Karz Slug Queen CR 12
This orange, horned slug is similar to the others but far larger, easily double or triple the size of the lesser gastropods that crawl and undulate around it.
XP 7,500
N Large vermin
Init +1; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +15
AC 30, touch 10, flat-footed 29 (+1 Dex, +20 natural, â1 size)
hp 95 (10d8+50)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +5; DR 15/â; Immune acid, mind-affecting effects; Weaknesses susceptible to heat and salt
Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft.
Melee lunge +14 (3d4+12 plus karz slime)
Ranged spit +7 touch (karz slime)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (lunge 20 ft.)
Special Attacks karz slime, psionic force
Before Combat Karz slug queens rarely engage enemies without reinforcements nearby.
During Combat A karz slug queen uses Power Attack (taking no penalty to its first attack on its turn) after unleashing its psionic force ability. Otherwise it coordinates its thralls with tactical precision.
Morale Karz slug queens retreat when reduced to 20 hp or less. When a karz slug queen is killed, any remaining karz slugs that were offspring of it immediately die as a result of their psionic connection.
Str 26, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 15, Cha 17 Base Attack +7, CMB +16 (+18 bull rush); CMD 29 (31 vs. bull rush, canât be tripped)
Feats Awesome Blow, Furious Focus, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Toughness Skills: Acrobatics +11, Bluff +13, Climb +26, Perception +16, Sense Motive +12, Stealth +7, Survival +12; Racial Modifiers Perception +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages none (telepathy 250 ft., other karz slugs only)
When encountered within a karz slug breeding den, a karz slug queen gains the benefits of a constant extraordinary effect identical to the haste spell.
Karz slug queens are covered in a thick layer of translucent amber slime. A karz slug queen can spit slime as a ranged attack at a target up to 60 ft. way, or slather with a successful melee attack (as a free action). Karz slime is a fast acting poison and is immediately absorbed into a creatureâs skin upon contact. The slime remains poisonous for four rounds after a creature comes into contact with it and at the start of its turn a creature affected by it must make a Fortitude saving throw to negate its effects. After four rounds the poison is neutralized and the karz slime is annoying but harmless.
For the initial two rounds of exposure the slime causes amnesia (Will DC 25), for the last two effective rounds exposure to the slime causes paranoia (Will DC 22). If a target fails any of these saving throws it remains affected by the relevant slime effects until the poison is cured by magical means such as the neutralize poison spell. If a target is affected by any of these effects for longer than 24 hours they also suffer from psychosis (no saving throw; insanity DC 20) until the poison is cured by magical means. If a target is affected by any of these effects for longer than a week, the effects become permanent.
A karz slug queenâs lunge attack has a reach of 20 feet. After a lunge attack the karz slug queen moves from its previous square to the square nearest its intended target.
This movement is considered a part of its attack and not factored into its movement rate.
A karz slug queenâs body is very malleable, allowing it to fit into narrow areas with ease. A karz slug takes no penalties to its speed or checks when squeezing in an area that is one size category smaller than its actual size.
A karz slug queen has the ability to project itself (illusion) as an environmental element. This is a psionic mind-altering effect (Will DC 30). Karz slug queens most commonly use this ability to hide themselves when they flee from combat.
A karz slug queen can emit a psionic force that functions exactly as the spell crushing hand (CL 20th). To initiate this effect the karz slug queen spends one full-round action and sacrifices 2d12 hit points. This effect cannot be used when the karz slug queen is at half hit points or less.
A karz slug queen has the ability to project itself (illusion) as any other Medium-sized creature it has encountered. This is a psionic mind-altering effect (Will DC 30). As an intelligent creature a karz slug can tell the difference between various creatures, and may choose to work together with other karz slugs to manifest a projected scenario that is more likely to attract prey. While karz slug queens do not understand language, their projections can repeat phrases in any language that it has overheard.
A karz slug queen takes double damage fire. Its slime is semi-flammable and has a 5% chance of combustion when exposed to an open flame. If a karz slug queenâs slime combusts, it kills that slug immediately. If exposed to excessive heat or fire there is a 5% chance that a karz slug queen instinctively flees for 1d4 rounds, though she does not flee from within the breeding den.
A handful of salt burns a karz slug queen as if it were a flask of acid, causing 1d4 points of damage per handful.
Environment underground
Organization solitary (in the company of 18â54 karz slugs)
Treasure unique (karz slug queen gland)
Karz slug queens never voluntarily leave their breeding dens once they have established them. A breeding den consists of 1â4 broods of karz slugs in addition to the queen, three quarters of which always remain in the den to protect the queen at any given time. When encountered within a breeding den, the karz slugs protecting the queen become hostile. Half surround her, attacking anything that comes within reach, and the other half engage and pursue the intruders.
Karz slug queens are as mysterious as karz slugs, but larger; they can stand up to 10 ft. in height and weigh between 1,500 and 1,800 pounds.
A karz slug queen has a gland located near its core that enable its natural psionic abilities. If removed from the dead queen, dried, and properly prepared (48 hours and a DC 25 Craft [magic items] check) it becomes consumable.
When properly prepared and eaten it provides the user with immunity to all mind-altering effects and a grants +3 alchemical bonus to Will saving throws for 2d4 days. A prepared karz slug queen gland is eye-wateringly sour with a sickeningly sweet aftertaste.
A karz slug queen gland permanently removes any mind-affecting effects that the user may have been affected by before consumption (as well as all types of insanity).
Aventyr Bestiary © 2017 AAW GAMES LLC Authors Mike Myler, Jonathan G. Nelson Developers, Michael Allen, Curtis Baum, Wolfgang Baur, Brian Berg, Adam Daigle, Jeffrey Gomez, Joshua Gullion, Jacob Kellogg, Jared Jeanquart, Juan Lucha, Justin Andrew Mason, Jonathan McAnulty, Michael McCarthy, Raven Mimura, Brian Wiborg Monster, Will Myers, Mike Myler, Jason Nelson, Jonathan G. Nelson, Owen K.C. Stephens, Colin Stricklin, Cory Vickruck, Stephen Yeardley Jonathan G. Nelson