This elemental appears to be a massive of spherical ball entirely comprised of swirling liquid fire and rock.
Magmoid CR 7
XP 3,200
N Large outsider (earth, extraplanar, fire)
Init +7; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +14; Aura fiery aura (10 ft., 1d6 fire, Fort DC 17 resists)
Environment Elemental Planes of Fire
Organization solitary
Treasure none
Magmoids are giant balls of elemental magma that destroy or burn anything and everything they come in contact with. Though they are typically only found on the Planes of Earth or Fire or the Plane of Molten Skies (see the City of Brass by Necromancer Games for details on this demiplane), occasionally one slips through a portal or nexus into the Material Plane (usually in the heart of a volcano) where it wreaks havoc upon all things that cross its path; be it creatures, structures, or anything else not immune to fire. Attempts by arcane spellcasters (foolish arcane spellcasters some would say) to control or harness the power of a magmoid, thus far have failed.
Magmoids seem to serve no purpose in the ecology of their native plane and are thought to be a living extension of the plane itself. Small bubbling pockets on the magmoid’s form serve as sensory organs. A giant magmoid, measuring 30 feet across is thought to exist near the Sea of Fire, though none have ever seen it.
A magmoid attacks by spraying a blast of superheated magma at opponents or by slamming into and rolling over them. It often targets weapon-wielding creatures first and moves close enough where they can hit with their weapons. The magmoid knows that more than likely should a weapon hit its fiery form, it will be turned into a pile of slag in short order.
Magmoid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.