A churning fog of shimmering green vapors roils furiously, with fetid fumes billowing out from the depths of the sickly cloud.
Toxic Eradicator CR 9
XP 6,400
NE Large ooze (incorporeal)
Init +10; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +10
Aura mephitic smog (30 ft., DC 18)
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 10 (+1 deflection, +6 Dex, -1 size)
hp 90 (12d8+36)
Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +8
Defensive Abilities incorporeal; Immune ooze traits
Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee incorporeal touch +9 (poison)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks engulfing miasma (DC 22, poison), pinpoint poisoner
Str -, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +9; CMB +16; CMD 27 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +19, Perception +10
Languages Jagladine (can’t speak)
A toxic eradicator can engulf creatures in its path as part of a standard action. It cannot make other attacks during a round in which it engulfs, moving over its opponents and affecting all that share its space. Creatures can avoid being engulfed with a successful DC 22 Reflex save (being pushed back or aside as it moves forward, as they choose), or may forego their save to attempt an attack of opportunity against the toxic eradicator. Engulfed creatures are exposed to the eradicator’s poison. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
A toxic eradicator surrounds itself with a bank of churning smog that moves with it and obscures vision within 30 feet as fog cloud. Any creature beginning its turn or moving within 30 feet of the toxic eradicator is nauseated (DC 18 Fort negates) for as long as it remains within the cloud and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. Creatures remaining within the smog must save again each round, though a creature beginning its turn outside the smog can attempt a new Fortitude save each round at the end of its turn to remove the nauseated condition.
The save DC is Constitution-based.
Touch-contact; save Fort DC 18; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3 Con; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Three times per day as a standard action, a toxic eradicator can automatically dispel an effect like delay poison that provides temporary immunity to poison. In addition, for 1 minute the DC is increased by 5 for Heal checks or any caster level checks when using neutralize poison to treat any poison affecting that creature, and if the target has any ability or effect that grants a saving throw bonus against poison, that bonus or effect is suppressed.
A toxic eradicator’s body is composed of noxious vapors rather than being truly incorporeal, but it shares all traits of the incorporeal subtype except as follows: It cannot move through solid objects or barriers but can pass through holes or openings as small as 1 inch in diameter with no reduction in speed. It is affected by wind conditions as if it were three size categories smaller.
Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none
Created as a living bioweapon by jagladine scientists, the aptly named toxic eradicator was initially developed to purge the unsuccessful or dangerous results of tampering and experimentation. The toxic eradicator was designed with just enough intelligence to slavishly obey its masters but with more than enough cunning to make it a relentless hunter of its victims. The main inbuilt limitation of the toxic eradicator is that its only attack vector is poison. Any creature which is immune to poison is completely safe from a toxic eradicator’s attack, a fact that the toxic eradicator has been bred to recognize. Genetically programmed to kill, a toxic eradicator focuses its attacks on a single opponent and only retreats if all of its remaining foes are seemingly immune to its poison. In combat, it uses its pinpoint poisoner ability against a foe that it sees performing certain actions, such as drinking something, reading a scroll, or casting a spell, and afterwards seems immune to its attacks. Without orders to follow, a toxic eradicator usually finds an indoor or underground area, ideally one with small cracks or vents that it can use to move through and lurks there waiting for more victims.
Legendary Planet Adventure Path © 2019, Legendary Games; Authors: Authors: Matt Goodall, Jim Groves, Steven T. Helt, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Mike Shel, Neil Spicer, Mike D. Welham.