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Encephalon Gorger Psychic

Encephalon Gorger Psychic

Encephalon Gorger Psychic

Encephalon Gorger Psychic CR 13

XP 25,600
Encephalon gorger psychic 9
CE Medium aberration (extraplanar)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., mindsense; Perception +22

AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 22 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural)
hp 123 (19 HD; 9d6+10d8+47); fast healing 5
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +16; Resist cold 10

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +14 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks dark half (2 bleed, 9 rounds/day), phrenic amplifications (defensive prognostication, overpowering mind, undercast surge), phrenic pool (6 points)
Psychic Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +17)

Psychic Spells Known (CL 9th; concentration +17)

Psychic Discipline Abomination

Adrenal Surge (Ex)

Twice per day, an encephalon gorger can create an effect on itself equivalent to a haste spell (caster level 10th).

Dark Half (2 bleed, 9 rounds/day) (Su)

Dark side grants spells bleed damage to one target.

Defensive Prognostication (Su)

Mind Screen (DC 23) (Ex)

The mind of an encephalon gorger is an alien and dangerous place. Should a creature attempt to scan the mind or read the thoughts of an encephalon gorger (with detect thoughts, telepathy, or the like), it must make a successful (DC 20) Will save or be driven permanently insane (as by an insanity spell, caster level 15th); if the save succeeds, the creature is instead confused (as the spell) for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Mindfeed (Su)

If an encephalon gorger begins its turn grappling an opponent, it can attempt to suck its brain fluid with a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains cerebral fluid, dealing 1d4 points of Intelligence drain each round the pin is maintained. On each successful mindfeed attack, the encephalon gorger gains 5 temporary hit points. This ability does not work against nonliving creatures or creatures without a central brain mass. The encephalon gorger must be able to reach the head or neck of the target creature to use this ability.

Mindsense (Su)

As a move action, an encephalon gorger can gauge the relative intelligence level of any creature within 60 feet as follows: unintelligent, animal (Int 1-2), low (3-8), average (8-12), high (13-16), genius (17-20), or supra-genius (21+).

Overpowering Mind (Ex)

Telepathic Bond (Sp)

Cast telepathic bond, or expend 4th or higher spell slot to do so.

Undercast Surge (Su)

Encephalon Gorgers on the Moon © 2019, Frog God Games, LLC; Author: Casey W. Christofferson