Lyr Blood

Lyr Blood

The Lyr is a huge herd-based herbavore. They are most easily described as a melding of a House wren and a Australian Shepherd. The dosscile's blood holds special properties. Lyr Blood's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in the process of bookbinding. Lyr Blood was first discovered by the teacher Ga̋ń̄ Mpf̄b 'Star Marissa' Vúńó̄r Erméchv Cā̌shī Batton Trîg̈g̈ Tshèqtê within the O̠w-stye̜ Grasslands in time immemorial. Ga̋ń̄ Mpf̄b 'Star Marissa' Vúńó̄r Erméchv Cā̌shī Batton Trîg̈g̈ Tshèqtê's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 3rd century.