Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Culture: Goblin Culture

Culture: Goblin Culture

Goblin Culture

Goblin Culture is one of Eyom's major cultures. Its reach covers 542,494 square kilometers in western Eyom, and is comprised of approximately 9,060,545 individuals in urban centers. This standard metric of judging a culture's size, reach, and impact fails to represent Goblin Culture due to an unforeseen reason when this form was standardized for the analysis of major world cultures. Goblin Culture does not prioritize the creation of settlements, industry, or otherwise behave as a typical culture.

Goblin CUlture is predominantly primitive, in a token fashion. They generally prefer a nomadic lifestyle, with the bulk of their members living where their feet take them for as long as their hearts wish to remain in that place. What cities they do have exist as meeting spots and places to store supplies, knowledge, and rear children. Not that Goblin Parents rear their own children, Goblin Culture sees children as belonging to their people as a whole and will turn them over to dedicated professional child rearing specialists.

At least, the Goblins of Lin Forest do. Part of untangling the complexity of Goblin CUlture, the undisputed masters of alchemy and brewing, those who operate the largest trade empire short of the Empire itself, and all on one product, are in fact, two sister cultures. The Goblins of Lin Forest and the Goblins found elsewhere share many values and customs, but have many key differences. Yet the differences are not so great as to call them separate cultures. Therefore, this entry will use the following labels (as they are the ones the Goblins use):

Traditional Goblin Culture refers to Goblins who are either nomadic or settled outside of Lin Forest. Modern Goblin Culture refers to Goblins who are either nomadic or settled within Lin Forest.

Modern Goblin Culture predates Traditional Goblin Cult. Traditional Goblin Culture comprises tribes who did not enjoy remaining in Lin Forest after their people settled down and chose to return to wandering the whole of Eyom. Neither culture is much like the Orgional Goblin Culture, which arose from their slave rebellion and successful escape from the Wood Elven lands, and following great wanderings in search of a home.

For the purpose of clarity any statement attributed to "Goblin Culture" applies to both groups equally.


Goblin Culture is rooted in Goblin Biology, Origins, and Religion. It is vastly different from all other cultures found on Zo, with only a few extra planar cultures having similar values and concepts. Much of Goblin Culture is considered inappropriate, taboo, or even unnatural by many people of the world. Eyom's people are adapted to Goblin Culture due to the universal spread and reach of Goblin Tribes, but those reading this article from outside Eyom may wish to forgo reading. Excepting of course, those who will be traveling to Eyom. Understanding Goblin Culture, and that Eyom's cultures condone their cultural behaviors and thus will not chastise, punish, or otherwise stop Goblins from acting as they normally do even if their acts conflict with their own local cultures, is key to being comfortable as a traveler in Eyom.

The largest difference between conventional cultures and Goblin cultures relates to sex. Not biology, but the act. Goblin Culture (Traditional and Modern) was created by a people who were designed and created through the use of magic to serve as rapid-breeding shock troopers, and living monster broodmothers. They escaped this ordained fate through a slave rebellion, but freedom from their masters is not freedom from their design.

Not only are Goblin instincts designed to compel them to procreate, but their very biology is built for it. They experience more pleasure from the act and genuine pain from "overlaiden" gonads if they forgo for even short periods. For them, sexual need is most equatable to th act of urination. Something which must be done several times a day to remain healthy, a perfectly natural act to perform, and something that causes pain to avoid doing.

Thankfuly for Goblins, they are immune to disease as it was less expensive to create them with that ability than to control disease outbreaks. They are also able to control their fertility due to their oldest ancestors' hard work with alchemy and their own modifications to their species when there were few enough of them in but one place to make such a thing possible. Consequently, Goblins do not experience any negative occurrences realting to sex.

Scocialy, their deck is stacked much the same. Goblins rever the goddess Tol, a nature deity who is most accurately described as nature in its aspect of fertility, growth, and new life. She and the Goblins are a perfect fit, and most of Goblinkind's magic is a gift given to them for not their worship, but rather their assistance with the Goddess's plans. This assistance is given through a divine spell that takes the life energy from goblin zygotes and uses it to create new plantlife within Lin Forest (Unless a specific ritual is used to allow the goblin to carry the child to term instead.) In a very real way, Goblins are Lin Forest by the design of a god. A design that functions through ritualized sexual activity.

This has created a culture that has no sexual taboos. Goblins are not disturbed by any sexual act, sexuality, or fantasy. They also do not connect sex to romance or see it as anything special. To Goblins, sex is a fun and pleasurable activity one can do on their own, or with friends. To goblins, sexual relationships are friendships. This makes their culture the polar opposite of most.

Combined with their lack of a nudity taboo (which exists due to Goblins being elvinoids, and thus hermaphrodites, who live in a jungle, and thus everyone has the same parts and are hot most days), and the generally minimal utility-only way goblins dress, and most people who do not understand Goblin CUlture see them as little more than sex-crazed maniacs. This impression, while not entirely inaccurate, is incomplete, misleading, and hides the beauty of their ancient and nuanced culture.

Goblins must be approached with an open mind. Even the one sleeping naked in an ally leaning against a barrel. She is not drunk, nor "turning tricks", she is simply taking a quick nap while on break from her shift at the warehouse, and has disrobed due to finding the heavy leather safety clothing her job requires extremely hot, stuffy, and confining. Everyone in the city understands this, and while there are plenty who disapprove, the majority of Eyom's citizens believe all people are entitled to live as their cultures have dictated. Thus, the Goblin is to be left alone. Making a scene from her behavior will make you the target of the town's ire, not her. Even if she were engaging in coitus with a friend on her break (so long as the alleyway was relatively out of the public eye), they would leave her be.

So too should all tourists. Who should absolutely take the time to read, comprehend, and understand this article in full. We cannot stress this enough. Goblin Culture is very different from your own, and Eyomic Culture as a whole demonizes those who attempt to other people simply for their cultures. Tourists have been lynched for breaking that taboo.


The majority of Goblin Culture's art is produced by individuals for the simple sake of personal passion. Artistic endeavors are partly funded through patrons, while artists themselves are generally treated with great respect. Goblin Culture uses a physical majority of its art for educational purposes, primarily by creating purely visual learning material to standardized forms. Modern Goblin Culture also uses its art for: fetichizing their current queen as a cultural sex-icon, reinforcing cultural norms, immortalizing key events of history and mythology, general recreation as a hobby, and beautification of private spaces. Traditional Goblin Culture also uses its art for: artistic cartography, reinforcing cultural norms, immortalizing key events of history and mythology, general recreation as a hobby, and beautification of private spaces.

Modern Goblin Culture has a few laws relating to the creation of art:

  1. Art may not depict obscene acts, and must be authorized by all relevant authorities if the art is to be publicly displayed.
    1. Obscene acts in Goblin Culture are what other cultures would see as general dating behavior from a loving couple. Goblins are universally flustered and embarrassed by romance, which they see as a private and extremely intimate thing to be shared exclusively by those with an indiscribaly close bond.
    2. As far as any can tell, the only authority that has to approve the art is the Goblin's Tribe's Chief.
  2. It is illegal to depict the Queen as fat unless she is, or thinks that is attractive.

Art breaking these rules earns the offender 3 days in a public-use stockade. Consequently, there are many Goblins who intentionally breaks these Taboos.

Traditional Goblin Culture also has several culturally enforced rules.

  1. Art may not be used to insult other cultures.
  2. Art may not be created unless the Tribe has more than 15 days of stored resources.
  3. Art must be created if the Tribe has more than 20 days of stored resources.
    1. This rule seems to be intended to ensure the Tribe never over-hunts/forages/fishes their territory.
  4. Art may not use the color [drab dark brown]

Presently, Goblin Culture greatly favors the literary arts. They primarily focused on literature, with their greatest works consisting of written accounts of the life of a person, rendered in as much detail as the author can manage, and typically written about a person of interest or import. The foremost artisan within this medium is the author Cōń̄y Da̋ń̄b "Foxy Holly" Yākīó̄ Mp̪f̄shīb, whose works are typically the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Goblin Culture's artwork of the current era.

In the Visual Arts, they currently focus on print making, with their greatest works consisting of images which are carved into a block or plank of wood, which is then covered in ink to transfer the image carved into the wood onto a flexible medium, typically cloth. Their art shows a particular emphasis on hues, space, and forms. The foremost artisan within this medium is Da̋ch Da̋ń̄b "Lofielie Cutie" Cú̄̌ Yärmé̄, whose works are typically the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Goblin Culture's artwork of the current era.

In the Preforming Arts, they presently enjoy dance, with their greatest works consisting of a family of dances encompassing dancing both solo and in groups, for social, competitive, and performance purposes, consisting of wide sweeping movements generally rapidly preformed in sequences. The foremost artisan within this medium is the dancer Goīkī Ca̋chv "Venus Depth" Cawmér Ya̋mēw̄ys, whose works are typically the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Goblin Culture's artwork of the current era.

Pop Culture

Goblin Culture's popular culture is dominated by sculpture and ceramics. These arts are made available to the public through capitalist ventures, or for various favors done for the artist.

Modern Goblin Culture is very slow to adopt new technology in general. Its arts are kept traditional, and are often not mass-produced in any traditional sense. Even with potion brewing (the backbone of all Goblin economies) Modern Goblin CUlture uses ancient methods of brewing and produces in bulk via sheer volume of individuals microbrewing. Their art is no different, which means each piece has its own unique character and often comes at a high price.

Traditional Goblin CUlture is different in that it happily embraces new technologies, especially those for producing artisanal goods. This results in most Traditional Tribes eventually settling down and founding a village (or at least a permanent camp). This means they are likely to try new tools, methods, and do produce good sin bulk with traditional mass production methods (excepting potion brewing, with an exception to the exception for medical potions).

In Goblin Culture, art is always intended to be permanent, and for the beautification of a space. Goblins do not take their art with them when they move camp, instead they leave their sculptures and non-practical ceramic works behind for others to enjoy. Consequently, camp sites used by migratory Tribes are the product of hundreds or even a thousand years of a continuously evolving cultural beautification attempts. The result is generally speaking spaces wich appear natural, pristine, and amazingly aesthetic, yet have countless hidden features within them such as pantrees, seats, lookouts, and even entire homes.

High Culture

Modern Goblin Culture lacks a concept of High Culture. They do have national projects which are large scale coordinated efforts, (generally to create a city or a temple), but these projects are not thought of as artistic endeavors. Rather they are built according to ancient decreese and the personal tastes of Tol herself, thus they are created by consulting manuals of style. Any aesthetic or decorative feature comes directly form their sacred pages. These projects typically do not require funding, as they are generally performed as needed for state functions, or by the whim of Tol. In either case, the divine provides.

Traditional Goblin Culture has a concept close to high art, though goblins are generally too personable and egalitarian to have concepts such as elite and inferior members of society. This concept is art produced for a tribe's chief, princess, or Elder Witch. Each of these projects is generally used as part of a local ritual, custom, or public work and are intended to help characterize the tribe's individual culture and practices. While taken seriously and made through the lenses of tradition and current events, this art is in the end for the people as a whole. It is simply intended to be representative of the community rather than an individual's tastes and preferences.

Communication And The Spread Of Ideas

Modern Goblin Culture primarily communicates through their travels by word of mouth. This makes the spread of information and ideas quite slow, but such is their way. More pertinent information such as news of invasion, disasters, or a group of non-goblins seeking to immigrate, is spread by dedicated messengers who run the news to different settlements and camps. The alternative is magical sendings, generally used exclusively to respond to invasions. Modern Goblin Culture is perfectly content with not knowing much about the world more than a days' walk from their current location. As their culture is founded in moving from place to place, they prefer to know the place they are in to the fullest before moving on once bord. Their attention spans are simply longer than most other peoples, and much, much, much more focused. This is a privilege afforded to them by a few tribes who work to keep their nation's infrastructure and forin relations/economy running while the others exist as they have for millenia.

Traditional Goblin Culture is unusual in that they have become extremely fond of radio broadcast. Most settled Traditional Goblin Villages will erect a radio tower (inevitably in such a way as to invisibly blend into the environment) and run an Eyom wide network called the "Wood Wide Web". This "Web" is used to share Aethary links over high-frequency radio bands amongst their entire culture. The mechanism behind this system is fascinating for several reasons, chief amongst which is it all depends on the City-Wide Aethary links located in the cities of Abing, Fal Fi̽ Ner, Haqæmà Kudû Higu̹, Mayside, and at least 12 other unknown settlments.

These links are created through the use of what the goblins call "Cantennas", which are little more than old metal drums which have been crudely turned into antennes, then hidden in the forest while carefully aimed at settlements with city-wide atheary links. These antennes feed back to base stations which then transmit data too and from the settlment's atheary link via radio, as well as serving that data to clients. The system is far slower than a direct Aethiary link, but contains an entire separate Network of Data Taverns made by Goblins, for Goblins. Few people in Eyom know this system exists, and those who do don't understand why Goblins do not build or buy their own Aethiary Links. Nor do we, for "This is more fun!" is not a satisfactory answer to anyone other than Goblins.

The end result of these systems is Modern Goblin Culture is slow to change, ignorant of the world at large most of the time, and exists in their paradice happy as can be. Traditional Goblin Culture is well connected, changes when necessary (though still slow to do so), and very well informed about the world in general. So much so that a quarter of all kidnapping reports come from Traditional Goblins stealthfuly removing domestic violence victims from their abusers and relocating them far from home. Or hunting down people who evaded their nation's justice system and applying vigilante justice. Or removing youths from homes with cultures toxic to that youth's cultural or personal identities. Many slave escapes are also aided, abeded, and actualized by Traditional Goblins.

These operations are naturally clandestine, but are not organized by any governing body. They emerge organicly via the Wood Wide Web, often from a specific Data Tavern called The Crusader's Stronghold. This particular Tavern actively organizes, trains, equipps, and informs volunteers (called Crusaders) for such operations. While its services are illegal in most nations the Tavern has proven to be nearly impossible to locate or permanently disrupt. Primarily due to its legion of anonymous supporters who can apparently relocate the entire operation overnight.

In Summation: Modern Goblin Culture is an isolated bubble that remains timeless to its traditions. Traditional Goblin Culture is the opposite, highly connected to public and private happenings around the continent, and directly involved with national, international, local, and personal politics both overtly and covertly.


The major Goblin Culture holidays are:

  1. science festival
  2. religious festival
  3. comedy festival
  4. winter festival
  5. autumn festival

Manual Prompt:What is the holiday?

Manual Prompt:When is it held?

Manual Prompt:What does it represent?

Manual Prompt:How is it celebrated or marked?

Manual Prompt:What economic barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What social barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What legal barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What are the popular holiday destinations?

Manual Prompt:What are the popular holiday activities?

Gender and Gender Roles

Goblin Culture does not make use of gender, at least not in ways most would consider to be genders. While most Elvenoid species, despite being hermaphroditic, do have genders based on behavioral preferences which create gender roles within their societies, goblins appear to only care about one's reproductive preferences. They have three genders which are called Vá̄, Yeés, and Dīb̪v; in SYlvin these terms translate as "Top", "Bottom", and "Switch" and refer to wether one prefers the male or female reproductive roles (or has no such preference). These terms are used as the names of genders, as well as gendered pronouns which mean "I" and are used to convey one's personal preferences to others simply by speaking on any subject.

These genders are assigned by the individuals who claim them, generally after youthful experimentation. Before determining their personal preference a Goblin speaks of themselves in the third person using their name. This system clashes with immigrents who are not biological Goblins, but rather than adapt it Goblin CUlture has elected to add the pronoun/role "Yaŵ" which simply means "forign" (and generally translated as "Adult making up their mind" rather than "not one of us".).

While there are no social prescripts for people based on their gender within Goblin Culture, it does psudo-require certain ritualistic bodymodifications, tattoos, and piercings based on gender (and personal preferences relating to gender). This system is an entire language which they call Yāerīō (Translation: Soul Reveal // Inner Self Confession). This language is extreemly complex and used to visualy communicate such detailed concepts as one's sexual orientation, favored activities (sexual and otherwise), general beliefs, life acomplishments, and personal honors given by higher powers.


Yāerīō, while exceptionally complex to the point of being impossible to be fluent in if one was not born into or raised by Goblin Culture, can be understood by other cultures if only to limited degrees. The major elements of Yāerīō are discussed below. The text has been sealed behind an age-gate charm to prevent minors and the squeamish from being exposed. Those of age who wish to learn a minimal overview of Yāerīō can simply tap the indicated location below to remove the cencer.

The easiest element of Yāerīō to understand is the individual's gender role (Due to Goblins minimal dress, these modifications are often easily seen if one is looking for them. Many Goblins living outside of Goblin lands will dress more conventionally for the comfort of others (they hate being rude), but given their preference for minimal, loose, thin clothing, you cna often times tell regardless.). This is accomplished through body piercings and bodymodification. The following information is accurate for Elvenoids (and hermaphrodites of other species groups) only. Individuals of species that are not hermaphroditic have their own dialect.

  1. Vá (Top)
    1. Vaginal Modifications - Alchemical solutions are used to enlarge a Vá's' clitoris to approximately the size of an unerect phallus when in its own erect state, while also shrinking the labia and pubic mount as much as possible. A series of barbell piercings are used to close the vaginal opening tightly enough to prevent ingress, but not so much as to cause discomfort. Chain piercings, rings, and other decorative elements are then used to decorate the clitoral hood. The statement being made is that the organ is decorative, a thing of beauty to look at, while also adding masculinity to the organ which just so happens to result in added pleasure while using their male organs due to arousal causing contact between both sets of sex organs.

    2. Penial Modifications - A Vá's phallus is often left unmodified, though many individuals elect to have small metal beads and/or ribs implanted under the skin at strategic locations in order to enhance the pleasure of their partners. More extreme Vás may choose a complete surgical or alchemical shape alteration for cosmetic purposes. However, all Vás will use alchemist supplements to enhance the size of their testicles to create a notable bulge when dressed, as well as to add a decent amount of mass/volume. This is to induce a pendulum-like effect during intercourse as Goblin Yeés greatly enjoy the effect.

    3. Breast Modifications - Vá will often take supplements or alchemical substances to shrink the natural size of their breasts. They never remove them, but will ensure they are notably smaller than their natural state. This is not for sexual reasons, but rather to make cuddling with a romantic partner easier. Particularity from the front.

  2. Yeés (Bottom)
    1. Vaginal Modifications - Yeés will make use of surgical and alchemical solutions to greatly enlarge their vaginal mound, lips, and labia. Often to the point of resulting in them walking with a slight waddle and shuffle. While the visual appearance is appealing to Goblins, the primary purpose is to create a stronger feminine phenomenal signature than their masculine phenomenal signature. Many non-goblins believe goblin body odors smell like various fruits due to this modification. For the record, a more masculine goblin's scent is floral in nature while a balanced goblins's odor is similar to a sea-breeze.

    2. Penial Modifications - A Yeés phallus is often alchemically reduced in size to a point where it's use in penetration is simply impossible, but it can still be used in a fashion akin to a "handle" for maneuvering them by. This is almost universally coupled with castration, though many Yeés opt for alchemical size reduction for the sake of aesthetics. In either case, extensive body piercings are used to make the feature appear decorative, in a inverse of the Vá's vaginal modifications.

    3. Breast Modifications - Yeés are prone to alchemical breast enlargement, particularly when coupled by surgical installation of magically grown tendons and muscle groups to serve as an in-built brazier. Even if size is not increased, Yeés universally alchemicaly alter their bust to have an exceptionally soft state which is often described as "sloshy". This is entirely due to ancient Goblin cultural practices which emphasized "bounce" is a means of expressing femininity. Over time the modern tradition evolved from Yeés attempting to out-do one another to get more attention from dominate partners. While Yeés prioritize volume as part of their gender expression, their chests can be easily and comfortably bound nearly completely flat due to the softness. Yeés warriors often do so before donning armor or working out.

  3. Dīb̪v (Switch)
    1. Vaginal Modifications - Dīb̪v use a hybrid of both other groups modifications, applying the general size increases universally, forgoing closing the opening with piercings, and go a step further in that they often add ring piercings around their labia and inner thighs expressly to bind themselves open with ribbons, or close themselves off (also with ribbon) as the mood takes them.

    2. Penial Modifications - Dīb̪v typically leave their male organs unmodified, though many will make use of the simple implants which are popular with Vás.

    3. Breast Modifications - Dīb̪v experienced some cultural frustration when trying to find a means of expressing their gender with the top half of their body. Reducing size is masculine, increasing size is feminine, Dīb̪v seek to express both at once. The generally determined answer was to alchemicaly increace their bust's size slightly larger than Yeés do, while ensuring their mass takes on a semi-firm state. Rather than a means of expressing masculine or feminine traits this act appears to be to allow up to two partners to use the Dīb̪v's chest as a comfortable pillow when (literally) sleeping with one another.

The next easiest element to understand are the modifications made to express different occupations and social roles.

  1. Chief - Goblin Chiefs will have their ears notched and surgically altered to tack back rather than stick out to the sides. This gives them a look of toughness, and also has them appear to be generally in thought as Goblin ears tick back when concentrating.

  2. Princess - Goblin Princesses (Which are not the Chief's child, but rather the tribe's universally agreed to be the kindest, sweetest, prettiest little thing that should just be doted on and generally loved by the tribe and in charge of planning festivals and other tribal events) often take special dietary supplements to widen their hips to create a more "rolling" gait as they walk, which is seen as cute in Goblin culture. They universally have their ears alchemical grown to about twice the normal size pierce their ears with elaborate ring, bar, and chain designs unique to their tribe which serve as something equivalent to a flag or standard. This is seen by most goblins as not only adorable, but also cool.

  3. Witch - Goblin Witches (Which serve as the tribe's shaman) make use of elaborate tattooing, with full body patterns that cover everything but the soules of their feet. These tattoos are to be on display as much as possible, and appear to serve as a Totem, as exposure to the sun charges them with magical energy that the Witch can then use as she pleases. Consequently, witches dress only when the weather demands such, and have attendants to carry any tools they need (these attendants are always with the witch.)

  4. Chosen of Tol - Chosen of Tol are individuals personally chosen by the Goddess Tol to live in/at one of the Goddess's sacrad sites, shrines, or temples. As a sign of devotion to Tol, and means of showing their vows to never have children of their own, Chosen have their testis and ovaries removed and scarified to Tol, who will use their potential life energy to further develop Lin Forest. More devout individuals will have their belly permanently swollen as if pregnant as a symbol of fertility (Tol's primary nature element), their devotion, and as a sacrifice (In Tol's eyes, the foot pain, cramps, and other discomforts resulting from this practice is absolutely a sacrifice worth a single miracle with no stipulations.)

  5. Hunter - Goblin Hunters will have their finger and toenails removed. Their digits are then alchemicaly modified to develop either canine or feline claws (individuals' preference). These are symbolic of their roles as predictors. Many hunters also alchemicaly suppress their body's ability to produce and store fat, making them extremely lean and muscular in appearance (as all goblins are beneath their outer layer of brown fat.). This is to show their dedication to feeding and protecting their tribe.

  6. Mbaw̄äsńawc~gé˥ - Mbaw̄äsńawc~gé˥ (Translation: Human Lover (not a pejorative)) are Goblins who are simply not attracted to their own kind due to preferring vastly taller partners. These Goblins are known for doing everything possible to increase their height just enough to not look like a child to the eyes of taller peoples. As Goblins average just over half the height of a human, this usually requires a gain of at least 10cm. It also seems to be largely unnecessary as no one could mistake a Goblin's figure for that of a child. More than likely this practice arose from Goblins often wishing to look attractive by their own standards outside of modifications made for expressing their gender.

One should note that while Goblin Culture goes as far as to surgically and alchemically modify their bodies to fit into roles their culture has defined, this is celebratory, not exclusionary. Goblins delight in their differences and do as they do to show them off to one another. There is no classism, sexism, or elitism resulting from this behavior. At least, not amongst goblins themselves. Other species aside from Goblins who are a part of Goblin Culture often feel such things based on their gender roles.

This is distressing to Goblins, so much so that when an individual who is not biologically a goblin is able to replicate their own behavior in this aspect the Goblins reward the individual by declaring them a Goblin and referring to them exclusively as such. This is a rare honor.

Universal Fears

The top five most common fears found within Modern Goblin Culture's members are:

  1. Aberrations
  2. Forgin Governments deciding to attempt a conquest of Lin
  3. Disruptions to the brewing industry
  4. Friends learning of their romantic attraction to them
  5. Failing to find a Romantic Partner

The top five most common fears found within Traditional Goblin Culture's members are:

  1. Wood Elves
  2. Imperial Tourists shaming/attacking their members over Goblin Cultural Norms
  3. Disruptions to the brewing industry
  4. Getting stuck in something without a romantic interest nearby
  5. Failing to help their non-goblin neighbors when they are in need

Money and Wealth

In Goblin Culture culture, wealth and money are seen as tools, nothing more, nothing less. The poor distantly admire the wealthy, seeing them as examples of what they might one day achieve for themselves, while the wealthy have no real opinions on the poor. Opportunities for social mobility exist for everyone who cares to try and climb the ladder, and the elites of Goblin Culture communities possess the majority of the wealth. Not that this matters to the mostly communal Goblins, as the wealthy spend their money on their friends anyways. Broadly speaking, education is available to all of society, career options are plentiful for all, homes and family-related infrastructure available to everyone, healthcare is not only free but likely on your person (due to the brewing industry being Goblin run almost all Goblins carry healing potions at all times as they are freely given out), and anyone who is reasonably attractive (physically, mentally, or both) can gain social or political power.

Food, Meals, and Mealtime

Goblin Culture's members typically eat one large meal at noon with many small personal snacks throughout the day, which are eaten communally, with all nearby families pitching in for each meal. This is due to the tribal nature of Goblin Culture, everyone knows everyone (even if a tribe ahs hundreds of members) and Goblin Tribes are simply giant polyamorous families (by the standards of other cultures). Consequently, everyone eats together. The single large meal is simply how Goblins prefer to eat. They could easily get by on a single meal a day, but as Goblins adore snacks (and are frequently hungry and thirsty from rigorous physical activity) they adopted a practice of regularly "topping off the fule tank" as they say.

A large portion of the Goblin diet is entirely inedible to other species. This is due to Goblins being immune to poison and disease and able to bite and chew through substances which are no harder than sandstone. Consequently, Goblins enjoy using metal dust, wood chips, small stones, poisonous plants, and more in their cuisine. However, they are aware that their normal diet would kill other peoples, and as they also enjoy more conventionally edible substances, their meals and snacks are exclusively made to be safe for everyone. Other things goblins like to eat are added by the individual before they consume it. Or for dishes such as the "Black Crate Special Pilaf" (A rice-based dish cooked in the acid from a dead lead-acid battery), Goblins prepare it on its own while warning any non-goblin that the dish is deadly to them and it is being made to order for an individual.

The typical dishes of the Goblin Culture peoples are: pilafs, kebabs, stews, noodles, tandyr flatbreads and savory pastries. Rice and stewed vegetable dishes are more elaborately spiced than most other cultures equivalent dishes. Some common ingredients and flavors include generous use of tail fat from sheep, onion, hot peppers, black pepper, cumin, sesame seed, nigella, basil, cilantro, parsley, mint and dill. These are used in all sorts of dishes including soups, salads and pilafs. Tea is the most popular beverage, after anything with alcohol in it (especially fermented teas). Traditional dishes are generally soups, grilled meats, mastaba, manty, pilov, and samsa. A meal typically begins with tea or fresh flat bread, followed by soup or pulled noodles . The main course is often a pilov dish with meat, rice and carrots.

Goblin Culture culture has several prominent music festivals and arcane festivals, which are culinarily significant due to a part of the festivals being reserved for use in a right of passage for youths who have recently come of age, which involves consuming a particular dish. This dish is primarily jsut an excuse to haze a new tribe member by making them eat something that looks and tastes gross to Goblins. Non-Goblins should note it's just black licorice.

Goblins consider intercourse during a meal to be rude, as it makes everyone feel the need to rush through eating incase they're asked to "tag in" or otherwise join. Polite dining etiquette is fairly simply. THe meal is to be consumed while conversing with others. One simply abides by this rule, cleans up after themselves, then gives the cooks a hug or kiss thank you to conclude the meal.

Manual Prompt:What behavior is polite while eating?

Manual Prompt:What superstitions are there about food?

Manual Prompt:What rites of passage are there around food?


Goblin Culture's members typically prefer to work and relax for roughly even amounts of time. So they do. Goblins do not complicate their lives in the ways most peoples tend to. They see no point in the accumulation of wealth in ways that would prevent you from using that wealth immediately. Consequently, Goblins are masters of profiting from their hobbies and finding sources of passive income. They're also masters of living without any need for money at all, and are content to switch between consumer and non-consumer as the winds take them. Gnolls hate this about Goblins.

Popular adult pastimes include:

  1. sports
  2. wood carving
  3. lace making
  4. drawing
  5. witchcraft

Popular pastimes for children include:

  1. martial arts
  2. mental training
  3. physical training
  4. gardening
  5. brewing
  6. One should note that Goblins are children for but 4 years before becoming biological adults, and are culturally seen as adults at 6 years old. Given how brief goblin childhood is, most of a child's time is spent learning. Unlike all other known species, Goblin Children seem to like nothing more than learning, studying, and mastering concepts. This is undoubtedly due to Wood Elven's design specifications.

Charity and Wellfare

In Goblin Culture culture acts of charity are so common, Goblins don't have a word for it. In their culture, acts of Charity are simply what someone does whenever someone else is lacking something they want or need, and you have that thing in abundance, or even simply an extra one.

General wellfare is impeccable. Goblins do not have any hungry, impoverished, or sickly citizens. Not one person comes into such situations in the first place. They do have a large homeless population, but this is by choice of the individual, as many Goblins enjoy existing alone in nature (coming to town every so often for socialization and supplies). Imperial Explores searche dhigh and low for even a trace of needy groups within Goblin culture and found only one: Goblins who do not have their species's normal sex drive. Rather they have a more conventional one. Even these Goblins are cared for and respected. Typically by arranging a marriage between them and someone they fancy from a non-Goblin community. The Ordos Scholatoria's official statement on Goblin Welfare is simply that it doesn't exist because it dosn't need to.

This attitude towards people within their communities fully explains Traditional Goblin Culture's outrage at problems experienced by their non-goblin neighbors and, consequently their constant interventions. Effectively, Goblins are exclusive providers of Welfare, as their culture does not require the concept, and the lack of what they see as basic decency outrages them.

Health, Fitness, and Beauty Standards

Goblin Beauty Standards are impossible to quantify. Fortunately, their health standards are simple. If a Goblin can catch an animal at no smaller than her own size on her own without difficulty, without the use of tools or traps, or outsmarting it, but simply by running for it, catching up, and grabbing hold, she is in shape and healthy. If she can’t do this, she’s likely sick and needs rest, attention, and soup!

In terms of Mental Health, Goblin Culture's general kind, loving, and welcoming state results in even extreme mental health disorders having little to no trouble being a part of society. Non-Goblins often send their mentaly ill to Goblin tribes (if they do not have objections to goblins promiscuous nature) for therapeutic purposes. Many of these people recover or improve noticeably. Though these effects don't last for long after leaving and most people cannot stand to be in Goblin Culture controlled settlements for long.

Goblins prefer to treat their sick and infirm with alchemy. There is a potion for nearly any aliment, physical or mental. If requested or necessary, Goblins will find it, fetch it, and provide it to those in need. No questions asked. This is due to their general belief that suffering is to be cured. That no one deserves to be in pain (unless enjoy it, of course). That physical disability is not part of identity, but damage to be repaired. This vie often offends many, but Goblins do not mean hostility through such actions. They see a Sylvin child growing up unable to walk as horrifying, since a Goblin Child unable to walk would have been alchemicaly or magically healed as soon as the symptoms manifested. Thus, no Goblin ever remembers being physically disabled if they were as children. Adults who become disabled are healed as soon as possible as well.


Manual Prompt:Which personality traits are valued?

Manual Prompt:Which personality traits are disliked?

Manual Prompt:How are these preferences seen in society?

Manual Prompt:How do valued traits feed into life goals?

Manual Prompt:How are those with valued/unvalued traits treated differently?


Manual Prompt:What is expected of the patriotic in times of war?

Manual Prompt:What is expected of the patriotic in times of peace?

Manual Prompt:What are the consequences for unpatriotic behavior in times of war?

Manual Prompt:What are the consequences for unpatriotic behavior in times of peace?

Manual Prompt:What are the rewards for patriotic behavior?

Manual Prompt:What level of patriotism is legally required?

Manual Prompt:What are some examples of extreme patriotism?


Goblins celebrate diversity to the degree of having an entire visual language devoted to allowing everyone to know exactly what kind of person you are just by looking at you. It is almost pointless to discuss diversity within Goblin Culture, which ironically makes it worth discussing. Those interested in the Hyper Individualism found within the Goblin's oddly conformist wrapper should await the publication of many Scholarly Articles in the Journal ANthropology dedicated to this topic.

Integration and Exclusion

Goblins delight in differences, and consequently welcome everyone into their culture. At least, on a trial basis. Many sex-crazed individuals form other cultures move to Goblin lands assuming life is a constant devient orgy. This is not the case. While promiscuous, delighting in fetishes, and loath to shame others, Goblins are just as creeped out by devient non-goblins as anyone else. Possibly more so, as many Goblins say such people "feel" wrong even from a distance.

This appears to be due to Glbins seeing sex not as anything forbidden or taboo, but a simple activity. Thus those who desire it greatly while also seeing enguaging in it as disruptive, taboo, and forbidden, and delight int he idea of breaking those taboos, are in exact opposision to the Goblin view on sex, friendship, and all other interpersonal relations.

Goblin culture functions on concent, just like every other culture. While it is extremely unlikely for a well rested Goblin to say no to any given proposition, if she does, members her culture will never press the issue, nor take it personally. The most common assumption is she simply has something important to do, just finished, is hungry, or any combination of the three. People who do take a simple no as a personal attack trigger great alarm within anyone from Goblin Culture.

This is a subset of the one group of people that Goblin Culture will not abide. People who delight in the perverse. Rapists, general creeps, and pedophiles belong to this despised group and form the whole of those who have been ejected from Goblin communities. Many people who live near Goblin communities will ostracize anyone who came to the area to partake of Goblin culture, only to be rejected. This is due to the general understanding the average Eyomic citizen has of Goblin culture.

The average citizen understands that sex and sexuality is a matter of friendship to goblins, and goblins understand that for the rest it is reserved for special somones. While both groups think the other is crazy, there is respect and understanding. This allows both groups to recognise common enemies as genuinely respulsive individuals.

Consequently, neither group will offer forgiveness towards these individuals. The best bet for someone rejected from Goblin Culture is to move far, far away.

Aspirations And Goals

Modern Goblin Culture has a few limited goals. The most aspiring of their civilization desire to please Tol with their daily worship enough to be remembered in some way. Typically as a name engraved into a shrine. The greatest of honors is to have a new species of plant named for them. This honor is reserved for the true greats of their society: Warriors who defeat an invading army, Queens who guide the nations through a cataclysm, princesses who become the princess of more than 8 tribes, great inventors, and individuals of similar cultural impact.

Traditional Goblin Culture is quite different. They generally seek to have a loving family, which in Goblin Terms means a more human-like romantic relationship with their best friend (Which is never monogamous. Goblins see limiting your partner to sex with only you as cruel.). This is due to the influence of other cultures playing at the Goblins repressed romantic sides. Many Goblin villages within Traditional culture allow such things as public handholding, kissing, and picknicks. Modern Goblin Culture wouldn't be caught dead permitting such things in public settings.


Some superstitions common to Goblin Culture culture are:

  1. Red clothing magically attracts projectiles. (Potentially true, testing is ongoing.)
  2. Returning directly home after a wake will cause the departed to haunt your home.
  3. Placing eating utensils down atop food brings death to the owner of the house. (This appears to be why goblins live in tents.)
  4. Opening an umbrella indoors will make your roof leak.
  5. Birds landing on your shoulder are good luck.

Manual Prompt:Create origins for each.

Bad Manners and Insults

Things widely seen as bad manners within Goblin Culture culture are:

  1. Being noisy.
  2. Telling white lies.
  3. Forcing your way into a conversation.
  4. Disrespect of the elderly.
  5. Blocking store isles with shopping carts while shopping.

Some commonly used insults in Modern Goblin Culture culture are:

  1. hand holder
  2. dead fish
  3. smelly
  4. baby
  5. Wood Elf (Can instantly cause a fight.)

Some commonly used insults in Traditional Goblin Culture culture are:

  1. slowpoke
  2. Queen
  3. smelly
  4. gnoll head
  5. Wood Elf (Will instantly cause a fight.)

Family Structures

Golin families are called tribes and are led by a chief. The Chief of a tribe is however has made the best decisions for the health, safety, prosperity, and morall of the tribe over the last 10 years. Should that person be someone other than the current Chief, the Chieftainship is transferred to the new individual. If it is not, they continue to rain so long as they are doing a good job.

The Chief's say is final, but their power is not absolute. The tribe's Elder Witch is of equal importance, and is the spiritual heart of the tribe as a whole. Within Modern Goblin Culture, the Elder Witch is always a priestess of Tol. Within Traditional Goblin Culture, the Elder Witch may rever and proselytize for any diety living or dead, and even nature spirits (but never the kami). The Elder Witch's job is to advise the Chief, lead the Tribe in arcane and divine matters and has the authority to divert labor and resources as needed for those matters.

The third and final leader of goblin Tribes is the Princess. The Princess is, to use the directly translated Goblin Term, a "precious bean" who the tribe provides for, dotes on, and generally loves as if they were a minor deity. It is the duty of the Princess to ensure the tribe is cheerful and has everything they need to be happy. They can organize festivals, sporting events, game nights, and all forms of group entertainment that must be scheduled. They may direct resources and labor for these purposes but almost never need to as almost all goblins will volunteer to make a princess's idea happen before she even needs to start planing the details. Do not let this fool you. Princesses are cunning planners and make for excellent strategists in times of war. They also serve as Goblinkind's generals, because after all, ending wars makes everyone happier (Except hobgoblins, which is part of why the two goblin families parted ways.).

Family is everything to Goblins, in that their tribes are functionally families. In Modern Goblin Culture, there are no children in tribes, only adults. Children are dropped off at the nearest settlement to be raised by specialists in childrearing. Once the child comes of age, they will choose a tribe they like the sound of and travel to their new home where they will be accepted, hazed, and loved as a member of the family.

Traditional Goblin Culture is different in that parents raise their children together (with the whole tribe helping out and ensuring each child has dozens of aunts). As goblins do not suffer genetic issues from in breeding, they do not typically send their children away and the tribe simply grows with the younger generations hooking up with one another in romantic relationships in due time. This process makes Traditional Tribes far larger in numbers, and results in them eventually settling down as agriculture will be needed to sustain their population.

For both Goblin Cultures, romance is a very personal and intimate affair. No one would dare interfere with a goblin attempting to find their romantic partner. Unlike other cultures romances, Goblin ROmances are purely about finding someone you personally love so much you cannot live without. Due to their culture's attituded on sex, romance is entirly divoeced from it. Physical attraction plays no part. It is all about the person within the body, who they are, what they do, how they do it. Some say Goblins care only for their soulmate, and given how rare it is for a goblin to feel romantic love (some never do) this may be true.

Rejection is accordingly extremely painful. Goblins are known to languish in depression and apathy for months after a rejection in a near comatose state, requiring help eating, drinking, and other simple daily necessities. Acceptance is something so wondrous that many Goblins never leave the "honeymoon phase" of a relationship due to the sheer delight of having met the one, and being accepted in turn. As such, Romance is incredibly taboo to most Goblins. They will not discuss it freely, and most communities don't even allow it to be seen in public, lest it make those without fall back into depression, and provide those who will never see it themselves with false hope.

In Modern Goblin Culture, romantic partners take trips away from the tribe to engage in their general activities with one another, and generally sleep together (in the platonic sense of the term). Their relationship will be recorded in their body art, for all know how deeply personal it is, and would never begrudge them the right to show their relationship in their flesh. It is simply the acts of public affection which are taboo.

In Traditional Goblin Culture, romantic partners are often allowed to do as they please in public. This is largely due to the much larger population pools allowing most people more than one potential soulmate, and their proximity to other peoples means not finding a goblin you love simply necessitates getting a job in that nearby town to meet someone there. Romantic Partners tend to get their own smaller tents which they erect near (or even as an addition to) their mutual friend groups main tent. This gives their villages and camps a hub-and-wheel design for any given structure, with common rooms in the center of each home, and small spaces for lovers to just be with one another (and any friends they both fancy at the moment).

Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood

In Modern Goblin Culture, pregnancy is a daily affair. Part of the ritual worship of Tol is intentionally becoming pregnant, then offering the fresh potential life to the goddess, who will use it as she sees fit within her domain. Pregnancy for reproduction's sake is rare, and scheduled so children can be delivered near a settlement with good childrearing services. It's largely seen as a logistics headache, but one necessary to keep Lin Forest healthy, strong, and growing.

In Traditional Goblin Culture, pregnancy is seen as a wedding announcement. As goblins can control their fertility, pregnancy only occurs when two people wish to have a child together. Therefore, the culture has deceived the best way to announce their partnership is through mutual babybumps (or via a single pregnancy if one partner is not a hermaphrodite, or otherwise unable to reproduce as a female). The entire tribe will throw a party and help the new mother(s) through the entire experience. Once the children are delivered, the entire tribe acts as their parents together. In Traditional Goblin Culture, a child knows who their biological parents are, but sees them more as best friends. The entire tribe is their parent. This system works well for biological goblins, but not so much for children of other species. For them, Goblins will designate one of their number as that individuals mother, who will then proceed to be the best parent she can be for the child. Everyone else has to settle for being the child's aunt. Typically this is chosen via drawing straws.

Coming of Age

Goblins mature biologically at four years of age. Their childhoods were vastly accelerated by design to ensure they would always be in high supply. Consequently, Goblins don't celebrate coming of age. It's hardly a milestone to them. They instead celebrate accomplishments. The first epiphany relating to the interconnection of mature. The first successful hunt. THe first quality piece of art. The first meal cooked. The first book read. Anything which one might see as a part of life, a goblin child has been praised, treated, rewarded, and even celebrated for doing.

The transition to adulthood is simple. At six years of age, after all necessary skills have been taught to a child and they can pass a basic exam on their culture's ways, laws, and display critical thinking, the child is an adult. They are given a stiff drink and two hours with any willing adult to loose their virginity, then for Modern Goblin Culture choose a tribe to join based on all of the pamphlets, and for Traditional Culture, choose something to begin specializing in as a career.

Life changes as minimaly as possible for goblin parents. The idea is that children should be a joy and never a burdon. So the whole tribe shoulders that burdon so it's felt less by everyone. Thereby maximizing the joy. It works for them.

Rites of Passage

While goblin culture's rights of passage have been explained in detail elsewhere, Goblin Funerals are quite important.

When a Goblin dies, be it age or violence, her body is ritualisticly disposed of by her whole tribe. The body si cleaned, repaired through magic to appear whole, and layed on a sleeping cot in the center of the village. A party is thrown in the deceased's honor, which lasts until every tribe member has recounted their fondest memories of the decideced (this can occasionally take several days). Once this is compleated, the tribe's witches take the body to a spot special to the deceased in life (Preserving the corpse for as long as needed, even if this takes years). There the corpse is transmuted into the deceased's favorite species of plant, where it will live on for as long as nature permits.