This creature appears to be a gigantic pale yellow-green frog with oversized monstrous eyes. In place of its legs and forelimbs are many long, writhing tentacles it uses to pull itself along the ground.
herald of tsathogga CR 15
XP 51,200
CE Huge aberration (chaotic, evil, extraplanar)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +34
Environment warm marshes
Organization solitary
Treasure standard
The dark, dismal tropical swamps and fens of the world are home to a horrible creature known only as the herald of Tsathogga. A vaguely froglike thing almost 20 feet across, the herald of Tsathogga is a nightmare creature that is spoken of only in hushed whispers. The creature is believed to have been created by the Frog God as punishment against humanity for wrongdoings done to Tsathogga and his worshippers.
Its warty, putrid skin is a pale yellow-green, and two monstrous eyes that have seen unknown secrets gaze from its fleshy face. The body of the thing resembles that of a massive toad, but rather than legs the herald of Tsathogga drags itself through the murky terrain on ten thick tentacles. These tentacles are covered in tiny lancets that inject paralytic venom. Some who have seen the herald of Tsathogga swear that it is capable of flight, but these reports are dismissed as madmanâs fantasy.
Though only one herald is thought to exist, rumors as of late, speak of at least three of these creatures in existence.
A herald of Tsathogga attacks first with its tentacles, attempting to paralyze or otherwise incapacitate as many opponents as possible. Paralyzed opponents are pulled to the creatureâs maw and bitten. Its tentacles are not coordinated enough to grab moving targets, so it cannot pick up opponents that have not been paralyzed.
Herald of Tsathogga from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley.