Diaetidd Offal

Diaetidd Offal

The Diaetidd is a colossal packs-based carnivore. They are most easily described as a melding of a Australian Bulldog, a Redback Spider, and a Black Mamba. The passive's organs holds special properties. Diaetidd Offal's properties are mostly magical in nature, but do make use of its natural makeup and is uniquly useful an alchemical reagent. Diaetidd Offal was first discovered by the knight Méchvō Yoúrmë̌ 'Nadia Quinn' Yawmē̋ch Vúń̄ńr Vú̄boīy hrd Raemka within the Zow-sïwoffi Holt in time immemorial. Méchvō Yoúrmë̌ 'Nadia Quinn' Yawmē̋ch Vúń̄ńr Vú̄boīy hrd Raemka's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 8th century.