood it stores, and it marks the target as if Mephistopheles had used a witch’s scar hex on it, allowing him to use his spell-like abilities on that creature with a range of 1 mile (or with unlimited range, if the creature is in Caina). Mephistopheles can expend one stored blood sample as a full-round action to inscribe a symbol spell of any type he wishes, or to call the creature to him as if he had cast greater planar binding (regardless of the creature’s actual type—this is not limited to calling outsiders).

If Visineir is used to pen a contract that results in Asmodeus having to void the creation of Mephistopheles, the quill crumbles away to ashes, as does Mephistopheles himself.

Mephistopheles’s Cult

Mephistopheles is worshiped by dishonest merchants, crooked politicians, decadent nobles, and cruel tyrants.

His sacred places are almost always within large cities, often buried in hidden rooms beneath prisons, palaces, or courts of law, or in secret apartments of corrupt nobles.

His unholy symbol is a diagonal scarlet trident piercing a golden halo. His favored weapon is the trident.

He grants access to the Evil, Knowledge, Law, and Rune domains, and to the Devil, Language, Memory, and Thought subdomains.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 6 © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, James Jacobs, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Tim Nightengale, F. Wesley Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Todd Stewart, Josh Vogt, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.