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Leshy, Flytrap

Leshy, Flytrap

Leshy, Flytrap

This cluster of flytraps has a vaguely humanoid shape. The beady eyes atop the largest flytrap glare menacingly.

Flytrap Leshy CR 4

XP 1,200
N Small plant (leshy, shapechanger)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)
hp 39 (6d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +4
Immune electricity, plant traits, sonic; Resist fire 5

Speed 20 ft.
Melee bite +7 (1d4+1 plus 1d4 acid and digest), 2 flytrap hands +7 (1d3+1 plus 1d3 acid and digest)
Ranged acidic spittle +7 (1d4 acid and digest)
Special Attacks digest, sneak attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +12)

Constant—pass without trace (CL 12th)

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Intimidate +8, Perception +11, Stealth +6 (+10 in wetlands), Survival +0 (+4 in wetlands); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in wetlands, +4 Survival in wetlands
Languages Druidic, Sylvan; plantspeech (flytraps)
SQ amalgam, change shape (small flytrap; tree shape), verdant burst

Amalgam (Ex)

Multiple flytrap leshys can combine themselves temporarily into a single creature, to a maximum of 25 leshys.

Digest (Ex)

A creature that takes acid damage from a flytrap leshy’s bites or spittle must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Flytrap Hands (Ex)

In addition to the central flytrap that serves as its head, a flytrap leshy has two additional, smaller flytraps that serve as its hands. These hands function as the bite of a Tiny creature.

Environment warm marshes or wetlands
Organization solitary or cluster (4–8)
Treasure standard

Most leshys are peaceful creatures that focus their efforts on tending the natural region around them. While flytrap leshys do not leave their homes to pick fights, they relish the opportunity to attack intruders. These carnivorous plants tend to attack before asking questions. While they rarely work together with other creatures, the aggressive creatures eagerly collaborate with others of their kind.

They fight best in teams, and coordinate with each other so seamlessly that a group of flytrap leshys is nearly indistinguishable from a single creature—an illusion that the similarity between a flytrap leshy’s head and hands only compounds. While a typical flytrap leshy has one head and two hands, more powerful flytrap leshys exist with greater numbers of heads and hands.

Cantankerous flytrap leshys represent the harsh and seemingly cruel aspects of the natural cycle that are ultimately needed for the greater well-being of all creatures. When necessary to protect their homes, flytrap leshys start controlled fires, relying on their fire resistance to wade through the flames.

Unlike most of their kind, flytrap leshys eat flesh and are not picky about the kind of meat that they consume.

They particularly savor insects, and one of the few ways to placate a flytrap leshy is to offer it a rare or unusual insect to consume.

A typical flytrap leshy is 2 feet tall and weighs 20 pounds.

Growing a Flytrap Leshy

A flytrap leshy is usually grown in swampy or marshy terrain. A flytrap leshy will only emerge if it is given a small pile of freshly killed insects to eat.

CL 10th; Price 6,500 gp

Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks; Spells burst of nettles, plant growth, summon nature’s ally IV; Skill Knowledge (nature) DC 18; Cost 3,250 gp

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5 © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Creighton Broadhurst, Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Joe Homes, James Jacobs, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Ben McFarland, Jason Nelson, Thom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Wes Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Mike Shel, James L. Sutter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.