Ereddgg Root

Ereddgg Root

Ereddgg Root is a herb simmilar to Thyme and Paprika. Ereddgg Root's properties are mostly magical in nature, but do make use of its natural makeup and is uniquly useful for energy production. Ereddgg Root was first discovered by the mage Ha̋mp̪fé Ermpf̄b 'Rosy Thymessi' Mēb̪fēnḱ Ca̋chī́̄ Mb̪v within the Chyirmzjemu Basin in time immemorial. Ha̋mp̪fé Ermpf̄b 'Rosy Thymessi' Mēb̪fēnḱ Ca̋chī́̄ Mb̪v's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 5th century.