Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Eaupsugue Offal

Eaupsugue Offal

Eaupsugue Offal

The Eaupsugue is a colossal packs-based carnivore. A Eaupsugue looks like nothing else, posessing a head covered in thick bone-armor plates, four legs lankey ending in , and a round backside lacking a tail. The creature's organs holds special properties. Eaupsugue Offal's properties are entirly mundane and is uniquly useful in pottery. Eaupsugue Offal was first discovered by the shepherd Vúoīy Yārmp̪f̄ 'Jade Hamsy' Sénvér Mp̪f̄shīb Sé̄kīr Tununzic within the Hëm-liyo Savannah durring the early 13th century in summer of the year 1204.