Eerpnuing Bone

Eerpnuing Bone

The Eerpnuing is a huge herd-based herbavore. They are most easily described as a melding of a Polka Dot Stingray and a Porbeagle Shark. The dosscile's bones holds special properties. Eerpnuing Bone's properties are entirly mundane and is uniquly useful in the creation of paper and paper-like materials. Eerpnuing Bone was first discovered by the adventurer Meletye vyim Rolɑrtɑfilf Trëm Glënm within the O̠w-stye̜ Grasslands in time immemorial. Meletye vyim Rolɑrtɑfilf Trëm Glënm's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 4th century.