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Sea Anemone, Great

Sea Anemone, Great

Sea Anemone, Great

This is a flowerlike creature with a dark green to gray trunk and a brightly colored interior. It has a smooth front bordered by dozens of fleshy tendrils, and a rougher outer trunk. At the center of the creature’s front is a circular opening that leads into its interior.

Great Sea Anemone CR 8

XP 4,800
N Huge vermin (aquatic)
Init +4; Senses blindsight 40 ft.; Perception +9

AC 8, touch 8, flat-footed 8 (–2 size)
hp 138 (12d8+84)
Fort +15; Ref +6; Will +5
Defensive Abilities defensive curl; DR 5/piercing or slashing; Immune vermin traits; Resist acid 20

Speed 0 ft. (immobile)
Melee tendrils +14 (paralysis plus grab)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks acid cloud, paralytic venom, swallow whole (3d8 acid damage, AC 10, 13 hp)

Str 24, Dex 10, Con 24, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +9; CMB +18 (+22 grapple); CMD 28 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Improved InitiativeB, Lightning ReflexesB
Skills Perception +9, Stealth –4; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth, +8 Perception

Acid Cloud (Ex)

When provoked, the great sea anemone can eject the contents of its stomach, including any creatures being digested. This forms a cloud of acidic mucous in a 20-foot radius that deals 3d8 points of acid damage (DC 23 Reflex, half) for 1d3 rounds before dissipating. It can only do this once per minute. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Defensive Curl (Ex)

As a move action, the great sea anemone can retract its vulnerable front and tendrils into its trunk. While in this curl it cannot attack with its tendrils, though it can eject its acid cloud and gains a +15 natural armor bonus to AC from the thick, rubbery hide of its trunk.

Paralytic Venom (Ex)

Tendril—contact; save DC 23; frequency 1/round for 1 round; effect paralyzed 1d6 minutes. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Environment any aquatic
Organization solitary or cluster (2–6)
Treasure none

These gigantic but primitive life forms feed on sea life swept near them, and may pose a threat to anyone unlucky enough to move within their threat range. In rocky areas, a great sea anemone has a green interior.

These horrors lurk in areas near the surface of the water, where tidal currents sweep water laden with fish across their surfaces. Great sea anemones in the open are easily spotted and avoided, but they sometimes lurk at the end of rocky channels or around bends, whereupon they pose a hazard to unwary undersea travelers. In addition to being found in reefs and shoals, many undersea races harvest these creatures when young and plant them in or near their lairs to serve as sentinels against unwanted intrusion. Care must be taken in this process, for the anemone is very difficult to train, and may well snack on the very creatures who cultivated it.

The great sea anemone is immobile.

Great sea anemones snag anything large enough that comes within their reach with their tendrils. Once their intended victim stops struggling, it is drawn into the anemone’s interior, where it is digested. If injured it withdraws its body into its rubbery trunk, and if badly injured it expels the contents of its stomach in a cloud of acid.

Great Sea Anemone from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.