Magic: Restricted Spells

Magic: Restricted Spells

Restricted Spells

This document lists three kinds of spells: those which exist in Eyom but work diffrently (adjusted Spells), those which do not exist in the setting at all (banned spells), and those which exist, but are not easily avalible to players and NPCs (Restricted Spells). Adjusted Spells will be listed by name, followed by what changes are made. Banned Spells are simple lists. Restricted Spells will be listed by name, and state who can use these spells.

If a Player has access to one of these spells by any class or race feature, the following is done depending on how the caragory the spell falls into. Adjusted Spells are used as they are stated in this document. Banned Spells are to be replaced with something else not from this list, or something the GM comes up with that dosn't violate the rules presented in this document. Restricted spells may be given to a PC or NPC if they meet the requirment, or if they directly gain it via a class / racial ability. Otherwise, the spell is treated as a Banned Spell.

The spells contained below are here due to violating one of two principals: Either they depend on cosmic elements of the world which no longer exist within Eyom, or could be used to allow Irus to escape and are thus negated by the God Wall, destroyed by the Kami, or even eraced from existance entirly by other forces.

Many restricted spells are simply illegal for obvious reasons. They can still be obtained, just not legaly.

Adjusted Spells

Banishment - If the target is an outsider bound to the material plane, it just sends them back to their house.

Blend - The spell is no longer racist and works for everyone, not just elves.

Break Enchantment - Has no effect on blood magic based curses.

Cultural Adaptation - If used to allow someone to communicate with Goblins, they also gain a Goblin's sex drive for the duration of the spell. If used to communicate with Goblins in Lin Forest there is a 25% chance the altered drive becomes permanent.

Curse Terrain, Supreme - Functions, but if used in Lin Forest Tol herself will come kill you.

Cursed Earth - Works as intended, but setting foot in Lin Forest while knowing this spell will cause Tol to manifest and preemptively kill you.

Detect Demon - Also tells you the demon's exact alignment (many demons are now good aligned, this is per individual, not per species).

Dismissal - If the target is an outsider bound to the material plane, it just sends them back to their house.

Divine Vessel - Works as intended, but has a 10% chance of becoming permanent. 25% chance for mythic individuals. This chance only applies if the spell is cast without intetnionaly attempting to gain the power. This is due to a contingency plan left running by the Old Gods to restock on angelic warriors.

Elemental Speech - Functions as normal, but largely unnecessary. Most Elementals have learned to speak common trade languages.

Enhance Water - Can also turn water into juice, soda, and any other non-dairy beverage (You know, for kids.).

Fey Gate - Ordinarily this spell does nothing, but for Clerics it teleports them to a random Kitsune's house.

Gate - Known in Eyom as "The Old God's Mercy". Spell functions, but the gate's other end is always the same location which a sphere of annihilation leads to. The spell also sucks the caster through the gate with no save. According to legend, if Irus ever casts the spell, upon his death and the gate closing the God Wall will dissipate and any Old Gods who decide to return can then do so.

Half-blood Extraction - As there are no Orcs, this spell instead can transform any half-blooded anything into a full blooded creature of the target's choice.

Homeward Bound - Only works on outsiders who were not drawn to Eyom and merged with the material plane.

Infernal Challenger - Requires meeting a breaded devil and arranging a contract with it for its services.

Jungle Mind - Functions exactly as intended, with the added non-magical effect that Goblins find you irressitably alluring, attractive, and romantic while under its effects.

Legend Lore - This spell is now a ritual casting, requiring 5 people and 100,000 gp of diamond dust with which one must draw an elaborate series of arcane runes and circles. It takes 2d4 months to complete the casting, and you must be within the location in question for the duration of the spell. Once complected, it can give you the name of the location, and its general purpose as a vague sentence long descriptor. The spell is almost never used aside from those trying to finish developing it.

Miracle - Functions, but only for those with a patron, and requires personal permission from one's patron to use as it is very power intensive. Attempting to cast will first open a communications link between caster and patron to negotiate the use. If the patron says no, the spell fails and the energy is consumed.

Oasis - Functions normally, but if used in Lin Forest Tol will send an avatar to kill you.

Planar Ally - Functions, but most have made a contract with the planar creature ahead of time.

Planar Inquiry - Calls an outsider bound to the prime, the outsider can be encountered int he world (and may be quite miffed about being summoned).

Plane Shift - This is now a ritual spell requiring 10,000 GP of crushed emerald dust. The spell will function, but only for non-mythic material planar natives of less than level 10 (More powerful entities attempting to use it are interdicted by the God Wall, but less powerful things can squeak by). Planeshift has a 35% chance of taking you to the wrong type of planar shard all together, a 50% chance of allowing you access to the correct planar shard, and a 15% chance of thrusting you randomly through the planes, spitting you out somewhere on the material plane within Eyom, with your physical body having been mutated in the process.

Read Magic - Cannot be used to decipher Z̚oman texts.

Songbird - Functions, but targets a planar entity on the mortal plane who will be compelled to sing or otherwise perform. (Many will send the caster a bill for this intrusion later).

Summon Accuser - Spell will not work without having previously met an Accuser who agreed to be summoned by you previously in a proper contract. Each summoning will require the Accuser be paid a fair wage for the labors rendered, which will have been specified in the contract.

Weaponwand - Duration is permanent.

Banned Spells

Akashic Communion - The Akashic Record no longer exists in a form which can be read.

Akashic form - The Akashic Record has been sealed. This spell cannot function.

Ancestral Regression - Drow do not exist.

Anywhere But Here - Does not exist.

Astral Projection - Interdicted by the God Wall.

Bestow Planar Infusion - There is no longer residual planar energies on which to draw.

Condensed Ether - There is no longer residual planar energies on which to draw.

Cosmic Ray - Interdicted by the God Wall.

Discern Location - Interdicted by the God Wall.

Form of the Alien Dragon - Never invented.

Freedom - Interdicted by the God Wall, and kills the caster.

Hasten Judgment - Spell is interdicted by the God Wall.

Hellfire Ray - Spell fizzles due to a lack of a hell to send people.

Ignoble Form - Drow do not exist.

Imbue With Addiction - Fully illegal.

Interplanetary Teleport - Never invented, would be interdicted by the God Wall.

Invoke Deity - Has no effect, except for Clerics of Illia, Irus, and Tol, who may still take this spell.

Kiss of the First World - These energies cannot be drawn upon due to damage to the temporal dimension.

Limited Wish - Interdicted by the God Wall.

Malediction - The Hells no longer exist. This spell will always fizzle.

Master’s Mutation - Interdicted by the God Wall.

Prognostication - No longer functions.

Quintessence Mastery - Interdicted by the God Wall.

Rift of Ruin - Does not exist.

Time Stop - Interdicted by the God Wall.

True Prognostication - Does not exist.

Wish - Interdicted by the God Wall.

Restricted Spells

Aboleth’s Lung - Legal, but considered attempted murder if used on someone without consent.

Agonize - Illegal to use on good-aligned outsiders, and any outsider citizens (Except in self defense).

Baleful Polymorph - Restricted to militarily and law enforcement. Adventurers can obtain a permit for use outside of urban areas.

Bestow Curse Legal, but requires a permit. Commonly used as punishment for breaking the law.

Bloatbomb - Ilegle to use within city limits.

Cloudkill - Legal for use if user has a license, and is using it for vermin infestations.

Contagion - Fully illegal. Sentences range from 1-3 years.

Crime Wave - Fully illegal. Use of this spell carries a 3 year sentence.

Curse of the Outcast - Restricted to the courts as a sentence for crimes.

Death Pact - Fully illegal. Use carries the death sentence.

Destruction - Restricted to militarily use.

Disfiguring Touch - Illegal to use on intelligent creatures.

Dominate Person - Fully illegal the world over. Use of this spell ranges from the death penalty to a crippling fine and jail time.

Epidemic - Illegal, carries a death sentence.

Explode Head - Fully illegal to use in any urban area. Reserved for militarily use. Adventurers require a permit.

False Alibi - Semi-illegal. Carries a extra 2 years in prison if used as part of a crime. May be used to hide information from criminal elements and private citizens.

False Resurrection - Illegal to use without the consent of the deceased.

Geas/Quest - Illegal to use on an intelligent creature without consent.

Instant Fake - Legal, but a crime to use as part of a crime, or to deceive law enforcement.

Invisibility - Restricted to militarily, law enforcement, and licensed adventurers. 80 gp permit is required to use this spell in towns.

Life of Crime - Fully illegal. Use carries a death sentence.

Modify Memory - Restricted to militarily and therapeutic use.

Murderous Command - Restricted to militarily and law enforcement use.

Obscure Poison - Illegal, carries a month-long prion sentence.

Overwhelming Poison - Illegal to use outside of fortifying alcoholic beverages.

Phobia - Illegal to use on intelligent life, excepting in self defense.

Plague Carrier - Entirely illegal, 10 year sentence.

Plague Storm - Fully illegal.

Polymorph Any Object - Illegal to use on intelligent life without consent.

Sessile Spirit - Illegal to use on Constructi, or other intelligent constructs (induces great pain).

Song of Discord - Restricted to law enforcement and military use.

Speak with Soul - Functions, provided the person died less than a year ago. The dead cannot discuss their afterlife, only earthy affairs.

Suggestion - Restricted to militarily and law enforcement use.

Transplant Visage - Restricted to medical usage. Carries a 12 year sentence if used as part of a crime.

Wall of Iron - Reserved for militarily use only.

Druid Spells

Druid spells are lost to all but the Wood Elves, who do not share their knowledge. Access to Druid magic, or druidic spells by racial or class abilities is permitted, but only for spells of 3rd level or lower. Many groups are attempting to rediscover druid magic. Knowledge of individual druidic spells is a suitable quest reward for a 5th level (or higher) party who has complected a very difficult quest.