Pswr Milk

Pswr Milk

Pswr milk is a wattery dark green milk with black ribbons running through it which smells like blackberries and tastes like a tangerine. Side-affects may include fatigue.. Pswr Milk's properties are entirly mundane and is uniquly useful in the creation of rope. Pswr Milk was first discovered by the guard Sē̄ Mp̪fé̄ 'Elite Stunner' Ra̋mē Mpfḗ Cāw̄bōsh Lamberth within the Yet Lō Holt in time immemorial. Sē̄ Mp̪fé̄ 'Elite Stunner' Ra̋mē Mpfḗ Cāw̄bōsh Lamberth's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the late 4th century.