

Ggsiayanite is a glassey smooth glossey predominalty red sedimentary rock with blue ribbons and small glints of dark green. Ggsiayanite's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful to miners. Ggsiayanite was first discovered by the carpenter Mä̋mp̪f̄ Yōsh 'Nikki Violet' Mēoī Yoīkīb Mboú̄̌ Mursell within the Ondko̠nran Vrevruk Heathland in time immemorial. Mä̋mp̪f̄ Yōsh 'Nikki Violet' Mēoī Yoīkīb Mboú̄̌ Mursell's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 2nd century.