

Cbbwuisite is a lumpy satin predominalty light blue sedimentary rock with dark purple spots. Cbbwuisite's properties are mostly magical in nature, but do make use of its natural makeup and is uniquly useful in the creation of paper and paper-like materials. Cbbwuisite was first discovered by the explorer Ca̋nvé̄r Yó̄kībó 'Ryder Izzy' Ca̋chv Mp̪f̄ Ga̋chvēb vyim Rovuldtræ̝rg within the Ye̜-hid Holt in time immemorial. Ca̋nvé̄r Yó̄kībó 'Ryder Izzy' Ca̋chv Mp̪f̄ Ga̋chvēb vyim Rovuldtræ̝rg's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 1st century.