Culture Background Feats

Culture Background Feats

Culture Background Feats

Eyom's cultures have certain qualities to them which ensure one of several traits is present in any given member of their populations. Caracters from these cultures may select from the following lists of feats, wether or not they meet the prerequsites of the feets in question. One feat from this list should be given to a caracter at caracter creation for free if the GM has not given the PC anything in relation to their caracter's background.

Ancient Mountain Culture

Die Hard


A Slayer Talent

Any ranger feat

Dalandic Culture


Adventuring Capitol - You have an arangment with a firm that assists adventuring groups. Should you require capitol for an enterprise, you can get it through them quickly and at a relativly low 8% bond revenue.



Skill Focus

Dwarvern Culture

Improved Stonecunning

Armor Proficiency, Heavy

Armor Proficiency, Super Heavy

Ancestral Weapon Mastery (Combat)

Master Crafstman

Rosid Culture

Deadly Aim

Rapid Reload

Detect Oil


Skill Focus

Gnollish Culture

Persuasive Bribery

Improved Unarmed Strike

Improved Outflank

Merchant's Apprasial - You gain a +2 bonus on any check made to decern the value, quality, and/or newness of any item you examine.

Goblin Culture

Animal Affinity

Animal Ally

Animal Call

Animal Disguise

Improved Sunder

Hobgoblin Culture

Great Aberration Hunter - You gain a +2 bonus to attack, damage, and AC vs abberations, and a +4 bonus to tracking Abberations on the material plane.

Any Combat Feat

Imperial Culture


Persuasive Bribery

Bonded Mind

Great Aberration Hunter - You gain a +2 bonus to attack, damage, and AC vs abberations, and a +4 bonus to tracking Abberations on the material plane.

Iron Elven Culture

Master Craftsman

Arcane Talent

Black Marketeer

Battering Repair

Believer’s Boon

Sylvin Culture

Slayer Talent

Blood Vengeance


Skill Focus

Sharp Senses

Tauric Culture





Improved Overrun

Wareneese Culture

Master Crafstman

Careful Sneak


Create Enhanced Firearm

Zomani Culture


Cypher Script

Skill Focus


Battering Repair