Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Argg Milk

Argg Milk

Argg Milk

Argg milk is a gloopy light grey milk with a dark purple sheen which smells like cinnamon and tastes horrible. . Argg Milk's properties are mostly mundane but augmented with natural magic and is uniquly useful in the creation of paper and paper-like materials. Argg Milk was first discovered by the trader Caw̄̄ Vúnvḗnḱ 'Kitty Coco' Vúnḱ Daw̋ch Mboīr Rē̋ch Sēbō within the Ùki̊so Basin in time immemorial. Caw̄̄ Vúnvḗnḱ 'Kitty Coco' Vúnḱ Daw̋ch Mboīr Rē̋ch Sēbō's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 3rd century.