Arpse Shrub

Arpse Shrub

Arpse Shrub is a shrub simmilar to Hop Tree and Flannel Bush which bears delishious produce. Arpse Shrub's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful to the arcane arts. Arpse Shrub was first discovered by the miner Cä̋ Sēkī 'Nova Elodie' Coú̄sh Bé̄y Goīsh vyim Tæ̝ltunk within the Schyrë-zögie̜ Heathland in time immemorial. Cä̋ Sēkī 'Nova Elodie' Coú̄sh Bé̄y Goīsh vyim Tæ̝ltunk's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 3rd century.