Oetuea Pansy
Oetuea Pansy is a annual simmilar to Fountain Grass and Ageratum, which is most poisionious. Oetuea Pansy's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in construction. Oetuea Pansy was first discovered by the weaver
Dä̂fta̋g Ya̋ń 'Maeve Erica' Mē̌sh Ermpf̄b Caw̄sh Khizoruh within the
Kûrûha Gu̽mû Savannah in time immemorial. Dä̂fta̋g Ya̋ń 'Maeve Erica' Mē̌sh Ermpf̄b Caw̄sh Khizoruh's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 8th century.