

Qubuisite is a striated very glossey predominalty orange sedimentary rock with dark purple streaks. Qubuisite's properties are entirly magical in nature and is uniquly useful in pottery. Qubuisite was first discovered by the knight Vú̄̄kī̄ Cä̂f̄̄sh 'Ryder Gorgeous' Jóchīr Cōrmē Mbónḱ vyim Mɑnknyi within the Schyrë-zögie̜ Heathland in time immemorial. Vú̄̄kī̄ Cä̂f̄̄sh 'Ryder Gorgeous' Jóchīr Cōrmē Mbónḱ vyim Mɑnknyi's discover was believed to have occured some time durring the early 8th century.