Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Culture: Dalandic Culture

Culture: Dalandic Culture

Dalandic Culture Culture

The Dalandic Culture is one of Eyom's newest cultures. It's reach covers 1,259,506 square kilometers in central Eyom, and is comprised of aproximently 14,521,615 individuals in urban centers.


The Dalandic Culture was founded 148 years ago (in 1852) by wealthy Tauric nobles who had a monopoly over the international train lines. They chose to use their wealth to succede from their homelands and found their own nation, which became the Dalandic Empire. The Dalandic Empire is one of the wealthiest and fastest growing nations in Eyom, but one of the youngest. While its culture is notably diffrent from its parent cultures, it is quite chaotic and ever shifting due to its young age. While other cultures have had milinia to refine their ways, Dalandic Culture has yet to reach a concencus on many issues. Concequently theis summery is looser than otehr nations, and could be entirly obsoleet within two to three decades.


The majority of Dalandic Culture's art is commissioned by the general public. Artistic endevors are primarily funded through public trusts, mutual funds, and patrionage of specific artists by either groups or individuals. Artists are generaly treated as a business within Dalandic Culture, but some artists have broken this mold and reached a level of fame and stardom so incomprehencable that they suffer from investigators tracking their every move to sell the infrmation to low-brow gossip magazines. Dalandic Culture uses the majority of its art as a form of leaisure, but also to celebrate historic events. Dalandic Culture also uses its art for: making certain concepts easier to understand, pushing economic agendas, reinforcing cultural norms, immortalizing key figures of history and mythology, and remembering loved ones.

Dalandic Culture's major laws relating to the creation of art are;

No work of art may posativly depict national rivals and state enamies, nor glorify criminals or criminal activity.

Art may not dishonor the millitary.

Works which are either illegal or breach a cultural taboo are confenscated, then placed within specific muceums. Anyone may view these works within the muceums, but the institution places the works with simmilar works of its kind as well as examples of art with contrary opinions. The purpose of these muceums is to push the idea that the arts message is not nessisarily true, and encourage the popular / official viewpoints. Howeaver, the displays are not so biased as to not serve as an argument for all viewpoints on display. Citizens often refer to these muceums as the "Art Debate Halls".

Durring this Cycle, the Dalandic Culture greatly favored the literary arts. They primarily focused on poetry, with their greatest works consisting of short poems consisting of a scant few lines with a highly specific and formalized syllable count for each line. This form of poem was written to be preformed orally, either through singing or speaking in cant, and is typically intended to tell the story of a real event, or a myth. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the poet Glynis Pritchard, whose works are typically the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Dalandic Culture's artwork of the current era.

In the Visual Arts, they primarily focused on print making, with their greatest works consisting of images drawn on limestone plates using a number of greasy mediums before being washed in acid. A water-soulable substance is then applied to the stone, which will not stick to the greased sections of the block. Oil-based ink is then applied with a roller, with the ink only adhering to the greased sections of the stone. A press is then used to stamp the image onto paper. Several stones may be used to produce a multi-colored or otherwise complex image. Their art showed a particular emphasis on colors, lines, and space. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the printer Michelle Crowther, whose works are typicaly the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Dalandic Culture's artwork of the current era.

In the Preforming Arts, they primarily focused on dance, with their greatest works consisting of a form of energetic dance using wide sweeping movements generally rapidly preformed in sequences, which can be preformed by an individual or groups, occasionally as parts of a theatrical dramatic performance. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the dancer Lace Foulkes, whose works are typicaly the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Dalandic Culture's artwork of the current era.

Pop Culture

Dalandic Culture's popular culture is dominated by painting and sculpture. These arts are made avalible to the public through collections taken from members of the public.

The advent of printmaking technologies able to reproduce color images of traditionaly painted works created a boom in the painting market. While few own an orgional work, most people within Dalandic Culture have decorated their walls with collections of paintings. Occasionaly you'll find massive wall sized prints made using dozens of masters which allow for the replication of entire murals or abstract imagry in a form which can be changed later, or moved as desired. Each Dalandic home is a riot of color, decorated to the tastes of its owner, with individual rooms often having a theme. This practice is likly to stick due to its wide adoption and relativly low cost.

Sculpture remains popular, but due to no inexpencisve way to copy larger works, the majority of people within Dalandic culture decorate their homes with busts and figurines. These are often painted, eitehr at the factory or by the consumer. Sculpture painting in and of itself is a booming hobby.

Dalandic Culture is so wealthy that even its most poor of citizens see art not as a luxury, but as an affordable commodity. Astetics are cheep, monitizable, and profitable. Should this hold true for anoteher generation, Dalandic art is likly to become a major world influence due to its sheer proliferation.

High Culture

Dalandic Culture's high culture is dominated by painting and ceramics. These arts are made avalible to members of the cultural eliet through state run cultural promotion programs.

The Ceramics of high culture are something of a Wealth Tax. While this isn't true in a legal or practical sence, it is most certainly phiisophicaly true. Dalandic CUlture appears to have decided that ceramic sculptures, dishes, and all such elements are special and reserved for the eliet. Concequently they are far more expencive than one would expect. This has created the odd situation where poor people may eat from bronze and puter dishware and use genuine silverware, while the wealthy dine using finly painted glazed ceramics.

Dalandic Culture is too young for there to be any true traditions with its high culture. Everything is a fad and changes as the wealthies tcitizens change their minds on the subject of the day, year, or decade. It is unknown what form this will stabilize into, but ironicaly enough the Empire's wealth is such that there are few luxucires that the wealthy can afford that the poor cannot. Only sheer quantity and scale can be used to display one's wealth. As this is an excelent way to ensure one does not keep their wealth, Dalandic culture may not be able to have seperate high and low art.

Communication And The Spread Of Ideas

The Dalandic Empire is one of the two primary founders of the Aethary. Concequently, it has replaced nearly all of its major communication methods with the arcane system. While print media, radio, and news criers still exist, they are middlemen who obtain their information from varrious Aethric Taverns from across the Nexus. Concequently, Dalandic Culture operates at extreemly high speed. What happens in one place can be public knolage everywhere by the next sunrise. This has become a problem for the government and many institutions, as anyone with a few inexpensive talismins can record audio and illusatory images then spread them across the entire nation simply by traveling to the nearest Aethary Link.

Ironicaly, this creates as many problems as it solves. Minsinformation is more common than solid factual sources, and few people trust the trustworthy sources. COncequently, few people share the same worldviews. This is one of the major sources of Dalandic Culture's chaotic and evershifting nature. Once this cultural problem can be solved, Daland is likly to settle down somewhat, though such a time is at least decades distant and as the nation is still quite young its culture is likly to remain fairly fluid.

Untill then, politiicans, corporations, buisnesses, and even everyday citizens will have to carefuly toe dozens of lines. There is no way to know what, when, or where something one says will be made into public knolage, nor how the general public will react to this infomration. Many long serving politicians have been strung up by lynch mobs due to recordings of convercations relating to what are concidered normal statments and opinions within their political arena.


The major Dalandic Culture holidays are:

  1. harvest festival
  2. arcane festival
  3. science festival
  4. autumn festival
  5. literary festival

Manual Prompt:What is the holiday?

Manual Prompt:When is it held?

Manual Prompt:What does it represent?

Manual Prompt:How is it celebrated or marked?

Manual Prompt:What economic barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What social barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What legal barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What are the popular holiday destinations?

Manual Prompt:What are the popular holiday activities?

Gender and Gender Roles

The Dalandic Empire has adopted an odd concept of Gender Identity. They have decided, seemingly through concencus based on both face to face and Aetharic discorse, that there is no point in gender identity. Dalandic Culture cares only for the sex of a person, specificly their biological reproductive role or roles. The phiisophy behind this decision is simple, and stated through the following axioms:

  1. People's identities are the product of many componants.
    1. Biological Sex
    2. Gender Identity
    3. Formative Experiances
    4. Education
    5. Life Experiances
    6. Place of Birth
    7. Time experianced
  2. Gender Identity is a product of biological sex and cultural norms in a given time and place.
  3. Few people are born in the same time and place.
  4. No one is raised under identicle conditions.
  5. Culture changes over time
    1. Changes can be rapid
    2. The impact of a change is often dispreportionaly large to its apparent nature
  6. While most gender identities share the same names, their definishions are often drasticaly diffrent, and usualy notably diffrent.
  7. Conclusion: The number of recognised gender identities existing within a nation is large, as the existing catagories are illusions due to the recycling of names/lables between vastly diffrent groups with vastly diffrent values across diffrent time piriods.
  8. Conclusion: Gender identities will change drasticaly generation to generation, cuasing diffrent definishions within the same culture, effectivly multiplying the number of gender roles per culture by the number of living generations within the culture..
  9. Therefore: The number of gender identities is determined by the number of microcultures and generations within a given nation .
    1. Fact: This number is stupid huge.
    2. There is effectivly one gender identity per 3 people.
    3. No one can be expected to memorise all existant genders, let alone recognise individuals as a specific gender at a glance.
  10. Final Conclusion: It is not practical (potentialy impossible) to formaly carogirize people by gender as there are simply too many catagories to make the sorting operation useful in any meaningful way.

This logical proof's near-universal acception means Dalandic CUlture simply dosn't recognise gender at all. People are people, and people happen to have one or more reproductive roles due to their biology. Somone's biology can make them more or less suited to certain tasks, but the diffrences biology causes in this area are largly ignorable as intelegent lifeforms can and do work arround such limits without any real impact on their effectivness (outside of certain extreems).

Dalandic Culture thus assigns individuals one of three sexes: Male, Female, or Hermaphradite. These are based purly off of what gamytes they produce. A fourth catagory of intersex exists for those whose biology dosn't fall into any of the three primary groups. This assignment is eccentialy only used for identification, medical, and cencus purposes.

Dalandic Culture is extreemly egalitarian, as one would expect of a culture which simply killed the concept of Gender rather than make use of it.

Subcultures and Alternative Lifestyles

Dlandic CUlture has many subcultures. Far too many to exist. Most of them are tiny communities which exist due to the Aethary linking like-minded people across the entire nation. These are remarkable in that they have practicaly killed the requirment of living near people to culturaly identify with them.

This has produced an intresting phenominon where Dalandic people tend to assume they have more in common with strangers than they would typialy assume. Concequently, Dalandic Culture's members are very friendly, most welcoming, and offer people many chances to show who they are as a person ratehr than judge them right away. This has killed the general advice that first impressions are everything for Dalandic Culture.

Universal Fears

The top five most common fears found within Dalandic Culture's members are:

  1. Corporate Tracking of personal data
  2. Aberrations
  3. Racial/Hate Crime
  4. Being unemployable
  5. Urban monsters (particualrly giant spiders)

Money and Wealth

In Dalandic Culture culture, wealth is seen as the primary motovator for non-lieasure actvities. Howeaver, due to its wealth, the gap between the wealthy and the poor is incredibly small. The poorest Dalandic citizen who is jellious of a wealthy citizen's new boat is capable of saving their income for a season and purchasing a nearly-identicle vessle for their own use. There are little to no opertunities for scocial mobility within Dalandic Culture culture due to how many people are vying for status at the present time. Any time one might have climbed up tot he next rung on the economic ladder, somone has attached another rung to its top. Thus, no real change has occured even though more wealth has been gained.

Broadly speaking, education is so abundent that attempts to nationalize a standard cariculum for primary and secondary education are underway as the current system is too error prone with thousands of curriculums, carrer options are avalible for everyone in nearly any field one may desire, homes and family-related infrastructure avalible to everyone, healthcare is entirly covered through a universal tax system, and anyone with wealth can gain scocial or political power.

There is a saying that no one in Daland knows what it is to be poor. By the standards of most cultures and nations, this is true. By their own standards, families with a single home, one personal vehical for each member, all children attending a highly acredted university, and everyone able ro persue any liesure activity of their choice, while hiring somone to do any household chores they dislike are seen as poor.

Food, Meals, and Mealtime

Dalandic Culture's members typicaly eat three meals, one at midmorning, one at noon, and one in the evening, which are eaten communialy, with groups of families rotating the responcibility of providing everyone's meals between themselves. This practice came about in a highly specific event 109 years ago, wherein a major shipment of food items and spices was hijacked. Annoied at the inability to eat specific dishes, Dalandic citizens began to ask their neighbors to barrow seasonings and items. Trading began to take place and within a week groups of families were leaving the gates to their back yards open inorder to host communal cookoffs, meals, and play sporting events. This persisted once logistics stabilized as most people were enjoying the scocilizing too much to stop. After the second year, this simply became the new normal, and persists to this day.

Dalandic Culture cuisine is rich in pasta, fish, fruits and vegetables. Cheese, cold cuts and wine are central to Dalandic Culture cuisine, and along with pizza and coffee (especially espresso) form part of Dalandic Culture gastronomic culture. Desserts have a long tradition of merging local flavours such as citrus fruits, pistachio and almonds with sweet cheeses like mascarpone and ricotta or exotic tastes as cocoa, vanilla and cinnamon.

Dalandic Culture culture has several prominant science festivals and rain festivals, which are cullinarily significent due to a part of the festivles being reserved for use in a right of passage for youths who have recently come of age, which involves consuming a specific varriety of wine called Felko. Felko is exceptionaly strong and contains milkd dissasoatives and helucanagens, and is intended to give the drinker visions of possible futures.

Dalandic Culture has several compeating schools of table edicuite. This guide will not comment on them as there are regular dules between champions of each school and none of our scholars are willing to be stabbed or shot over an ecycloipedia entry on table manners.


Dalandic Culture's members typicaly prefer to a decent balance between labor and liesure which favors liesure. Due to their wealth, most Dalandic individuals work a mere three days of the week. Those working longer hours are those who expressly desire greater station in life. This is possible due to the extreemly high rate of financial itteracy, as well as the Empire's monopoly over the railroads. All citizens of the Empire recieve a miniscule cut of the railroad sprofits, which for even the lowest of all scocial ranks is more than enough to provide basic food, shelter, and occasional luxuries. Concequently, a humble part time job is all anyone needs to support a family or expensive tastes.

Popular adult pasttimes include:

  1. wine tasting
  2. blacksmithing
  3. leather crafting
  4. pyrography
  5. card games

Popular pasttimes for children include:

  1. wood carving
  2. quilting
  3. foreign language learning
  4. The Aethary
  5. breadmaking
Charity and Wellfare

In Dalandic Culture culture acts of charity are generaly preformed as insults. Doners are making their donations as a means of implying the recipitant squanders their wealth. This insult is highly effective. Individuals in need of genuine assistance are not treated in this fashion, and simply need to go to the nearest welfare office to recieve whatever assistance they require. howeaver, such individuals are exceptionaly rare due to the culture's Basic Income laws. It takes living on a warfront, famine, drouts, or persistant monster attacks to place Dalandic citizens in such a possison.

Concequently, Daland's stocks reserved for welfare purposes are nearly always full. Their food banks, clothing warehouses, and otehr charitable institutions are net exporters of goods which serve to assist surrounding cultures and nations more than their own citizens. This is great for Dalandic indivduals in need, as they can be given an entire furnished home without making a dent in the stockpiles.

Given the extreem ealth within the culture, many may wonder why certain nessisary tasks which are seen as degrading or menial are preformed. In Delandic CUlture, occupations are often a source of liesure with many people preforming these tasks due to enjoying them. Others seek more wealth than they presently have and are not above getting dirty if it means they can build a fourth story on their home next year.

Income inequality is effectily measurable by the distance one lives from the nearest rail line. There are other metrics, but generaly speaking the wealthy take nice locations away from the noise of railways as they can afford to have short-range trnasport of goods from distribution centers to their homes.

Health, Fitness, and Beauty Standards

The Dalandic Culture has yet to formalize any standards for health and beauty. There are two general rules of thumb:

  1. Dress in a manner flattering to your body type.
  2. Don't be sick in public.

Their standards for mental health are formalized howeaver, and notably a little harsh in the eyes of outsiders. Those who do not function easily within normal scociety are relocated to districts, camps, or even entire towns which are populated entirly by people with simmilar mental conditions as their own, as well as any neessisary cargivers. These people are not prisoners, and may leave inorder to travel, visit friends and family, or for any purpose they happen to have. Howeaver they are required to keep the assigned lcoation as their residence, and may only move household to other locations reserved for individuals such as themselves. The families of the afflicted are permitted to visit, provided they obay all rules of a given community.

The net effect is that while most neurotypial people do not know there are more than a handfull of mental disorders, those with the afformentione ddisorders are able to live in places where they are normal and everyone arround them understands them. Both groups seem to enjoy this arangment, which appears to have been made out of concern for the general mental health of the afflicted.

The logic behind the decision is based on the idea that if everyone with a specific disorder could have a place where things worked in ways that made sence to them and/or didn't exaserbate their conditions, they would be generaly happier, healthier, and live higher quality lives. This system is new, having been in place for less than 20 years. Interviews with the more high-functioning individuals amongst those with disorders who lived through this transision appreciate the arangment greatly. This aspect of Dalandic culture is likly to stay given its highly posative reception on both sides, though time will tell if the idea is truly good or not.


Manual Prompt:Which personality traits are valued?

Manual Prompt:Which personality traits are disliked?

Manual Prompt:How are these preferences seen in society?

Manual Prompt:How do valued traits feed into life goals?

Manual Prompt:How are those with valued/unvalued traits treated differently?


Patitoism is not a large part of Dalandic CUlture. Supporting the contry is simply not important for the average person. Those who whish to further their culture or nation can assume a profession which does so. Everyone else is free to do as they please within the bounds of the law. This arangment has ironicaly created a culture whre most people love their contry.


The Dalandic Culture is intresting in that it has a trend to recognise the largest groupings of people, appreciate them, and yet try to keep them seperate, yet able to mingle. This seems to be rooted in a desire to perserve traditions of the many disparate groups within the culture, while also creating new cultural ideas, new cultures entirly, and allowing ideas to flow across bordors.

The culture is thus highly divirse, yet discrete. There is a place for each people in every Dalandic settlment. While people are not required to live in the place designated for them, most do of their own volishion. There are great public efforts within Dalandic schools which instill the moral that everyone is diffrent, yet everyone is the same. That the unique things about a person must be allowed to grow and bloom as they would naturaly, but that one must also take measures to ensure the garden is healthy, happy, and flows in gradients from pool to pool.

This outlook is difficult to understand and appreciate for those who do not live in Dalandic culture, especialy as such arangments are generaly discriminatory in nature. In this case, it genuinly appears to be an attempt to perserve what makes diffrent groups unique while ensuring no one feels trapped in a role they wer eborn into. Of all the element sof Dalandic Culture, this one is the most enduring and respected.

"Okay, so, that over there is Iron Town. It's where a lot of our Iron Elves live and do their Elf stuff. If you're an Iron Elf who wants to do their elf stuff, or anyone else who wants to do their elf stuff, you move in over there. If not, you move somewhere where they do the things you want to do. Or if you don't care abotu that, you find a place somewhere between a few of the Towns and mixing the toppings you like. Get it?"

"Not realy."

- Exerpt of a Local Guide's tour for Imperial Scholars.


Some superstitions common to Dalandic Culture culture are:

  1. Idly playing with scissors will bring bad luck.
  2. An itchy right hand means you'll come into some money but an itch on your left means you'll lose money.
  3. If you don't put your hands in your pockets when you pass a grave yard, the dead will take hold of your hand and follow you home.
  4. Sleeping with your head facing north invites plague.
  5. Walking under a ladder will doom you to being hung.
Bad Manners and Insults

Actions commonly seen as rude to Dalandic Culture are:

  1. Cutting in line.
  2. Grooming yourself in public spaces.
  3. Having bad body language.
  4. Forcing your way into a conversation.
  5. Sighing during a conversation.

Some commonly used insults in Dalandic Culture culture are:

  1. idleton
  2. Mrs. Quack-Quack
  3. scoozie
  4. choad
  5. twit

Family Structures

Dalandic culture is lightly patriarchal, with the oldest male of a household making the large decision srelating to the family as a whole. This element of their culture is a relic from before their decisions to eliminate gender identity and is nearly dead.

Family is a beloved part of Dalandic Culture, with family being highly valued by most individuals. In this way, Dalandic Culture is quite typical of Zo as a whole. Dalandic Culture does make use of generational families, where grandparents, parents, and children all live under one roof. This is their method of Elder Care, which has the elderly move in with their children once they are too old to care for themselves. Younger generations generaly pay for a nurse to attend their parents so both parties can retain privacy. This behavior may not last.

Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood

Dalandic culture is quite typical with pregnancy and motherhood. The only eception to the general norms is the extreem maturnity leave and rights motehrs are granted. A mother is to recieve 3 years of paied leave per child (at half sallary), or her emploier is liable to be publicly flogged, then spend a month in the stocks.

Coming of Age

Dalland has set its age of adulthood at 21 years. This is adjusted for individuals with faster growth and development due to their species. The general rule of thumb is somone is a child untill they have compleated secondary education.

Dalandic Culture celebrates bithdays, as well as the date their children began puberty which serves as a second birthday. They also formalize graduation from primary and secondary education, leading to four yearly celebrations per person based on life acomplishments.

Young Adults are expected to leave home to find themselves. This is formalized with what they call the Life Quest, which makes a grand celebration of young people setting out to discover their passions, adult friends, and make a name for themselves. This is an excuse to allow their parents time to be a coupple again, everyone knows it, and everyone is fine with it.

Rites of Passage

Manual Prompt:What rites of passage celebrations exist for:

  1. Births?
  2. Birthdays?
  3. Educational milestones?
  4. Religious milestones?
  5. Other life milestones?
  6. Marriages?
  7. Deaths?

Manual Prompt:How have rites of passage changed?

Love and Romance

Dalandic Culture culture holds the love between friends in the highest esteeme. Of the diffrent varrieties of friendly love, Philia [friendly love, the bond between friends and equals] is seen as the most important and sacrad type of bond. The love found between romantic partners is seen as important, but nowhere near as much as mania. The love found between family members is seen as shameful and should be kept out of public spaces.

Dalandic Culture culture favors monogamy. Monogamy is the practice of having only one sexual/romantic partner at time. Monogamous couples can be married or not married - the partners just agree that they will not have sex with anyone else while they are in this relationship.

Manual Prompt:What are typical acts of romance?

Manual Prompt:What romantic celebrations are there?


Dalandic Culture is quite normal within Eyom reguarding Sexuality. Keep romatic matters largly private, and respect everyone's orientations. No more, no less.