Gamerule: Potioncraft

Gamerule: Potioncraft


Potions in Eyom are far more advanced, versatile, and useful than potions in other settings. This diffrence is great enough to require expanded rules for potion creation. These are those rules.

We will begin by definig our terms. In Eyom, a potion is one or more spells or spell-effects which have been crystalized into a salt, then suspended within a consumable medium (almost always liquid, but solids such as pies, breads, puddings, and even meats via maranades are possible). Eyom's oils are produced in the same way, through disolving a magic salt into suspenshion, but into a non-edible oil rather than a consumable liquid. Like base Pathfinder, oils are applied to the outside of an item to temporarily enchant it. This guide will use the term "potion" from hereon out as all processes which apply to potions also apply to oils.

There are three types of potions in Eyom: Basic, Advanced, and Goblin Brewed.

Basic Potions are a single use consumable item which can duplicate the effect of a spell up to 3rd level which has a casting time of less than 1 minute, and targets one or more creatures or objects. They may not replicate spells which have a Spell Componant (ie: Verbal, Material, Somatic, Focus, etc). Anyone with access to the feat Brew Potion can create a Basic Potion.

Advanced Potions are a single use consumable item which can dupliate the effects of one or two spells up to 6th level that has a casting time of less than 10 minutes, and targets one or more creatures or objects, inccluding spells with a range of personal. They may replciate spells which have a Spell Componant, provided they make use of an herb that can substitute for the componant. They may also twist the effect of a spell to the caster's liking, allowing for specific adjustments, so long as the over all effect remains within the same school. This requires a Craft (Alchemy) check, and one to three herbs attuned to the spell's school.

Goblin Brewed potions are a single use consumable item which can dupliate the effects of up to three spells of up to 6th level which have a casting time of less than 10 minutes, and targets one or more creatures or objects, inccluding spells with a range of personal. They may replciate spells which have a Spell Componant, provided they make use of an herb that can substitute for the componant. They may also twist the effect of a spell to the caster's liking, allowing for specific adjustments, so long as the over all effect remains within the same school. This requires a Craft (Alchemy) check, and one to three herbs attuned to the spell's school.

Advanced Potioncraft

Individuals with access to either Advanced Brewing or Goblin Brewing may make use of the following rules while brewing a potion to augment the potion.

Advanced Potioncraft makes use of herbs to augment potions. Herbs include any animal, vegtable, or mineral which can be used in whole or in part within the alchemical process of potion brewing. Most herbs are actual herbs, hence their name. A herb has two properties, an Attuned School, and a Componant Base. The herb's Attuned School allows it to either be turned into a potion base which can support a magic-effect of that school of magic, or can be used to augment a potion's effect within that same school. A Componant Base means the herb can be used in the brewing process to replace a material componant within a spell (the herb must be at least equal in value to a quarter of the material componant's price).

No potion can use more than 6 herbs total across both its base and infusions. Attempting to do so concentrates too much magic within the potion, and causes it to burn away to nothing, potentialy with devistating magical effects (GM's choice).

Potion Bases

A potion base is created by processing the herb into small chunks, which are boiled to extract their essence, which is then distilled into a potion base. Creating a potion base requires a DC 15 Craft Alchemy check. Failing this check produces a Failed Base, and identifying the base as a Failed Base requires a DC 12 Craft Alchemy check. A Failed Base cannot be used to create the intended potion, and will produce a poision instead.

A potion base can be used to brew a potion with one of the following expanded effects:

  1. Allow for the application of Metamagic Feats to the potion (CA DC 15).
  2. Allow for the spell-effect of the potion to be tweaked to cause a simmilar, but diffrent, effect (CA DC 13).
    1. The GM decides if this change is simple, moderate, or complex. Simple changes require 1 herb and 1 check, moderate requires 2 herbs and 2 checks, and complex requires 3 herbs and 3 checks. Failing any of these checks ruins the potion base.
  3. A potion base can be mixed with a second potion base (result is called a twin-potion base) to allow for the brewing of a spell with two spell effects (CA 15).
    1. If both spell effects are from the same school, two potion bases of the same school created from diffrent types of herbs must be combined.
  4. A twin-potion base can be combined with a potion base to allow three spell-effects within the potion (CA 22).

Subsequent herbs and checks are required to make use of potion bases, the base meerly allows the potion to be more complex than a simple stored spell. A potion base can be refined to allow for the use of more than one of these effects at a time. Each refinment increaces the DC of the craft alchemy check by 5.

Herbal Infusions

Potions made using a base can be infused with herbs. Any herb can be turned into an infusion with a Craft Alchemy check (DC 13). If the check succedes, the infusion can be added to a potion to augment the potion, provided the potion has a spell effect which matches the herb's attunment. If the check fails, the infusion is ruined and the herb is consumed. Identifying a failed infusion requires a DC 13 Craft Alchemy check. Using a failed infusion in a potion turns it into a poison (or turns the potion into a permanant, likly negative, mutagen. GM's choice). Infusions can be prepared in advance and do not spoil.

Infusions have one of the following effects, which are chosen by the brewer at the time the infusion is created and cannot be changed later:

  • Apply a metamagic feat to the potion (CA 10. Requires a meta-base.).
  • Increace the duration of a potion by 1 minute (CA 8).
  • Incrace any roll of the spell by 1 die step (CA 12).
  • Add a secondary or tirshiary spell to the potion (CA 12. Requires a multi-effect base.).
  • Tweak the effects of the potion (CA 10. Requires a tweakable base)

If any check made to add an infusion to the potion fails, the resulting potion can explode (causing an effect of the GM's choice), become a poision of the GM's choice (DC 15 craft alchemy to be aware the potion is poisionous), or become a mutagen of the GM's choice as per a failed infusion.

Potions of Unknown Spells

A potion of a spell unknown to the creator can be attempted. This increaces the potion crafting DC by 5, and requires a potion base of the school of the spell, and one herbal infusion as if to tweak the spell.

Brewing a Potion

Once all bases and infusions have been combined, the crafter simply creates a potion via the normal crafting rules.


The following feats are intended to work with this potion brewing system:

Advanced Brewing

Prerequsite: Brew Potion

Benefit: You can create a potion of any 6th-level or lower spell which targets one or more creatures or objects. Brewing a potion takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise brewing a potion takes 12 hours for each 1,000 gp in its base price. This price is based on a magic item which produces a spell of the same level as the potion's spell. To brew a potion, you must use up raw materials costing one half this base price. You may choose to spend the full price, in which case you create a number of potions equal to 1/2 your level + another potion per 5 points of a Craft (Alchemy check). When you create a potion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level.

You may also make use of the Advanced Potioncraft rules to fine-tune the potion, or to brew a potion of a spell which has a spell componant.

Goblin Brewing

Prerequsite: Brew Potion, Craft Alchemy 5, Race: Goblin (or you can be mentored by a goblin)

Special: Goblin Witches recieve this feat for free if they take Brew Potion, or gain Brew Potion by any other means.

Benefit: You can create a potion of any 6th-level or lower spell which that targets one or more creatures or objects. Brewing a potion takes 1 hour if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise brewing a potion takes 2 hours for each 1,000 gp in its base price. This price is based on a magic item which produces a spell of the same level as the potion's spell. To brew a potion, you must use up raw materials costing one quarter this base price. You may choose to spend half the full price, in which case you create a number of potions equal to your level + another potion per 5 points of a Craft (Alchemy check). When you create a potion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level.

You may also make use of the Advanced Potioncraft rules to fine-tune the potion, add the effects of a second spell to the potion, or to brew a potion of a spell which has a spell componant.