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This massive mound of tentacles rises and falls, hinting at the breathing of a great slumbering beast below. Every so often, the tip of one of the glistening filaments twitches to life, spontaneously growing a razor-like feeler, horrible eye, or other alien appendage. The creature’s body is a looming clot of these appendages, a twitching knot of wriggling matter.

Havero CR 24

XP 1,228,800
NE Colossal aberration
Init +5; Senses darkvision 100 ft.; Perception +35

AC 43, touch 3, flat-footed 42 (+1 Dex, +40 natural, -8 size)
hp 493 (34d8+340); fast healing 25
Fort +22, Ref +14, Will +30
Defensive Abilities alien mind; DR 20/—;
Immune cold, inhaled effects, mind-affecting effects; Resist acid 30, fire 30, electricity 30; SR 35
Weaknesses light sensitivity

Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (clumsy)
Melee variable (see below)
Space 60 ft.; Reach 120 ft.
Special Attacks appendages

Before Combat As most haveros are deep in hibernation upon being encountered, the creatures often take 1d3 rounds to rouse themselves to action.

During Combat Haveros manufacture appendages as needed to respond to their environment and enemies, generally fighting with two tentacles, two ocular tentacles, two slashing tentacles, two armored tentacles, and an acid spewer.

Morale Haveros understand the concepts of fear and flight but such ideas do not apply to their existences. Thus, haveros fight until destroyed.

Str 38, Dex 12, Con 28, Int 5, Wis 29, Cha 30
Base Atk +25; CMB +47 (+49 bull rush, +51 with grasping tentacle); CMD 58 (60 vs. bull rush; cannot be tripped)
Feats Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Bloody Assault, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Critical (vorpal tentacle), Improved Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Fly), Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
Skills Fly +11, Perception +35
Languages telepathy
SQ no breath

Alien Mind (Ex)

Anyone who attempts to link minds with a havero (such as via detect thoughts or telepathy) risks the trauma associated with tapping into its raw alien thoughts. Such an act forces the character to make a DC 36 Will save. Those who fail are permanently affected by a feeblemind spell (CL 20th). The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Light Sensitivity (Ex)

Haveros despise sunlight. Even when it lacks an ocular appendage, a havero is dazzled in the presence of natural sunlight or when within the radius of a daylight spell.

Appendages (Ex)

A havero can alter the shape of any of its hundreds of squirming appendages, specializing them into a variety of tentacular tools. A havero has 20 appendage points, which it can spend as a full-round action to create a number of specialized appendages not exceeding this point total. As another full-round action, it can withdraw its tentacles back into itself, dissolving them and regaining the points spent to create them. If one of a havero’s tentacles is destroyed in combat, it immediately regains the points used to create it. For example, a havero could use its 20 points to create 6 slashing tentacles, a grasping tentacle, and an incorporeal tentacle; 4 incorporeal tentacles; 20 reaching tentacles; or any other number of tentacles whose sum total is 20 points. Haveros typically manifest the following tentacles, although some might have the ability to create more more. The point cost of each tentacle is listed after each name.

No Breath (Ex)

Havero does not breathe, and as such is immune to inhaled toxins and odor-based effects.

Telepathic Savant (Su)

A havero can transmit vague impressions of its thoughts across limitless distances to any creature it is aware of. A havero does not communicate using language and its thoughts are limited and often unintelligible to mortal minds. A havero contacting a creature using this ability does not subject the target to its alien mind.

Environment any (usually Outer Space)
Organization solitary
Treasure none

The word “havero” roughly translates into “smothering arms”. The creature itself was first described in notes and theories postulated by ancient students of the stars and delvers into dark lore. Horrifically, haveros are not the mere imaginings of those sages who chronicle the heavens. They are entities of deepest blackness, and on terrible occasions a lone havero has been drawn to the world, putting all the races of the world into reach of its endless, ruinous arms.

Although their thought processes are too alien to permit interpretation, haveros are decidedly malevolent. They have no need for sustenance of any kind, yet they consume living creatures with mouths buried beneath their mounds of tentacles. Haveros do not age, nor do they die of any known natural cause. Beyond these apparent facts, though, exceedingly little rational knowledge has been gleaned about these unearthly horrors.

A havero’s telpathy is theoretically limitless in range, although when sending its mind across galaxies, even its thoughts require considerable time to travel.

Pathfinder 10: A History of Ashes. Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing LLC. Author: Michael Kortes