Eyom Digital Encylopedia




Skua CR 1/3

XP 135
N Tiny animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10

Str 6, Dex17, Con11, Int2, Wis14, Cha7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +11, Perception +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception

Dive-Bomb (Ex)

When a charging skua confirms a critical hit, the creature hit must succeed on a DC 10 Fortitude saving throw or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.

The save DC is Constitution-based. The skua can only use this special attack while flying.

Environment cold coastline and swamps
Organization solitary, pair, or flock (3–20)
Treasure none

Measuring nearly two feet long with a four-foot wingspan, this bird has a brown coloration with white streaks on its wings.

Many birds inhabit polar coastal regions. On our planet, penguins are practically synonymous with Antarctica. Most avian predators ignore or avoid humans, but one group of polar seabirds rightfully earned its reputation for aggression and overall bad behavior — the skua. These little-known birds predominately dwell in coastal areas or swamps bordering polar seas and oceans, though they occasionally fly farther inland in search of food. These carnivorous birds commonly feast on carrion scavenged from the kills of other animals, but they also attack other birds and land animals twice or even three times their size. Creatures trespassing close to their nests feel the full brunt of the skua’s belligerence. The parent bird swoops down from the skies and viciously pecks and slashes at the intruder’s head. Not surprisingly, the ornery skua shows little regard for the brooding grounds of other birds. They frequently steal eggs and live chicks from their avian counterparts.