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Wasp Swarm

Wasp Swarm

Wasp Swarm

A low, ominous buzz announces the arrival of a mass of many thousands of angry, stinging wasps.

Wasp Swarm CR 3

XP 800
N Diminutive vermin (swarm)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 14; (+1 Dex, +4 size)
hp 31 (7d8)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune weapon damage
Weakness swarm traits

Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee swarm (2d6 plus poison)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison

Str 1, Dex 13, Con 10, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +5; CMB —; CMD —
Skills Fly +11, Perception +9; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
SQ swarm traits, vermin traits

Poison (Ex)

Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Environment temperate forests
Organization solitary, pair, fury (3–6 swarms), maelstrom (7–12 swarms)
Treasure none

A wasp swarm is a flying mass of thousands of carnivorous wasps. In such large numbers, they become voracious hunters, capable of taking down large creatures with their venom-filled stings. While a wasp swarm is capable of inflicting hundreds of stings, its true danger arises from its insatiable appetite for meat.