Ouvmbai Sequoia

Ouvmbai Sequoia

Ouvmbai Sequoia is a ripply black wood with a dark grain. Ouvmbai Sequoia's properties are mostly mundane but augmented with natural magic and is uniquly useful to miners. Ouvmbai Sequoia was first discovered by the traveler Sērmpf̄y Vúrmër 'Flaneuroi Nina' Yākī Mboīy Sé̄ hrd Baketwernel within the Tëcën-davê Woods in time immemorial. Sērmpf̄y Vúrmër 'Flaneuroi Nina' Yākī Mboīy Sé̄ hrd Baketwernel's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 7th century.