Qceae Duster

Qceae Duster

Qceae Duster is a shrub simmilar to Gumamela and Holly Bushes, which is most poisionious. Qceae Duster's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful to miners. Qceae Duster was first discovered by the rancher Maw̄shīsh Ha̋nvéch 'Ricky Demi' Joīnvé̄ Cōń̄y Yóchīshv Êtêbrí within the Jĭìkyu Zǐn Heathland in time immemorial. Maw̄shīsh Ha̋nvéch 'Ricky Demi' Joīnvé̄ Cōń̄y Yóchīshv Êtêbrí's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 2nd century.