Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Pppp Blood

Pppp Blood

Pppp Blood

The Pppp is a medium solitary omnivore. A Pppp looks like nothing else, posessing a head adorned with a crest-like ridge, six legs lankey ending in hooves, and a short tail. The creature's blood holds special properties. Pppp Blood's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in creating perfumes. Pppp Blood was first discovered by the ranger Mp̪vë̋ Mp̪fēy 'Hamsy Skye' Bé̄̄kīy Rāshī̌ Réch Vú̄̄ Joī̋ within the Ùki̊so Basin in time immemorial. Mp̪vë̋ Mp̪fēy 'Hamsy Skye' Bé̄̄kīy Rāshī̌ Réch Vú̄̄ Joī̋'s discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 2nd century.