

Oottalite is a streaky rhomboid dark brown crystal with a noticable dark blue shimmer when it catches the light. Oottalite's properties are mostly mundane but augmented with natural magic and is uniquly useful in brewing alcoholic beverages. Oottalite was first discovered by the scholar Jō̋g Mbó̄kīb 'Kira Jojo' Mp̪f̄y Ya̋nvér Da̋mpfé̄ Tastri within the Māshzsíhv Woodlands in time immemorial. Jō̋g Mbó̄kīb 'Kira Jojo' Mp̪f̄y Ya̋nvér Da̋mpfé̄ Tastri's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 3rd century.