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This luminous shape stands twice the height of a human. A pale light shines where its face should be.

Whisperer CR 20

XP 307,200
NE Large fey (extraplanar, incorporeal)
Init +20; Senses blindsight 360 ft., low-light vision, see in darkness; Perception +37
Aura whispers (120 ft., DC 30)

AC 35, touch 35, flat-footed 24 (+9 deflection, +10 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 insight, –1 size)
hp 363 (22d6+286)
Fort +20, Ref +23, Will +21
Defensive Abilities anticipation, incorporeal, rejuvenate; DR 15/cold iron; Immune cold, disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, sonic; SR 31

Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee 6 mist tendrils +20 touch (3d10/19–20 plus cursed wound)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks compel sacrifice, inescapable curse
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +29)

At will—animate plants, arboreal hammer, control water, control weather, dominate animal (DC 22), dream, etherealness, greater dispel magic, nightmare (DC 24), telekinesis (DC 24), transport via plants, triggered suggestion (DC 23), wind walk
3/day—commune with nature, quickened confusion (DC 23), quickened greater dispel magic, green caress (DC 25)
1/day—earthquake, reverse gravity, whirlwind (DC 27), wish (to duplicate druid spells of 7th or lower level only)

Str —, Dex 31, Con 36, Int 24, Wis 23, Cha 29
Base Atk +11; CMB +22; CMD 48 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (touch), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (confusion, greater dispel magic), Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Bluff +34, Disable Device +32, Fly +41, Knowledge (arcana, planes, religion) +29, Knowledge (geography, nature) +32, Perception +37, Sense Motive +31, Spellcraft +29, Stealth +31, Survival +28
Languages Aklo, Sylvan; telepathy 300 ft.
SQ primeval landscape, unsuspected

Anticipation (Ex)

A whisperer applies its Wisdom modifier to initiative checks and as an insight bonus to its Armor Class.

Aura of Whispers (Su)

Within 120 feet of a whisperer, the effects of its primeval landscape are significantly quickened. Creatures in the primeval landscape must attempt Will saves once per round to avoid its effects, rather than once per day.

Compel Sacrifice (Su)

When a whisperer uses its triggered suggestion spell-like ability on a creature currently under the influence of its primeval landscape, it can implant a suggestion to perform an act of self-destruction, such as “The next time you speak to someone you love, you will instead tell them you have found something better to love and then walk into the nearest body of water and drown yourself.”

Cursed Wound (Su)

Damage caused by a whisperer’s mist tendrils overcomes all damage reduction and ignores all hardness, but damage the tendrils deal to objects is halved. Mist tendril damage does not heal naturally. A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature damaged in this way must succeed at a DC 31 caster level check or the healing has no effect on the injured creature. Mist tendrils are primary natural touch attacks that create deep, bloodless, crater-shaped wounds.

Inescapable Curse (Su)

Once per day, a whisperer can focus its attention on a single sentient creature (any living creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher) within 120 feet to plant a potent curse on the target. The victim can resist this curse with a successful DC 30 Will save. If successful, that creature is immune to that whisperer’s inescapable curse for 24 hours. If the victim fails the save, she grows increasingly obsessed with the whisperer’s primeval landscape and will not voluntarily leave this region. If forced to exit this area, the victim becomes sickened, and the next time the victim falls asleep, she vanishes and returns to the exact point where the whisperer first placed the inescapable curse upon her, as per greater teleport. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Primeval Landscape (Su)

Any creature that enters a primeval landscape begins to suffer increasingly vivid and maddening hallucinations. After spending 24 hours in the region, and again every 24 hours thereafter as long as it remains in the area, a creature can attempt a DC 30 Will save to resist being increasingly affected by the primeval landscape. Upon each failed saving throw, the creature moves one step down the following track. Casting greater restoration or psychic surgery on an affected creature moves it one step up the track. Miracle or wish removes all cumulative effects. Every full 24 hours spent outside of the primeval landscape, the victim moves one step up along this track. At the GM’s discretion, the whisperer can choose to not to affect specific creatures or to stop their progression at a specific step. While the effects of a primeval landscape are not mind-affecting, mindless creatures and creatures with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower are immune to the effects. The save DC is Charisma-based.

First Failed Save: Things seem strange, and otherwise normal events or objects become ominous and unsettling. The victim gains the sickened condition.

Second Failed Save: The terrain seems to shift and warp while sounds are twisted into atonal parodies or blocked out by eerie whispering. In addition to being sickened, an affected creature moves at half speed and treats all other creatures as if they had concealment.

Third Failed Save: The subject’s hallucinations crowd out actual events, and her perception bears little relationship to reality. In addition to the effects of earlier failed saves, an affected creature is staggered.

Fourth Failed Save: The subject’s autonomic processes begin to fail as pain and paranoia take hold. The subject is nauseated.

Fifth Failed Save: The victim is slain.

Rejuvenate (Su)

A whisperer that is killed reappears in its primeval landscape at the next new moon.

The only way to prevent a whisperer from rejuvenating is to remove the primeval landscape effect before the whisperer’s rejuvenation.

Unsuspected (Su)

A creature that attempts a save against any of a whisperer’s abilities is unaware that it has done so unless obvious visual evidence is present. Under such circumstances, the GM should roll saving throws for player characters in secret.

Environment any wilderness
Organization solitary
Treasure double

Civilization spreads like an invasive species, destroying and consuming, transforming and dominating. There are some realms, though—primeval and pristine tracts of wilderness—that civilization will never claim. These are the whisperers’ domains.

The whisperers are fey in the most otherworldly and alien way possible. They resent those who trespass on their primeval landscapes, the lone exceptions being the undead that rise from the spirits of their victims or those fey who, by their natures or through cruel fate, have fallen to evil. These fey seek out the whisperer’s realm, both for the protection it provides and because they find its alien presence strangely euphoric; they often delight in leading intruders into the whisperer’s grasp.

A whisperer’s domain is nearly as hostile to intruders as the whisperer itself is. Lethal hazards, unexplainable occurrences, and eerie happenings are common in a primeval landscape, as are haunts formed from previous trespassers. Plant creatures and animals attack viciously, and even “ordinary” plants seem hostile to intruders.

A whisperer is 15 feet tall and, being incorporeal, is completely weightless.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 6 © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, James Jacobs, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Tim Nightengale, F. Wesley Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Todd Stewart, Josh Vogt, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.