Oukggui Weed
Oukggui Weed is a herb simmilar to Fenugreek and Wild thyme, which is most poisionious. Oukggui Weed's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in the construction of watercraft. Oukggui Weed was first discovered by the mage
Ermpfē Rānvéch 'Bug Spring' Mp̪f̄y Da̋g Ha̋mpf̄ Y̼ùco within the
Vow Læbæ Brush in time immemorial. Ermpfē Rānvéch 'Bug Spring' Mp̪f̄y Da̋g Ha̋mpf̄ Y̼ùco's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 8th century.